lilmamii's Journal

Jul 2007
9:23 PM EDT

Love is a mysterious thing... You will go to no extreme for the one you love... No matter how much your heart hurts. Your mind can tell you so much about the person you love and you just cant picture what lyfe would be like with out that one person. You always say thier going to change but in your heart you know it will never be the same and that person will never change. So you are again at a cross road where you have to decide if it is worth the struggle or if its time to let go...

1 comment(s) - 11:16 AM - 07/04/2007

Jul 2007
9:21 PM EDT

Sittin here alone thinkin about things. How ii miss havin you here by mii side. Holding me in your arms hours upon hours without a care in the world. Waking up next to you each and every morning to the sound of your vioce. Missing the touch of your soft lips on mine, the feeling of your touch on mii bodi, the whispers you send in mii ear. Mii heart aches as ii sit here alone thinkin of what we were, and what we have become. Always feeling like ii am on the back burner of your lyfe.Having you tell me something but feeling something completley different. Always wondering why you do things so different with me than all your other girl friends. Wondering if you are down for me and onli me. When mii heart is going to feel complete. If this is going to work out for us, or if we are going to end again. II JUST WANT ALL THIS CONFUSION TO GO AWAY SO II CAN BE HAPPI AGAIN!!!

1 comment(s) - 12:30 AM - 07/05/2007

lilmamii's Profile

  • Username: lilmamii
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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    LILMAMII's Interests:

    About Me: I am 18.. I have one child.. Christopher James.. I am engaged to mii babies father and love him with all mii heart.. I am confused about a lot of things in lyfe.. I am more mature than most 18 year olds but still have a lot of growing up to do.. I show mii true colors fromt he get go love me or hate me cuz in the morning im still goin to be me..

    Interests: Mii family.. csi stuff.. journaling..

    Favorite Music: All kinds as long as it sounds good..

    Favorite Movies: Action, love, and most of all comedy..

    Favorite Television: Any kind of csi or anything that is funny..

    Favorite Books: Anything that catches mii interest throughout the whole book..