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Hals's Journal
Jul 2007
8:01 AM EDT
I like just woke up at my Aunt's house and I had like the best sleep ever. I slept for like 12 hours. Ever since I came back from camping I have been trying to ketch up on my sleeping. Well I finally did. I woke up to have my Aunts 13 week old dog licking my face. She is so cute. But then later on I found out that, that very same dog eats bugs, and other disgusting things. So I do not let her lick me anymore. I made sure of that! I wish she was my dog, but instead I have a cazy dog that is like impossible to train. But when he isn't wild he is the best doggie ever. I love my pup so much. But I wish I could have 2. But I am trying not to be greedy with my parents. But I think that my dog will be easier to train if there is another dog there to help. You no like monkey see monkey do. Yeah but my parents think I won't be able to take care of another dog. But I think there wrong. O well. I will keep asking for another dog. I will see what happens. They will probably get super angry at me. But we'll see.
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- 08:44 PM - 07/01/2007
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Female, 30
USA - Maryland
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