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journalgirl's Journal
Feb 2009
7:12 AM EST
Not one thing!
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Oct 2007
12:19 PM EST
What do I expect of others?
Well honesty for one thing. Friendship, companionship, communication, the same respect I always give, trust, hmmmm I will have to add to this later.....
What do I expect of others?
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What do I expect of others?
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Jun 2007
7:46 AM EST
No I sure do not well except for God for He is most important and He is the one who is in charge NO MATTER WHAT!!!
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Apr 2007
6:44 AM EST
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone." - Henry David Thoreau Well here it is Monday April 9, 2007 Yesterday was EASTER and it was wonderful. Both of my daughters went to my Church with all of their children ~ SEVEN ~ all together!!!! for Easter Sunday Morning service and it was wonderful and yesssssssssss we did an Easter Egg Hunt after the service it was wonderful all the kids had a blast!!! Someone revealed a dream that they had which they would of told me back when they had the dream cause it would of been so much helpful to me and I let this person know that if they ever have a dream about me or if God tells them something to let me know I am not like everyone else I do take things to heart and I also except things that most people do or will not! the dream went like this: This person seen me in a house and someone else in the house but I was on one side and they were on the other side and the roof was separated and they could see in. The interputation is an end to a friendship!!!!!
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Feb 2007
8:43 AM EST
Here is a poem I wrote this morning: New Life: He is the one who changes lives who molds and shapes us just as He wants who captures hearts and changes lives and even dreams as things are completely turn around as we learn to do it all His way as a new life begins.
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Female, 64
USA - Ohio
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JOURNALGIRL's Interests:
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First off my age they have it at is wrong I am only 46! Well I like to make friends, well, ok most of the time.
Many things
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Love all music
Favorite Books:
Blue Smoke. No Place Like Home.