es1's Journal

Jan 2007
2:29 PM EDT

i am really sad because my dog died she was the best dog there was her name was lolie she was 8 years old seh died peacefully hope she rest in peace.

Jan 2007
2:27 PM EDT

today i am going to the movies with my friends to watch stomp the yard because that movie looks good specially cause chris brown cause his hot well hopefully its cool well g2g

Jan 2007
2:24 PM EDT

about me i was born in canada but raised in el salvador so its more like i was born in el salvador because i moved there when i was 3 years old my dad is from el salvador so i am salvadorian and my mom is from guatemala so i am half and half well its not that intresting i guess so it dont matter i just wrote it cause theres nothing else to wrigth about so if you like it googd if u dont good well i am out......

Dec 2006
2:24 PM EDT

nothing only if there nice and not to takl about others thats what i expect others.

Dec 2006
2:34 PM EDT

ithink keeping a journal its good but what bad about it its that someone could read it and find out everything you do so thats not good but not having one migth ause you drepresion beacuse you dont get your feelings out on anything so thats good.

es1's Profile

  • Username: es1
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - California