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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    kayleecaudill  33, Male, Florida, USA - 1,699 views
Dec 2006
10:10 AM EDT

hum. i forgot my toher password for my old one, but anyways... i met this new kid that use to live in NSM, but now he lives in south carolina.. and hes like realy nice & like the total package! [ill but i pic of him onb here.] but his names CJ... and hes just so nice, cute, outgoing, and wow. lOl. but hes comming down here today, so were saspostoo hang out sometime this week. um. well, im saspostoo be going to Tiaras house today.. its her party. lOl. im excited & im at my dads house right now, and were having some like x mas eve thingy. i dont know. but anyways, im gonna go. love you. <3

    Kayen  74, Female, Missouri, USA - 1,766 views
Dec 2006
5:28 PM EDT

Just here to gripe in private about my life, so please don't bother me...

    angee  32, Female, Arizona, USA - 4,207 views
Dec 2006
8:37 PM EDT

I wear this bracelet as a symbol for all who suffer the pain of breast cancer... for those who have died and for those left behind and for those who grieve. I wear this bracelet as a symbol for hope for a cure for courage. I wear this bracelet as a symbol for the survivors. I wear this bracelet as a symbol for a future and for dignity. I wear this bracelet as a symbol for breast cancer awareness because it touches my heart and because I care.

    Victoria  38, Female, Hong Kong SAR - 3,311 views
Nov 2008
9:32 PM AWST

So far

Almost a year has gone since my last entry. Well, my weight is still about 122 lbs, meaning I haven't lost any weight at all (I remember I have ever reached 121 lb this year) LOL

I have been working as a ferry pier receptionist since Feb 1st, 2008. I don't really like this job but I work for the ok-salary.�

I have decided not to study Hotel Management. I may study some other things, probably English, or some other languages, in the future.

Tomorrow I will start my yogurt diet. I hope to nail my lose-weight goal before the new year comes.

    blue4u  47, Female, Louisiana, USA - 6,058 views
Apr 2007
9:25 PM EDT

who really knows where this world is going or how long we all have left here....
who would have known that finding love would be so hard.......and what do we call happiness.......At times in my life I know I have experienced love and felt it...only thing it was short tem or I guess you could say another level of it ....Such as loving your brother or family oreven stronger the birth of your children.....but what about that run to the end of the world to catch up with your racing heart once you see that one person....or even from a phone call......IF you was ever to catch up with this out of the world kind of love,,,,,what would happen...the tickle in your stomache or the glow on your face when your glad you woke up too be there only for a feeling......would you be able to keep it the same and never let it come to a lesser degree or ever let it fade.....
why does it fade if it were really love..... humans are not perfect but love is suppose to be...... So how can an imperfect thing have a perfect anything......SO its only a matter of time bfore it spoils....even know we now this as we have for eternity We will still look steal 4 ity

    garryageez  61, Male, United Kingdom - 13,930 views
Oct 2007
11:11 AM GMT

Lets not forget Burma.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Current mood: worried
Category: Life

Since the oppressive government of Burma have severed all contact with the outside world, through a ban on tv, radio and internet media, It can easily seem to those outside that the terrible oppression that the people of Burma are suffering is over, but far from it. Reports leaking from the Country suggest that things are still bad and getting worse. Here is what Amnesty international have to say on the matter.

Burma crisis - Stop the bloodshed

Violent crackdown on protesters continues


A heavy military presence on Burma's streets, combined with mass arrests, has stamped out the massive protests of the past week. Huge numbers of troops are visible on street corners across Yangon, the focal point for the demonstrations, and fear is widespread.

The flood of reports in the city of alleged brutal killings, disappearances and arrests is causing major concern for the people of Burma and those watching the continuing crisis.

52Watch footage of protests in Burma (RealPlayer)


Amnesty International has long documented Burma's appalling human rights record. This includes widespread and systematic human rights violations:

  • The holding of more than 1,160 political prisoners in deteriorating prison conditions. Detainees include most senior opposition figures
  • The use of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, especially during interrogation and pre-trial detention
  • The use of child soldiers and forced labour
  • Laws that criminalise the peaceful expression of political dissent
  • People frequently being arrested without warrant and held incommunicado
  • Judicial proceedings against political detainees that fall short of international fair trial standards
  • Defendants being denied the right to legal counsel and prosecutors relying on confessions extracted through torture

Act nowto protect peaceful protestors The Governments hope is that through the meassures it has taken through the media ban, the world will forget their peoples plight, We must not let them succeed in this endeavour. The problem we face is that the media of the western world are there to make interesting tv, and if there is nothing to report the situation is put on the shelf until something terrible happens. Lets not wait for that to happen to remind us. Lets act now, by writing to our governments, and the chinese government demanding that they act to stop these crimes against humanity. Look out for any protest that are taking place that we can attend.. Also you can do what i have done and bring the situation to peoples attention by writing an entry in our blogs and on our comments on myspace etc. We all have the tools to be able to do this and this seemingly small act can reach so many and do so much. I thank you all very much for your attention on this matter and hope and pray you all have the love and compassion in your hearts to act NOW. With Metta (LOVING KINDNESS) Garry D. AKA SOOPANOVA.

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    dancediva10emily  47, Female, California, USA - 1,631 views
Dec 2006
4:09 PM N

my life is at a certain level. everything is under control and the world no longer revolves around me (thank goodness). I am having a blast keeping in touch with my cousin, Katie by e-mail. she's a great cousin to have and an entertaining friend. MESSAGE TO ALL JOURNALISTS OUT THERE: Be yourself! Don't let anyone stop you from completing your goals and loving life!! Sincerely, M

    susieana  36, Female, California, USA - 1,597 views
Dec 2006
3:52 AM PST

I have an reading announcement to make. ahemm, i'm new to Inbox Journal but i will RARELY post any public journals. have a nice day thank you

    MsSunshine  28, Female, Canada - 1,719 views
Jan 2007
5:38 AM EST

hi im a a new one so i guess u r a teenager im a kid so i must be goingsee ya wouldn t wanta be ya
1 comment(s) - 10:49 PM - 04/01/2007

    highlyfavored484  40, Female, New York, USA - 1,691 views
Mar 2007
7:07 AM EDT

life is great

    emeimei  44, Female, Malaysia - 1,751 views
Dec 2006
11:41 AM A

The Wait is Over for Malaysian Onliner We all heard about the ever popular MySpace success story, also successful were, Facebook, Xanga, Yahoo360, BlackPlanet, Bebo, Classmates, Youtube and many more. Each catering for their niche segment, thus making all content, people, clubs becoming more relevant... and thats when where the exponential formula starts boosting. When users goes online, majority of them are looking to meet new friends. They achieve this by participating in clubs, blogs, chat, photos...etc. In general people want to be known and be recognised and it become so much more meaningful when you know your audience i from the same local or origin as you. With this clear indication, we now start to see some prominent and reasonable social networking in Malaysia mushrooming. Am particularly fond with these particular sites like for english educated, for chinese educated and for malay educated Malaysian. Thus is a testimony to the importants of relevant and targetted social networking, and their success speaks for themselves. Will share more on my next posting, if you think you know a better Malaysian local communities... do share with us. Also if you are an existing users of the above social network, we would like to know your feedback and comment ;) drop us a line. Till then Cheers

    lorry  49, Male, United Kingdom - 1,645 views
Dec 2006
2:38 AM EDT

hey everyone, my name is lorry bordieri, iam 31 and i live in melbourne austraila. iam married and have 2 girls. one of my girls has kidney failure and needs a kidney so in 63 days iam donating her one of mine iam a little bit scared but it will be so worth it at the end of it, anyway have to go cya later

    Charlson  30, Male, New York, USA - 1,575 views
Dec 2006
10:01 AM EDT

I have to write a letter to myself for school

    lmaclao  40, Female, Arkansas, USA - 2,928 views
Jan 2007
12:22 AM EDT

This week as been pretty much the same as every other week. i worked from tuesday to friday and actually the week went by really quick i didn't really feel it. Some times i think life is just passing me by and the next time i really take a look around my young years are going to be gone and wasted. i have been living in Arkansa for a year now.....and even tho i have made many good friends i am getting that now so familiar feeling of the need of change. I have lived in so many places now that i can't remember anymore. now i am getting to that point again where i pack my bags and just move, i hate that feeling of prediction where i know what's going to happen i need new otherwise i get bored. I feel this is something i need to work on because i can't live the rest of my life moving from state to state or even country. Well i'll keep u'll posted if any changes happen.

    lovesu123  31, Female, Georgia, USA - 4,295 views
Dec 2006
7:38 PM EDT

thanks i took all of ur advice and me and my dad r goint to spend some time together pray for me and hope i have agood day with him and we dont fight write comments
1 comment(s) - 02:59 PM - 12/30/2006

    bouchem  45, Female, California, USA - 2,481 views
Dec 2006
6:54 PM EDT

all right finally im home yes..i been at work since 7 am and i rushed home just to jump online check to see if i have an mail on my space and i guess ill shower go to bed and do it all over again tomorrow..i had an ok day at work it went by fast i guess thats good tomorrow is going to be a long day im working 12pm intill 9pm plus its going to be my first time closing by my self i dont know if i can do it i hope it goes smooth

    lmcgill  60, Female, Canada - 1,605 views
Aug 2007
5:08 AM EDT

Ted will be home from Cyprus in about three weeks. Chris leaves in two. Luckily, I get Natalie back this weekend, and not a second too soon. I want her back now. I have been under tremendous stress during this time and I have not been given any support, only negative input from HIS family. I've done more for his little shit than anyone ever should have. I KNOW he did the crime, that I paid for. Now getting the money back from Ted will be another struggle. I have more medication in me than I ever thought possible. Leaving is NOT an option. That would put me over the edge. Once I get stable, I hope to taper off. I need some changes. Something POSITIVE for ME.

    vvanga  49, Male, Virginia, USA - 1,723 views
Jul 2008
5:43 AM EDT

Seneca Phase 2

I am at seneca phase II project

    TheMarketPlace  42, Male, New York, USA - 1,764 views
Dec 2006
3:13 PM EDT

Welcome all To the market place Designed By A Former Ebay powerseller I stopped Selling on eBay in may 2005 because there fees were killing me and I launched but I have been Researching A way To build an alternative for online trading and thanks to the fpb staff hosting advice and support The Market Place Is Now here now the market place Does not charge any listing fees or final value fees Our Fees are as Follows: Buyers Account Are FREE!!!! But If you want to be a part of our Trusted Buyers Program the FEE Is $10 A Year Seller Account: Normal Sellers Account Fee is $5 A Month Or $55 A Year Gold Sellers Account Fee is $7 A Month or $77 A Year Premium Store Account: have your own Section In Our Premium Stores Section For $10 A Month Or $100 A Year... Our Selling Formats: BUY IT NOW Make Me An Offer I Wanna Trade We have A Feedback System We Call Karma If you Scam Anyone You will be banned!!! Zero Slack On Scammers!!! Allowable Payment Methods For Sellers: Alertpay: Google Checkout paypal: personal checks[color=darkred][/color]

    brichris99  35, Female, Florida, USA - 1,552 views
Dec 2006
8:18 AM EDT

Kimmie- ok fist off she is SO FUCKING ANNOYING! everyday shes like are you mad at me?? whats wrong?? are you my best friend? can i be your bestfriend? you should model. ok. you must be kinda retarded if i knew you for like 2 years and you never knew i was a model. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES. gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

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