Timtacious's Journal

Jan 2007
4:24 AM PST

Lonliness has found me I've heard as much as i complain. IM lovin it.And i only mention it so that i can rub it in. Wake up to the sunlike shake off last night.Chekc what's left and try to get the rest right decision splitting headache lifting symptoms matching mamma was afraid of it knowledge ofself ain't as evil as they made it callit what you if you build it they will break it....the plain truth, there's no substitute but sometimes she wears a disguise yes you fogot a story teller deals with life not hope.GIrl if we got a long better we'd be DOpe...
1 comment(s) - 07:08 PM - 01/12/2007

Jan 2007
4:13 AM PST

Forget the what happend i just got stuck they can peel pieces of me off the grill of her truck used to walk with luck used to hold her hand fell behind and played the role of a slower man i wanna stand on top of this mountain and yell i wanna wake up and break up this lake of hell I feel like a bitch for letting the sheet twist me up the last starfigher is wounded time to give it up on a pick it up mission kept it bitter getting in am illion memories just to forget her the difficulty in keeping emothions controlled cookies for the road took me by the soul hunger for teh drama hunger for the nurture gonna take it further the hurt feels like murder interperate the eyes read the lines on her face the sunshine is fake how much time did i waste? -SLUG

Jan 2007
4:05 AM PST

She said that she still wants a friendship she can't live her life without me as a friend I can't figure out why I'd give a damn to what she wants I don't understand an hour before the then most of this garbage i write that these people seem to like is about You and how I let you infect my life and if they got to know you I doubt that they would see it they'd wonder what I showed you how you could leave it A friend in Chicago said that I should stay persistant if iI stay around, im bound to break resistance EVER since i was a young lad with a part time dad it was hard to find happiness inside of what i had i sudied my mother i digested her pain and vowed no woman on my path would have to walk the same i travel like sond across the fateladder and i travel with spoon to mix this cake batter and i travel with feels so i can deal with touch thank you very much

Dec 2006
4:12 AM PST

She abandoned me left me out in the cold no suprises I guess thats how it goes sits across from me in a booth in this dive I conemplate how much more I can survive but-how I'm alive so I should b e content then tell why the hell my whole world is bent I was sent to make and frustrate the population in between teh alcohol and the copulatioinii what you callin' it if you build it I will break it wait, what's wrong, how you doin' naa, save it gave a fraction of all I had to give I guess I hold a grudge because you still got my rib with ya beautiful eyes, scrupulous lies now watch this circus clown run around in circles and try seems like all I get to eat is HOpe girl if we got along better we'd be dope Oh walls, they surround me Lonliness has found ME!!!!!!!

Dec 2006
4:04 AM PST

Well today I'm going to work out with my friend Louie. I know I'm going to be really sore because I already feel sore. I'll just have to work different muscles out so I can work my whole body out. Then after that I'm going to go to the Northview/South Hills wrestling duals. To go see my homies wrestle.TRIPOD!... Then I'm going to chill with my chick. Maybe we'll go get something to eat or go watch a movie. Something like that.Probably whatever she wants to do. Then eventually I'll have to go home and go to bed.. And hopefully have a tight dream. And hope for a better day to come.....

Timtacious's Profile

  • Username: Timtacious
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - California
    TIMTACIOUS's Interests:

    About Me: Well I am who I am. The names Tim.Kurth. I'm 17 years of age! I'm an Outgoing realistic person. Hate it or love it!!!

    Interests: MUSIC IN GENERAL UNDERGROUND HIP-HOP Kickin It With My Boys! Writing Lyrics! Rockin The Spot On The Dance Floor!

    Favorite Music: ATMOSPHERE Living Legends Last Emperor Eminem Dashboard Confessional

    Favorite Movies: Wedding Crashers! Four Brothers Friday Night Lights Wedding Singer Pearl Harbor

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