Jun 2007
7:43 PM EDT

dear journal,
am i in love!?? there's 3 guys i think im in love with! one of them are my boy friend and the other one is my-x boyfriend and the last one is just a friend with both of the other guy's! what do i do!!!! they got me going crazy! it's like total dajvu!
the one im dating is named BRANDON- his strong and got blonde hair and is really tall !
then my x-boyfriend is named DANIEL- his got dreamy eye's and a hot body and skaterish hair and and really hot smile!
then the other guy is CHRIS- he has dirty blonde hair he is the same height as me and he don't really have a fab. body but i really love his personality!
what do i do who should i really be falling for?

2 comment(s) - 05:24 PM - 06/26/2007


  • Username: THEDEADSEA
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Hawaii
    THEDEADSEA's Interests:

    About Me: im in love with this guy named brandon! i am sorda skater! i love to listen to rock music! and hang out with my friends and to hang out with #1 hottie brandon! .mygen { Created using MyGen 2.5 - } .mygen { Background Properties } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;} body { background-image:url(''); background-attachment:scroll; background-repeat:repeat; border-color:FF2288; border-width:14px ; border-style: solid; scrollbar-face-color:000000; scrollbar-highlight-color:FF2288; scrollbar-3dlight-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color:FF2288; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FFDDFF; scrollbar-arrow-color:FFDDFF; scrollbar-track-color:FFFFFF; } .mygen { Table Properties } table table { border: 0px } table table

    Interests: dirt bike racing riding horse's and hanging out with my mom!

    Favorite Music: fall out boys all american rejects family force 5 buck cherry green day avirl lavigne and more.......

    Favorite Movies: wild hearts can't be broken the seed of chucky dark ride the night-mare before christmas black christmas and more...........

    Favorite Television: degrassi south of know were scarred and more.............

    Favorite Books: love struck