gege1's Journal

Jan 2007
1:49 PM EDT

To me perfect love means for some one to make you happy through the good and the bad things that happen in life...for some to be there though thick in thin and never leave you.that is what perfect love means to me.

Jan 2007
1:55 PM EDT

to me winning is not everything and i wish that poeple wpiuld knoe that itreally is not...but to everyone winning means something different to them.

Dec 2006
1:35 PM EDT

The only thing that i expect from others is respect and to not judge me if you dont know me..I think if people dont know one another with out judgeing who they are they should not judge and get to know the person .That is about it and what i expect from others.

gege1's Profile

  • Username: gege1
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California