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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    Juicy Juice  36, Male, California, USA - 9,314 views
Feb 2007
5:38 AM PST

Welll i see that lots of people have introduced themselves to the world and i guess its only fair if i do tooo ........
My name is Hugo and i am 18 years old. I like to do many things, like play guitar, play video games, and i like to play baseball. I love to listen to music, my favorite band is Between The Buried and Me, and i listen to Rock... all sorts of rock .... thats about it.... my perferred type of music is Emocore, hardcore, and metalcore. i like to play war games ... or shooting games. i also like to take pictures ... not of myself ..but like a photography kinda thing....ummm i am very racial... not to be confused with racist .. cause im not racist ... but i critize stupid people .... not people who were born mentally challenged .. but people who were born normal and are just plain ignorant. im violent. im also not afraid of telling you how i really feel about you.... im sorry if you got offended by that.....ummm thats about all i have to say

    nikinik1107  32, Female, California, USA - 1,734 views
Dec 2006
2:25 PM EDT

The thing that i give others is respect. I show others respet because the will show respect back.

    Mondragon  49, Male, California, USA - 7,184 views
Jan 2007
4:23 PM EDT

well went i make new friends im not trying to make enemies because if u make enemies thas really bad for u because next u do something bad..... and thas not really cool....

    Gabriel18  32, Male, California, USA - 4,585 views
Jan 2007
2:23 PM EDT

My day is really good so far! But i think it went to fast, because my friend that i came really close with in a friendship had left to Big Bear to live with her mom so i will really miss her. Then my other friend is leaving to Mexico with her aunt so yeah mostly all of my friends are leaving so yeaj it really sucks.

    kmkakimmy  54, Female, New York, USA - 5,665 views
Dec 2006
6:26 AM EDT

today boering as ususal i wish i was with ma friends espaecialy matty(matty=hotty) he is so cute i wish he would ask me out sooo badly but i dont want to ask him out because im afraid he will say no i know all my friends say that i should ask him out because nobody could say no to me but still i dont know what to do!!!!! ----------------------------->mrs.lonely

    patricia  33, Male, New York, USA - 2,362 views
Dec 2006
8:33 PM EDT


    ElectricVirgo  46, Female, Canada - 1,658 views
Jan 2007
9:20 AM EST

Who am I kidding my boyfriend has been so badly burned by marriage he will never really truely want to marry me. He might do it because he knows how much i want it and that just isnt fair to him. He will probably be scared shittless to ever marry again and I cant say as I blame him. But Im really you typical girl who dreams of that white wedding, Ive never been much of a big spender so it wouldnt be insane on the pocket book. But an our day with flowers and photos and the vows. Im not in it for the glamour as much as the vows. I really want someone to promise to love me forever as I promise to do so for them. And mean it. I know there are alot of people who seem to marry for the glamour of the day. They want there white wedding and they will step on anyone to get it. Not me. If that was the case I could have married the wrong man a million times by now. Anyways just felt like venting gotta get ready for work now.

    blueboy07  36, Male, California, USA - 4,689 views
Jan 2007
1:42 PM EDT

I love Doniell SO So so so so so MUCH!!!!!

    krissyrox27  35, Female, New York, USA - 2,584 views
Dec 2006
12:41 PM EDT

i really like this kid doug but he is going out with selena. i asked if him if he liked me at all and he said as a friend. i like him way more than a friend. a lot of people like him but i think i like him the most. he said maybe in the future but i want the future to come sooner. i told him that no one likes me any more and he said they might like me but they are shy. it is not even funny how much i like him. I WANT TO GO OUT WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Skye  29, Female, Florida, USA - 1,822 views
Dec 2006
6:36 PM EDT

Hey People!

    xdyingxinsidex  32, Female, Texas, USA - 3,740 views
Dec 2006
10:06 PM CST

what is love for ME love is when you wake up and think of that person FIRST and then your day...when you feel like you have to call them just to tell them i love you and even if they don't say it back you feel better just knowing that they know When you love somebody so much it hurts when you just cant get that person out of your head and when its over. . you wish them the best because U know what you had and if it is never overYou know it was TRUE LOVE and no matter how much U try to quit thinking about that person you can'twhen that person says they love you and U feel like you are floating and nothing can bring you down and if something does all you have to do is think of that person and you will be the HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD when no one else's opinion matters about that person because YOU KNOW U LOVE HIM and as much as you want people to approve. . . U really don't care when you hope it will last forever this is dedicated to someone who used to be a good person that i loved very much . . .but he changed for the worse. .. now i hope he gets on with his life just fine without me being ANY part in it comment me ♥Paige

    KaityGirl214  32, Female, New York, USA - 56,019 views
Jul 2008
3:31 PM EDT

What to say? What to say? I have an idea! How crazy. I just went to Florida and it was absolutely amazing. I'm so freaking tan now. Its kick ass. Because up her in New York (near Canada land of the moose, right above us...) we've got snow like crazy. I mean down in the middle of the united states, theyre all omg weve got an inch of snow lets close school for a month! not even kidding. How did I get so off topic? no clue. check me out� peace!�

    bananagreen  33, Female, Kansas, USA - 1,956 views
Dec 2006
7:49 PM EDT

Well i just started this journal thing. I hope it goes ok, because all my others werent so great. I just got back from my church. we had a white elephant thing where we brought a gift and other people did to and you exchange them for the girfts other people brought. sry if that sound confusseing!lol well this weekend i through a surpise b-day party for my besteset friend savanna. it was pretty fun it got boring though because every body couldnt agree on something to do so.....this one chick left because "her head hurt and she didnt feel good" come oon now im not that stupid i walked up to her and i was like if you dont want to stay becasue your bored then just say that dont make up dumb excuses! i was mad! But yeah im gonna go to bed because im bored! bye

    Veex0  33, Female, New Jersey, USA - 2,945 views
Dec 2006
7:51 PM EDT

Tonight was the saddest night of my life. There were about 300 people waiting at the wake to see Jon. when i finally got to pray at his casket and talk to his parents, it really hit me that i never had a chance to say goodbye. i went and talked to his mom for a while, she told me that he was still with me always, and hes still here, i just can't see him. i told her that he was an amazing person and she started to cry. she really did love him, and so did the other million people including me. but i went outside, and my ffriends were there for me. i really owe them everything. they're great. remember: Words cannot express the grief one feels when one loses love. Then again, wise words can heal wounds and help us reflect on the tragedy. keep your head up Peace ++ Love Vee

    XxGijetxX  32, Female, Colorado, USA - 3,579 views
Jan 2007
9:54 AM EDT

Ok so Ryan is dumpd because he hit me and dana is out and were together :) o ya baby so sexy he looks different but thats ok because he will always be sexy :) see yall later :)

    zxRebornxz  39, Male, California, USA - 2,619 views
Dec 2006
11:12 AM EDT

Today.. I'm gonna go home and play some computer games such as online games.. Or I can go watch TV or some movies..I usually do this kind of activities when I get home from high school.. Well, this is all i can write.. Nothing else to write besides this crap anyways.. This is only my first time anyways.. I'll have to think other stuffs besides this kind of writing.(sigh) Things didn't come out right.. I'll have to write better next time....

    undefined11  35, Female, New Zealand - 1,804 views
Dec 2006
11:51 PM AEST

Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

ramblings of an E.L.K prt 4

Current mood: b****y

How pathetic must this sound. i will wait around, just for you to change ur mind and decide to talk to me again. the WHOLE world doesnt hate you, the WHOLE world doesnt want to desert you. I will wait for you to decide that you want to talk to me again.. What is it with people? Or is it just people in my life? as soon as i get close to a person they desert me. and im not imagining it. Ash, Jordan, Melinda. I can see they reasons why they did. Well.. Ash just wanted to be popular&get laid, Jordan was sick of me being 'emo' and 'obsessed' with Melinda. And Melinda, got heart broken, so she pretty much hates the world..but i dont understand why she wants to not talk to me. Ive reached out to her a few times, and she didnt respond. im seriously over trusting people. At this point in time, Jess is the only person i trust. and i dont know, if i get hurt by her, or anyone else, im just going to freeze up, not going to trust no-one for a long time. im sick of being hurt by people. all i want is one friend, a best friend, thats all im asking for. someone that wont desert me... ..all i want is for someone thats not like everyone else in my life.. Poem pretty much explains it.. "I didnt break your F***ING heart ive been beside you from the start i wasnt like anybody else in you life i actually gave a damn about you .... but i guess that doesnt matter anymore everyday you kept feeding me your lies 'always and forever baby' 'your the one i want and need' I believed every f***ing word you said you f***ed with my heart, and my head. .... but i guess that doesnt matter anymore i just want things to go back, back to the way they were before, you were mine, and i was yours"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

ramblings of an E.L.K prt3 Current mood: apathetic
I still love you. And it hurts me soo much to know that you love her. i lied to you because i didnt want it to hurt anymore. It was like my whole world shattered when you told me that she was urs. and u were her's. and i didnt fit into your life anymore. I knew she would always be your number one. no matter how hard you tried to tell me that i was, i always knew she was. I just want things to go back to the way they were. you and me. we were both happy yeh? and then you had to risk it all on her and now im depressed, and your depressed. what gud did that do you? I just thought that someone could love me. I swear i loved you with every fibre of my being. i wanted to be with you forever. but even if you gave me another chance. how can i trust you? If you say i mean so much to you. why couldnt you just tell me before it happend? or just after it happend? why didnt you tell me, until like a week later??? Im hurting more then i will ever let on. I lie to everyone. say that im fine. hopefully i will even fool myself. Maybe one day. I can actually smile, and mean it. but for now. its just fake. EVERY F***ING THING REMINDS ME OF YOU!! its like its haunting me. Music.TV shows.Things people say. EVERYTHING. So even if i wanted to get over you i couldnt. Because everything reminds me of you...

Monday, December 11, 2006
ramblings of an E.L.K prt 2
im sick and tired of people telling me what i am. what im not. what i could or shud do. PEOPLE PLEASE. for some reason my whole existance has been an identity crisis. so please get off my f***ing back about everything okay. and im not being emo or anything. im not doing this for attention either. i just really want people to stop judging me. think what you want. i dont want to hear it. and if ur judging me. just f*** off right now i dont want you as a friend.

Sunday, December 10, 2006
ramblings of an E.L.K

well i apologise to everyone i have ever met. i was your stereotypical emo i was making things out to be worse then they were i dont know whether that was because i just hadnt learnt how to be myself or maybe i didnt want to learn/. maybe i was too afraid of who i would really be. okay one last emo thing before i move on i do believe that i become a tad attached to people who are nice to me i dont know why yet.. so just hang in there. im slowly learning to live with it.. prolli cuz ive never had that many friends in the important social stages in ur life. or watever. *s*** i really i need to get over this whole emoish thing* but yeh bottom line i blame everything on being bullied no wait. I dont know. Next year its all going to be different tho i start tafe. basically its like a new start. new people, new me, new everything. im not going to be fake tho. im going to be myself. whatever that is. i am going to figure it out and prove everyone that i can be who i am and not give a s*** what anyone thinks. its about time i started being real. ive lost wayy too many friends being emo. annoying. unpleasable. obsessive. stubborn. fake. so im going to teach myself to be that person that is so much more then the lie that i used to live..

    keyvanchan  60, Male, California, USA - 1,595 views
Dec 2006
8:29 PM EDT

what is going on?

    iluvmybella  36, Female, Florida, USA - 1,540 views
Dec 2006
3:35 PM EDT

love isnt real

    nin  44, Female, Florida, USA - 2,107 views
Dec 2006
12:50 AM EDT

Life isn't about finding yourself, its about creating yourself.

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