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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    leeyohhan  59, Male, New Jersey, USA - 32,460 views
Jul 2009
7:50 AM CDT


    Taysia  41, Female, Oregon, USA - 1,599 views
Jan 2007
6:06 PM EST

Hi, Well i have never done this before but i am a person that loves to share my thoughts and learn about other people. My name is Taysia i am 23 and i am happily married of a year this last October! :-) I will make my 1st entry a short one until i get the hang of this. So bye for now.

    Miley858  30, Female, Nevada, USA - 11,789 views
Feb 2009
8:50 PM EDT

Damnn. I haven't been on since last year... Summer 08 was the most amazing summer ever. I fell in love with Zackk.. Its unexplainable what he ment to me, but he broke my heart cause of rumors and cause i didn't kiss him as much as he wanted me too. Whateverr, im almost over him, its been seven months that i cried, cried and cried everyday. He's a helluhh jerk now and he's not worth it, if i could show him how much he hurt me, he'd NEVER be able to look me in the eyes again. This year is pretty crazy. I should rlly start writing in here like errryday. So anyways after Zack i dated Justin, didn't work out cause i still had feelings for Zack, then i dated Kyle like months later, he broke up with me and then told me it was a mistake so we went out again and i broke up with him. Then i dated Edgar like a couple months later and he turned out to be a reaaallll asshole. Right now im done with all the drama with guys, they can go screw them selves
1 comment(s) - 07:00 PM - 02/26/2009

    chanduliar  45, Female, Texas, USA - 15,263 views
Apr 2007
1:25 AM CST

I have left this site and went to live journal. Please visit me there. Thansk everyone. 47

    xxashx3  34, Female, Illinois, USA - 1,758 views
Jan 2007
2:23 PM CDT

Wel i have no idesa wo this is

    Brenda  63, Female, Alabama, USA - 3,573 views
Jan 2007
3:59 PM CST

Today my son would have been 22 years old,instead i am told that he is in a better place God needed an angel, well i cant't help it if everyonce in a while i need him and maybe i don't think that he's in a better place instead all i get is a man who thinks only of himself he don't even care about his own kids how can i expect him to think about a dead child of mine well he could at least be more honest about how he feels cux i'm tired of guessing and i'm tired of worring if i'm gona hurt his feelings or not don't mine count every once in a while? well not in this relationship so i guess its time for me to move on i'll talk at ya later
1 comment(s) - 10:29 AM - 01/27/2007

    camryn  32, Female, Oregon, USA - 1,709 views
Jan 2007
10:12 AM EDT

hi its me right now im very sick and i feel awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also have a whole bunch of disneyland booking stuff to do so see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    oxshoppergirlxo  36, Male, California, USA - 1,716 views
Jan 2007
11:56 PM EDT

ugg i am just so sad right now. i cant sleep, i cant eat, i cant have fun, and i just dont want to move... see recently i have been having guy troubles, what happened: he said he like me, so than i started liking him too, but as soon as i told him i liked him, he asked someon else out. i was sooo sad! i week after that he dumped her, and asked me out, first i said no, than i finally said yes to him. but three days later, he dumped me. but i am so over him, he is in the past. but the guy i like now blocked me today, for no reason (that i no of), so im sad because of that as well im also sad because everyone at school is calling me a slut plus im not doing too well in school this year plus it seems like i have no friends (but i do, just for some reason it seems like i have no friends) and my parents are being really mean to me all i feel like doing is crying

    ABMStomboy07  34, Female, North Carolina, USA - 1,769 views
Jan 2007
10:38 AM EDT

Dear journal, i hate my fuckin sister she is a bitch she gets on my damn nerves and i have to get of now bye

    rodenbucher  60, Male, Ohio, USA - 1,804 views
Sep 2007
3:24 PM EDT


    mipokeyone  61, Male, Michigan, USA - 1,696 views
Jan 2007
3:29 PM EDT

Movie - Night at the Museum Book - Many Waters (Madeleine L'Engle)

    king10  37, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1,737 views
Jan 2007
10:58 PM EDT

have you ever had an unbelievable feeling of sadness overcome you? well I have, on more than one occasion. I dont know what to do I dont know why I feel this way, I have ended up doing things that are not good, like hurting myself intentionally. I know it is wrong, but sometimes it is something that takes away the feeling that is overwhelming me in the first place. I am not good at talking to people about how I feel. I know that I need to grow up and learn how to do this. All I really want is to stop caring about stupid shit, things that dont matter, and maybe for once let someone know the real me, but how can they know the real me when I feel like I dont even know the real me? I know that I should talk to someone, and get help. I am not the kind of person that easily admits I have a problem, and I do not want to go to the health center and say "hey, I have been feeling really sad lately, I would like to talk to a counselor." I just dont feel secure enough, I gaurd my feelings. I do not like others to know them, they are very private. I guess I just wish I knew what to do. I know I need help, and my friends have told me that they think I need help, and I do not want to hurt myself again because the sadness that is welling up in me as I type this has become so unbearable that I can no longer hold it in, and instead of talking about it or letting it out the right way, I take it out on myself.

    queeniechic2007  36, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 1,731 views
Jan 2007
8:02 AM EDT

Hey I am having so many problems with people where I can't stand any of them. Well this girl amy is quiting Applebees because she says it is too hard for her. She can't handle the work. Also they had givin her 5 days of training and then she only worked one day off of it and she told the managers that she was quiting because her dad is making her.

    digggforfire  35, Female, Oklahoma, USA - 1,466 views
Jun 2007
6:08 AM CST

    jill  63, Male, Canada - 1,853 views
Jan 2007
4:21 PM EDT

My life seems so confusing right now. I have Sarah living in a group home, Stephen is failing school, my job does not seem as fulfilling as it has been and things with Naz seem *changed*. I am not sure what I am suppose to do to change any of these things. Over and over, every day, I am struggling in understanding all of these things. Sometimes it seems like I am living to *avoid* the issues, other times I can't escape them. I do not know what tomorrow is going to throw at me and that feels so horribly scary. It feels so uncontrolled.

    signguy23  58, Male, Ohio, USA - 4,394 views
Jan 2007
2:26 PM EDT

The diet is working thus far. I have lost a total of 43 pounds since I started, but I need to alter the food content and put some more proteins and carbs into it because it is starting to effect me in small ways like muscle mass and energy. I found that carbs are what the human body uses for fuel...IT NEEDS THEM to function properly. also, proteins are what our bodies use for building muscle and without them our muscles get weaker. Beans and wheat breads and more brown rice are good ways to accomplish this. It is still successful as a diet goes, just slowing a bit in total weight loss.

    tristan21ls  28, Male, Florida, USA - 2,352 views
Jan 2007
2:46 PM EDT

today was ok at school it wasnt like it was bad but it wasnt good but we did talk about global warming and natural disasters on how we 9-10 year olds can help stop it i thought it was interesting that was the best part.same thing at home but not about the global warming i really havent done anything at home.well thats pretty much it!!

    jamesweal  32, Male, United Kingdom - 2,111 views
Jan 2007
9:24 PM GMT

plz dont read private i sed plz just stop reading now i thought u were a friend come on stop!! kk fine if u really wanna the end!
1 comment(s) - 04:39 PM - 12/23/2007

    weebleGurl629  35, Female, Florida, USA - 3,484 views
May 2007
2:45 PM EDT

Gandi is right in saying this quote. so many people use that quote against each other, rather then thinking about its true meaning..... that is why I think there is so much distruction and bloodshed in the world today. The real meaning of this quote I think, is if a peson does a nice thing for you then you should repay them with a random act of kindness.

    ngoggio  41, Female, Texas, USA - 3,044 views
May 2008
3:43 AM CST

Let me try this again since Yahoo Mail is a jerk!! It's been a long time since I used this, but I am feeling generous after more than a year. I just woke up with a mild hang-over with Rusty here to feed the cats before going back to work. I didn't have too much fun last night, except for stuffing myself with tons of sushi from Sushi Zushi! The beer cost too much and it was too freaking loud for a tiny place. Plus my sister was more interested in talking to her new boyfriend. I am kind of mad right now because I finally got a reponse to something I submitted to DAS nearly a month ago .. but they claim that I have sent two or more when I did follow the rules. I just think they are idiots and tight-asses. That I know for sure. I'll just try again through a different email account.

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