octobersman04's Journal

Jan 2007
1:52 PM EST

Went to Stevensville to look at houses met with realtor or contractor Ed. Lynchinson whom showed us the condo town house, approx 1350 square feet brand new $228000. for the one we were looking at, We did introduce ourselves and Ed took our phone number for what reason I really don,t know, We said our good byes and left the property, We stopped at Niagara square on the way home to look in one of the stores for a short while, the thing is when we got home around 5pm Ed called to ask if we had picked up a clump of keys he had left on the counter is seems they have disappeared I told him it was not us that picked up the keys and asked if he had alot of people through the house for which he said yes he didn,t really seem excited about losing the keys which made me feel like it was a sales ploy to verify our phone number or just to make contact, none the less I am recording this just in case it leads somewhere else

octobersman04's Profile

  • Username: octobersman04
  • Gender / Age: Male, 74
  • Location: Canada