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kevinkoppel's Journal
Dec 2006
12:12 PM EDT
a dawn upon a new found respect of both mind and spirit will be the path to peace. with an understanding of self and the realities of what society says is true, one may find comfort in sleep. For now
lay awake and paint the ceiling with my eyes. at some point my lids will brace my strained eyes, and i will begin to chase my deams through memories and mistakes. the clock will strike on the hour and i will snap back into this predetermined, meaningless life. as a child the holidays are magical. presents. homemade food. family. all tightly packed between four walls together as one. happiness and laughter ring through the sounds of tearing paper and christmas carrols. as i get older i see it on a broader levelv. its no longer about family or Christ but an excuse for people to go nd purchase an identity at the local shopping enter or mall.
it is fucking depressing
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- 02:15 PM - 12/21/2006
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Dec 2006
12:21 PM EDT
a glimpse of light shines hope through the cracks in the pavement. from below the surface i embrace the rays of happiness and warmth but i reside here...where the cold damp walls of decomposing earth is home. i will stay here until the opportune moment in time where the stars in the sky match the number of days my life has endured. at that moment the clouds will flee and the sky will open up in all the brilliant shades of light. eternal sunshine will light the path that will be layed before me. at that moment i will become one with myself. my mind will be able to exress its thoughts of wisdom through something other than the written hand. when that time comes i will be ready for it. when that time comes i will be ready. til then i wait patiently in this makeshift costume that hides my ntirety.
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Dec 2006
12:04 PM EDT
a grey film smothers the southern california sky. or at least the sky that i am looking at. About a month until my 18th birthday and i feel just as lost and scared as i did when i started my teen years. as you grow you mature and it always seemed as if answers came with age. they dont. I have not one answer to any of my questions. I am 17, my name is kevin koppel, and my life is a wreck. those are my constants. those are the things i can rely on to be true at all times. Its depressing. Its cold, and not very wlecoming. im content with who and what i am, for what i understand, but there is always a feeling of doubt. i doubt my feelings, i doubt my actions, i doubt myself in every way. im a fucking manican for the whole world top gauk at and pick apart. society dresses me in the finest clothes and then strips me down for all to see me bare and naked. i am a walking advertisement for all the wrong things. fuck my face. fuck my name. The only thing that matters is that i can see. thank god for the blessing of vision, for i can see the coprruption and the depression that america desparately tries to mask. without being able to see this i would be another capitalistic bastard caught up in politics. well im not in politics, but i certainly have a voice.
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- 07:08 PM - 03/06/2007
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Male, 36
USA - California
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KEVINKOPPEL's Interests:
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Kevin Russel Koppel Poet. Musician. Artist. child. im optomistic. im simple. im intellegent. enjoy.
Music. Poetry. Art. Photography. Literature.
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