confusedgirl101's Journal

Jul 2007
4:59 PM EDT

omg! well yesterday after i posted i went crazy and decieded i wanted my hair blonder so i got comet(w/ bleach) and tried to bleach my hair! u know its that stuff that u clean sinks w/. well i know im crazy! anyways im not supposed to use chemicals on my hair and my mom noticed it was blonder but i told her it was lemon juice! lol! well ttyl! l8r Belle
Tags: MORON!!!
3 comment(s) - 04:38 PM - 09/06/2007

Jul 2007
12:01 AM EDT

hey ya'll! its one a.m.! holy cow! well anyways...i just got back from my vaca wich was SUPER FUN! i went to disney land newport and sandiego! woohoo! fun fun fun! i got so many new clothes its hard to keep up! But, i just gave away a bunch of my crap clothes that were too small or just plan ugly. i gave it to those people whos houses and stuff burned down :( anyways if u wanna here the dets bout my vaca coment! well l8r! ttyl!
1 comment(s) - 10:48 PM - 07/14/2007

Jul 2007
2:23 PM EDT

Hello!!! Its Belle again! Happy 4rth of July everyone! im going to a party with some of my soccerbudds 2night! And then tomarrow im going to the happiest place on earth DISNEY LAND !!! yayayayay!!!im excited! SO i won't be on untill thursday and then i PROMISE i'll be on again! no worries just a vaca!And also i have question for ya'll, theres this guy on my swim team named Jason who might like me and is super sweet and looks a lot like Josh Hutcherson (my celeb crush) but I really like this other guy from my class last year. But he's really popular and does NOT like me as more then a friend. His names Cameron.Should i go for swim team guy, Jason,or wait for the guy from my classlas year, Cameron?

Jul 2007
7:32 PM EDT

hello my KOOKOO (4 coco puffs haha!) family came to my house today! Janie and i think our family is nuts cuz well... they are. my aunt Bonnie curses and says really weird awkward thngs. She makes conversaions weird. And my other Aunt Susan is a therapist and is really touchy feely. But i love Aunt Susan! She says if i visit her she'll let me get highlights in my hair! *hopes* anyways so 2marrow my mom wants me and her and my Ant Susan to hang out but i REALLY dont want to cause IDK it would be SO WEIRD! Plus, im not so into family outings!

well ttyl love ya Belle
1 comment(s) - 11:16 PM - 07/01/2007

Jun 2007
6:56 PM EDT

hey ya'll! Wow im goin Country! lol! anyways 2day my ex bff alsoknown as popular girl...(Grace) and Cim and Jena and I went to thelocal water park! but i had to leaveearly for soccer. Anyways, everyone was pretty coolbut also i was a little left out but w/e!

1 comment(s) - 11:18 PM - 07/01/2007

Jun 2007
5:44 PM EDT

hey guys theres this girl who used to be my BFF! but now shes all popular and shes toe2lee (lol) iggnoring me and things are all different...:( i cant talk to her cuz it will make things more awkward.................... PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!
3 comment(s) - 11:18 PM - 07/01/2007

Jun 2007
4:28 PM EDT

hello! Cim and i went to a roller skating place today with these girls from our dance! it was really fun and i cant wait to go to our recital 2marrow!
TYYL, Belle

Jun 2007
9:13 PM EDT

hey guys! watching mtv! My fav show rite now is sweet sixteen! i also like the office. Anywayz, my exfriend Melanie and i got in a huge fight about 2 months ago and im totally fine w/ it but u c my good friends Cim and Jena still like her! im so confused and i just wish that when my new middle school starts that melanie will find some new friends. Or maybie i should find some new friendz. Bcuz Melanie was really mean to me like a HUGE jerk! And when that happens arent your "best buds" supposed to be behind u 100%? *heavy sigh* Well there are these girls on my soccer team who seem really nice. They go 2 a different school then me though but next year when my new middle school starts they'll go 2 my maybie they can be my friends! im just not so sure if Cim and Jena are true friends... :(
2 comment(s) - 05:12 PM - 06/26/2007

Jun 2007
8:12 PM EDT

hey! This weekend was helka fun! my soccer team did great in it! omg and my ex bf was there! weird! i dont lke him but i think he likes me again.but like he broke up w/ me...! lol any ways, i like his best friend unfortunatly! and he doesnt like me im so confused!

help me!!!

Jun 2007
4:57 PM EDT

Man im having a pringles craving! I loveem alot!!!

Jun 2007
3:59 PM EDT


Hey Im Belle! Ummmm im going into 7th grade this following 
year and im sooooooooo nervous! But im also excited. I 
live in a suburbian (SP) area and like, u wouldn't think 
that al this bad stuff would be happeneing here. but it 
is. Like at my new upcoming school there's drugs growing 
on the premisise! (SP lol srry!) wow big word! Ok well My
older sister Janie is like a soon to be Sophmore and shes 
told me some pretty bad things about the middle school! 
She went there. I dont wanna be a druggy!!!!
aaaaah! Well 
right now its summer and im going to a really cool soccer 
tournament this weekend! You get to play soccer in the 
beach! Sorry not telling where it is! Anyways lets 
talk/write about me some more since you know this is my 
diary or w/e. I have a really cute dog named Scruffles! 
He's a Yorkie and i love him! What else.... oh yea i have 
some amazing (sorta) friends named Cim and Jena! They are 
pretty good but kinda leave me out every now and then. 
That's the problem w/ a threesome group of buddios, 
someone is always left out and that someone is always me!:(
That's one of the reasons I CANNOT wait for school to 
start cuz there will be more kids and our threesome could 
beeee a foursome or fivesome or sixsme! lol! anyways i'll
write l8r promise 
1 comment(s) - 07:59 PM - 06/21/2007

confusedgirl101's Profile

  • Username: confusedgirl101
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - California
    Photo Album

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    CONFUSEDGIRL101's Interests:

    About Me: iM a girl! lol

    Interests: soccer swiming and DANCE W/ Cim!

    Favorite Music: hip hop rap and pop!

    Favorite Movies: The notebook tear tear!

    Favorite Television: ummmmm.... i LIKED the OC! And i LIKED Gilmore Girls! But now they're canceled! :( now i watch the Office but the season just ended!

    Favorite Books: Read bras and broomsticks or the Georgia Nicolson (SP) series!