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    MsErin  44, Female, Canada - 4,976 views
Feb 2007
2:08 AM PST

Fucking piece of crap site lost my entry!
1 comment(s) - 01:55 AM - 02/27/2007

    station1977  48, Male, Colombia - 3,868 views
Feb 2010
1:29 PM EDT

33 opssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

33 opsssssssss

    FTF  31, Female, Texas, USA - 3,571 views
Apr 2007
4:32 PM EDT

Things at my school have been going pretty bad because for one My School was on Tv for Oral Sex and Everyone must think we are some boppers!!!:-( My Ex boyfriend was part of that and in September he cheated on me with my home girl and I got over it eventually.She had her baby on April 17th and its a girl.I forgot her name : - ) lol
Okayea should be getting out of Juvinile in 6 months in 6 months and hell be in highschool while i AM IN middle school still *th grade next year,

    x3ncroyle1236x3  37, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 30,133 views
May 2007
9:40 AM EDT

i love computer classes... cuz i sit next to K.M.

    HorseFreak1505101  34, Male, California, USA - 1,791 views
Dec 2006
12:55 PM PDT

xanga main home your private my profile look and feel feedback read subs add me

    potatoenigma  56, Female, Kentucky, USA - 2,464 views
Oct 2007
2:57 PM EST

I have it.. my seven year plan... well if you knew me you would know this is a huge step! I am normally not able to keep my thoughts, dreams or desires going for a minute with out changing to something else. Yes I fly by the seat of my pants. I have decided that I am going to complete my dream. First I will be graduating from college in December of 2009 with two associate degrees( Human Service & Communication), and THree bachelors of Arts in Sociology, Psychology, and HIstory! Why so many degrees you ask? Well do to my screw up as a youngster I have so many credits that it will work to my advance. I am doing it for me and noone else! Course it will look great on my resume:) SOOOOO how does this fall into the seven year plan? I found for my masters that I can combine a Law and a Social Work degree! OKay so I am a little masochistic.. who isn't? I have done some crazy things in my life, and I must say this will be the hardest, accomplishment but the end pay off will be the greatest! Who knows once I graduate I might just follow my fav band around!:)

    seg263  37, Female, Colorado, USA - 4,093 views
Dec 2006
1:07 PM MST

I am establishing an intristac affinity for one of my best male friends, and am afraid to share my true innermost feelings. I saw him a couple nights ago during a visit back east and had a nice time just being with him. I find my mind contemplating the possibilities for the future... but I'm cut short with the reality of the geographical distance of our relationship now. Oh the disappointment and despair of reality...
1 comment(s) - 10:08 AM - 12/15/2008

    AmbBam  41, Female, Texas, USA - 4,249 views
Dec 2006
5:07 PM EST

I dont believe that we pretend to be something we are not but we pick and choose what part of us we want to let out.For example if im at work i become a little more wacky. Why its because i like them to know that im a little more eccentric than the "average" person. For example when we are around our family memebers we become more relaxed. Around our friends, some of us become more outrageous, spontaneous, random, reckless,sexy ,and sometimes downright destructive. These ways are part of us and sometimes it may not be part of our everyday functioning. Its still part of us. We as humans fail to realize that. Its a new age, its not like it use to be that everyone knew who you are and your family. Nowadays we are more private, diverse friends, and of course enemies. So we have to pick and choose what part of our self we want to let out.

    girlalwaysonthemove  33, Female, Utah, USA - 8,234 views
Apr 2007
3:24 PM EDT

Hey there whats happening me nothing sorry i havent been writing its just that my mom got married and it is way differnt them i thought but work togerther that is the goal!! i hate my step sister kaitlin she thinks she is everything but she isnt i hate her!!!

    karategirl28713  28, Female, North Carolina, USA - 1,673 views
Jan 2007
5:57 AM EDT

you r getting on my nerves ms easterling

    keily  50, Male, Japan - 3,043 views
Sep 2007
11:25 AM WST

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 98%

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is Very High

You've spent a lot of time introspecting, and it's really paid off.
You are comfortable with who you are, and you have a life philosophy that you are happy to live by.
And you're always re-evaluating what you believe. Because you learn something new about yourself each day!

    twistedwings  36, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,688 views
Dec 2006
6:30 AM EDT

have u ever noticed that no matter how bad u might want something chances are your not ever going to get it

    Lostletters  35, Female, Canada - 2,101 views
Dec 2006
10:54 AM EDT

"dear diary...i fucking hate you..." Have you ever had such an experiance that overwhelmed you and you couldnt control feelings that were enraging your body... Words changing your moods. Infecting your body contagiously. You feel like breaking out and no one to help , feeling lost and rejected afriad to go anywhere, afraid of the ungoing rejection that you face from day to day. abandon by the people who gave you their word of support and sercurity. words mean nothing, melt away like the clear liquid on the earth floors. no on knows what love is. everything is a trend, some fashion statement that people must follow to fit in and be in the light of things. go back to the darkness, you were fine now your fake and wasting away from your life. find the true you. get better, flee from this sickness devour the postive and rid yourself of the negative. let the music talk for you if it must.
1 comment(s) - 01:25 PM - 12/11/2006

    Journal4Jackson  49, Female, California, USA - 45,243 views
May 2007
5:55 AM PST

5/23/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all meals well, two time outs (one for not getting in his carseat and one for not following directions). Highlights of the day included a trip to the nursery to look at plants (smelled them, touched and felt differences in leaves, picked out a tomato to take home and plant). Then went to the duck pond and fed ducks (apprehensive at first, but then really enjoyed it and tried to throw bread as far as he could) and then took a small walk around the duck pond. Followed by going to the park to play and have a picnic. Played with sister or by himself at first, but after lunch some other kids came and he played and tried to interact with them. He dug in sand with a sand crane, climbed ladders/stepping stones (all by himself!), slides, played with a piano and also walked half the distance of a 6 ft long balance beam all by himself!

Earnedreward stickers for following directions at the nursery and the duck pond. When it was time to leave the park he ran away from me and told me no when I called him, so he didn't get a sticker and had to go in a time out when we got home. Had his rest time, and then we freeplayed and did some painting (foam brushes with water on aquadoodle mat). Also did some compression activities and he also did some heavy work at the duck pond (pushed sister in the stroller). Had a bath, played with squishy foam and had water play/bubbles. Went on a ride with Dad after dinner and was put in a time out when he got home for not following directions and getting in his carseat. Bedtime at normal time, fell asleep within 5 minutes.

    amyriutta  52, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 1,811 views
Apr 2007
2:43 PM CDT

I am so happy and grateful now that I have my family. My fun loving husband sweet little boy, and adorable smart puppy. I am so happy and thankful now that I have more confidence in myself, I am a good public speaker, as well as an attractive women with ongoing stamina and youth. I am so happy and grateful now that I can eat like a horse and always be the perfect weight of one hundred and thirty pounds. I am so happy and grateful now that I have a job, I meet so many people, I am becoming increasingly noticed for my hard working abilities. I am so happy and grateful now that I have more than enough time, and I am always calm and have inner peace. I am so happy and grateful now that I have more than enough money to be giving and to take back even more wealth.

    Emilie  40, Female, New Jersey, USA - 3,542 views
Dec 2006
11:33 AM EDT

today was a good day and its friday im going to this dance contest tonight and I'm gonna put on a cute outfit a little make up and do it like i should i need to go out cause the man i talk to is acting a fool and hes no good for me so I have t o find some one else that really wants me and is willin to do somthing for me. I cant do this shit no more I'm GONE!!!
1 comment(s) - 01:39 PM - 12/15/2006

    Br0kinHeart12  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 4,179 views
Nov 2007
8:45 PM EDT

Have you ever felt like your world is spinning out of control? Like you can't control your life anymore? That is exactly how I feel. There is something wrong with me latley. I can't sleep at all. I will lay in my ben all night crying for no reason at all. Everytime I do end up sleeping, I have the worst dream ever. It's like I am afraid to sleep anymore because I don't know what's going to happen in my dream. I hate it. I feel like I can't take much of this anymore, like one day I am going to fully lose control and everything is going to be gone. Who knows what I might do that day? I feel like a fucking crazy person! I hate this shit so much. I think that I really really need professional help ....

    karlaadams  45, Female, Colorado, USA - 1,628 views
Jan 2007
11:35 PM MST

This is a test.

    Angela Wang  46, Female, China - 72,152 views
Dec 2007
4:09 AM EDT

Hi, everyone

here it is now in the winter really with lower temperture.But for me lived in northin China, where it has been cold in the winter, I have already used to lived in cold conditions. So since I have come to Nanjing city of China, I have notbeen weared heavy clothes before the last winter.

Today I came to University at noon, for I had got to a lesson to have. but when I hurried to the dorm, my roonmate told me the lesson is cancled. In fact, I also hope so. So I went to bed, because I was very tired. After woke up, I washed my hair and then went to lab.

In the evening, one of my classmates trusted me for dinner because she gained fee from invigilating for teachers. So we went to restaurant outside of University and ordered "suan cai yu" and "di san xian". they were tasty. after dinner, we came back the Lab, repectively.

She was always happy inthis term, perhaps because she made a boyfriend last term. Everytime I looked her happy smile, I also felt happy as I met my boyfriend first like.


    buttercup68  56, Female, Canada - 13,786 views
Jun 2008
6:42 AM MST

I am such an emotional wreck. I have fallen for this guy and this guy doesn't know that I exist as a member of the female gender. I�long to have his arms wrapped around me, or to nuzzle my cheeks in his chest. Geez! At forty, I act like a teenager before this guy

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