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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    MFH  74, Female, Nebraska, USA - 1,810 views
Jan 2007
8:23 AM CST


    akuma131  35, Male, California, USA - 2,619 views
Feb 2007
10:06 AM EDT

kk? if u do ill get back 2 you cuz i check my yahoo more often than i can my gaia

    Leilani  43, Female, Washington, USA - 13,881 views
Aug 2009
4:23 PM PST

sad am saying bye soon

�just got home that was a cool party @ Victoria's house.. it feels soo good to go out! i have not been out in a long time. seen people i use to party with catch up on what's going on w their life.. as I say bye i realized this might be the last time I see them again.. and am a little sad and I will miss my friends.. I am not changing my mind..�

I still 100% would like to move to Ga and be with the only man I love. and hopefully send the rest of my life with him. but cant help the fact that I will be leaving behind all these friends I have and known for years.. the place I called home for a very long time now,�

    shelbs  34, Female, Florida, USA - 1,741 views
Jan 2007
10:24 PM EDT

Everything will wonderful someday..someday. someday seems so close that you can grab a star..only, you know it's billions of miles away >_< [errg!] must be nice to sleep at know, all guilt free and shit. dude..i love someone and they have no idea exactly how much, and in this i see myself mirroring another..

    oconfessionario  39, Female, North Carolina, USA - 7,326 views
Jan 2007
6:17 PM EDT

I just got this really great idea. Instead of working out in the recycled central heating, I am going to do what I really want to do. I would feel the best about myself if I were able to walk, alone and without distraction, out in the open air, no matter the temperature (that's what coats/gloves are for) rather than in a boring gym. I'm still going to walk in the afternoons, like I have been working out, but around places in the town where I live that I've yet to explore. Maybe I'll walk a new route each week, and on Saturday, go out searching for a new path somewhere that's safe, out of the way of traffic and beautiful. :) This is going to be great! In addition to this goal, I am really striving my best to stick to 1200 calories per day and plan my days around that. And to push out all the "cant's" because no matter how badly I want to buck my own standards and desires, I know that the future me will thank me a million times over for my efforts during the journey. BTW, is an awesome resource for anyone trying to get in shape (personalized journal/calorie counter/exercise log/nutrient content all in one)
1 comment(s) - 10:11 AM - 01/27/2007

    gilbert  33, Male, California, USA - 2,484 views
Jan 2007
10:53 AM EDT

jay has a little werneer he showed everyone in the loker room

    eazyjoey  33, Male, California, USA - 8,217 views
Jan 2007
1:27 PM EDT

evans gay

    louis  34, Male, California, USA - 4,292 views
Jan 2007
10:23 AM EDT

im sitting here on a computer. its so boring just to keep writing over and over again. this should be more interesting.but its all done just so i can get a good grade. and its going ok. besides this girl shaina who im am really mad a right know, shes lucky i dont throw her across the room,or throw a chair at j/k

    williamo9  32, Male, California, USA - 3,873 views
Jan 2007
4:55 AM PDT

mang klye shut up be4 i get on you

    jay  33, Male, California, USA - 4,210 views
Jan 2007
10:55 AM EDT

gilbert dont never get no girl some girl said that gilbert is small and he was crying

    icaboe  36, Male, California, USA - 2,016 views
Jan 2007
4:12 AM PST

i am writing about past experiences as a journal entry. people have always come and went either as a friend, a foe, or someone you just loved deeply. well the phrase nothing lasts forever is true but why? is it that you move or just dont feel anymore? i tend to think it is that you just doint care.i have left friends i have hung out for yearsa and grew up with and just are like brothers but i had no remorse when i said bye. this was it i went to live in covina and have not looked back yet. it was my greed of a better future out here that has clouded what i should feel, sadness loss and desperation of a voice that can be trusted and heard. well now im here thinking i left and i didnt care, well frankly cause i didnt care. and now that i see this i am ashamed, but i have a bright future and i will make the most of that cause in due time i will see them again.
1 comment(s) - 03:52 PM - 01/19/2007

    ohnodark32  36, Male, California, USA - 1,558 views
Jan 2007
12:18 PM EDT

Well this quote is understanding of the fact you learn from your mistakes and so you know now what to acomplish in order for you to beat him the oponent next time. Which in some cases when they lose they give up and lose their self asteem. Also if you were to win you would have a lot of respect from people which makes you a proud person inside. If u think about then you wouldn't learn anything from losing, which is ok in some cases.

    x3VanDyke  33, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 24,879 views
Jun 2007
2:49 PM EDT

Okay y'all it's been a good almost 1 month since ive written in here yeah not much to tell so ima go

    forenski  59, Male, Delaware, USA - 1,764 views
Jan 2007
2:12 PM EDT

Kefca's Story Prologe Long, long ago, the world of Cacario was dead; neither plants nor animals - nor even air - could exist. But the Goddess Althena, together with the Dragoonmaster and Four Dragoons, came and gave life to the land, magically transforming this dead place into a raident world overflowing with life. She blessed the world of Cacario, and the Dragoonmaster swore to her his undying loyalty. He and the Four Dragoons were entrusted with the Goddess's protection, and through her power, a magical world was born. Two races were predominant on Cacario, Dragoons and Humans. Dragoons were gifted with strength and agility. Humans did not possess the same physical powers, but they were intelligent and adept at using tools. The two lived in very separate worlds: Dragoons in their large cities in the center, and Humans in small towns on the outskirts. Balance was kept by the two very different lifestyles the races led. The story begins with Kefca, a Human in the port town of Searis. He works as a courier for Caliber's Express, delivering packages and seeking adventure alongside his partner and childhood friend Lloyd. When the two receive a request to visit the city of Healriz - also known as the Dragoon City - it seems that their longing for travel and adventure has been answered. But when they arrive at Healriz, Kefca and Lloyd find that the Dragoons, whose strength and agility they have long admired, regard Humans with sheer contempt. Enraged by their treatment, Kefca decides to challenge the Dragoon's arrogance, and inadvertently entangles both Lloyd and himself in a much greater adventure. Along the way, the two friends encounter a spirited Dragoonwoman, Julia; confront the Dragoon Lord, Xemnes; and soon hear of darker troubles than they ever could have imagined - rumors of a Dark Tribe that practices dark magic in the far reaches of the world, well beyond where Althena's power can reach. Soon enough, they find themselves propelled toward this distant frontier, unseasoned warriors on the threshold of a battle so vast, their entire world hangs in the balance. Chapter 1:The Church Kefca, Lloyd, and Julia come to a church and as they enter they here a voice, "You must leave now or forever face the consequences." "What the hell was that" said Kefca. "I don't know" said Lloyd. "I really have a bad feeling about this." cried Julia. But Kefca was determined to prove that Humans wern't just somthing Dragoons could step all over and that Humans could be as strong as Dragoons, maybe even stronger. So they slowly step into the church to confront what waited for them inside. When thay got inside they noticed that everyone was dead and Lloyd said"This is horrable" and Kefca just kept on going until he reached the middle hall and there stood a 50 foot beast that was frightining to even look at. So Kefca drew his sword and struck the beast, but the beast counter attacked with the magic Ultra Beam and blasted Kefca into the wall. Then as the beast was going to throw the finishing blow a fleet of Xemnes' men came in and slayed the beast. Kefca awoke in the king's castle days later and a nurse came in the room with a tray of needles and bandages. When Kefca saw the tray he jumped to his feet and fell flat on the ground. The nurse picked up Kefca and put him back on the bed to rest. As Kefca relized what happened he asked the nurse where he was and she replied, "You are in the king's castle." and then gave Kefca three needles into his right arm and as quick as he woke up Kefca fell fast asleep, and dreamed of where his friends were and if they were OK. Chapter 2: The Loss Of A Friend As Kefca was asleep he had a dream where someone in armor said "The Keyblade is said to hold phenominal power. One legend says it's weilder saved the world while another says that he wrought chaos upon it. I must know what this keyblade is. A key opens doors...". Then Kefca woke up with great force and slamed his head on the ceiling. Then the king walked in and told Kefca that Lloyd and Julia had gotten destroyed by the monster as his men ran in to confront the beast. Kefca then falls on the floor crying and then pulls himself back together and picks up his sword then heads for the door. Xemnes tries to convince him that he was to ill to leave, but Kefca stabs him in the leg and walks out. As he was walking Xemnes called out all his men to stop Kefca, but Kefca gathers all his power and summons Phoenix to destroy Xemnes' soldiers. "I guess that he's strong enough to go on his own" says Xemnes. And walks back into his castle with the surviving soldiers. Kefca was walking to the village of Ishbal to go and look for information on the person who created the monster he fought before. But all he got was a name that sounded so familier to Kefca (Cloud Strife). Kefca was determined to find Cloud but didn't know where to start looking. He headed to Niblihelm. Chapter 3: Cloud Strife? As Kefca reached the town it was in ruins. "Who the hell did this" ask Kefca to himself. "It was Xemnes" said a strange voice from the shadows. "Xemnes would never do such a thing as this. Maybe to an enemy but never to a neutral town" Kefca exclamed. But the voice left with one word "Keyblade...". As Kefca sat and wondered about why Xemnes would do somthig like this, but mainly focused on this Keyblade thing. Just then Kefca saw somthing in the shadows. "Who's there?",but no one answered. Then a giant sword went flying past Kefca's head and just barely choped his head off. "If your looking for me, well then... I guess you found me!!". "Are you Cloud Strife?" asked Kefca. "Quick learner are we? Ha, if you wish to kill me go ahead and try, but that won't do you any good now will it?". "What are you talking about?" Kefca nervesly asked. "You really don't remember me do you? I am your older brother.". "What!!" yelled Kefca. "When you were just a few months old mom and dad were killed by Xemnes because he was trying to kill every Human to prove Dragoons were all powerful, but I had my friend Sora's parents to take you in their Airship to Searis and they raised you as their own. So me and Sora stayed to try and fend off Xemnes, but we under estimated his powers and we were captured. As we sat there in our cells Sora told me that he will have to leave now and he relesed his soul and gave me his soul to teleport out. And ever since I have been watching over you and helping you as best as I could without Xemnes' men seeing me. Like your friends Lloyd and Julie. They were Xemnes' best henchmen that kept close watch on you to see if I would come out of hiding. After you fought the beast that I created I knocked you out and killed Lloyd and Julie just before Xemnes came. So Xemnes tried to kill you with poisens and needles, but after he gave you them I snuck up and poured you an antidote.". "But why haven't you just killed Xemnes with the monster?" said Kefca. "You don't understan....." Just then Xemnes stabbed Cloud in the back of his heart. "YOU BASTERD!!!!!!!!!" yelled Kefca, and charged at Xemnes. Xemnes just jump out of the way and slammed Kefca on the ground. Then a sword in the shape of a key appered in Kefca's hand. "What's this?". "Thats the keyblade." said a strange voice. "The Keyblade?". Then Xemnes lunged at Kefca, but Kefca stabbed Xemnes right in the heart. And then all the Dragoons vanished because the goddess Althena came down and destroyed them all and told Kefca that she made Humans all powerful. "But why did you take away all those innocent lives for nothing?". "I can do as I please, I made them and all of you, and I can destroy what I created if I want to.". "You evil Bitch!" yelled Kefca and with one swip of the keyblade, he sliced her in half. Epiloge The planet started shaking and all the Dragoons that Althena killed came to life. Then they all lived in peace forever. Or So They Thought...

    Melissa  32, Female, New York, USA - 2,227 views
Jan 2007
11:48 AM EDT

hey journal, Havnt ocme on in a while, so i have a lot to say. my boyfreind chris got jumped by these kids on his bus so, bu but he was kinda askin for it. my friend sam's boyfreind dunmped her cause he just wants to be freinds. first grace now sam. my life has endless drama. then sabri is stealing grace,allie,krista nd billy from me cause she always wants to hang out with them. but grace was just like dont worry shes a perve lol so but school has been hectic, i have had a lot of tests this past week nd i have more coming sam's birthday party is tomorrow so i stayed over last night and im staying over tonight im helping her with the goodies bags nd crap shes having an ice skating party.i used to be able to skate really well when i was younger but then i had to quit because i had to start religion so religion was boring as hell and i havnt skated for a long time so im gunna be falling a lot its gunna be so much fun though well gotta go do a lot of crap Sincerly, Melissa(the girl thats life is filled with drama)

    MariPanda  31, Female, Nevada, USA - 16,109 views
Feb 2007
1:13 PM PDT

I've been practicing my singing. I'm getting better and better. (So to speak) Practice does make 'perfect'. Not like my singing is perfect, but it's pretty good. At least that's what I've been told ;)
Yes!!! No school today and tomorrow; staff development or something. Yay! 3 more days of bliss. Hopefully, undisturbed.

    tricia216  48, Female, Georgia, USA - 1,560 views
Jan 2007
5:04 PM EDT

"I made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it short." - Pascal

    hawaiianchick  29, Female, Florida, USA - 2,407 views
Feb 2007
10:15 AM EDT

Hey, I haven't written in SOO Long! Just got my braces on Wednesday! Have any suggestions on how to get them to stop hurting!!! OUCH!!! Anyways what have ya'll been doing?

    lprescilla  42, Female, California, USA - 4,512 views
Feb 2007
6:13 PM EDT

Hey guys, how is everyone doing tonight. Well for me I am getting ready to visit my family tomorrow. In Germany, I have been packing for the past two weeks now. Crazy, I know.

I know I am late with this, but howwas everyones Valentines Day. Was it good? I hope so.

Alright guys, bye,bye now.

Oh, one last thing. Can anybody give me some advise on: when to know if its true Love, or Lust.

I know I sound a bit unexperienced for my age, but I can always learn new things from different people, looking forward to hear from one of you guys, thanks.
3 comment(s) - 07:39 PM - 02/26/2007

    danliang  58, Male, Virginia, USA - 2,411 views
Jan 2007
9:23 PM EDT


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