babykakes90's Journal

Jul 2007
2:20 PM CDT

Dear Diary,
July 4th
happy 4th.. :]]
well things have been greaaatt with me n saam but i thiink he likes this girl mia
More than me! I dont know what to do! I love hiim but i dont kno if he loves me back.

1 comment(s) - 12:49 PM - 07/05/2007

Jun 2007
4:34 PM CDT

Dear Diary
June 28th. 9:33
today was pretty good. Oh yea.. SAM ASKED ME OUT! yesterday nite!! i was
sooo happy! :]] But today we went bowling with luke and adam...and adam knoes but luke is clueless. We didnt kiss but we held hands a lot...and we cuddled a little :] we went to mcdonalds and there was this little kid in a superman outfit&& he was followin us 'round in the play place hah it was really annoying though.
Im tired.
Good nite

Jun 2007
4:01 PM CDT

Dear Diary.
June 26th. 8:58
Todayy was amazinglyy boringg. Jenna this emo came over. && shes a whore. shes already had sex and shes 13!! && this travis kid is over and theyyy aree supperrr annoying. I wish they would go home! But oh well. NEWSSS!!! NEWWSS!! i told sam i liked him. I was like do u like me and then like 10 minutes later hes like yeea bbl.and i was like wait...i like yu too and hees like =] i wass amazzingllyy hapy. :]] but he went to this mia chicks house! && he said he kinda liked her so i hope it didnt ruin anything beween us! i really like him. Oh well the nite is still young so i will tell yu if anything good happens!!

Jun 2007
4:01 PM CDT

Dear Diary.
June 26th. 8:58
Todayy was amazinglyy boringg. Jenna this emo came over. && shes a whore. shes already had sex and shes 13!! && this travis kid is over and theyyy aree supperrr annoying. I wish they would go home! But oh well. NEWSSS!!! NEWWSS!! i told sam i liked him. I was like do u like me and then like 10 minutes later hes like yeea bbl.and i was like wait...i like yu too and hees like =] i wass amazzingllyy hapy. :]] but he went to this mia chicks house! && he said he kinda liked her so i hope it didnt ruin anything beween us! i really like him. Oh well the nite is still young so i will tell yu if anything good happens!!

Jun 2007
6:51 PM CDT

I really like this boy.
Who is amazing. hes like my best friend but i want him more. i just dont kno how to tell him. i wish i knew if he liked me...cuz if i knew i would tell him. of course His name is sam. like everybody says we'd be the cutest together...but he keeps talkin bout this mia girl who he likes&&so i no he doesnt like me...well i dotn kno but i get the feelling. :[
1 comment(s) - 05:15 PM - 06/26/2007

babykakes90's Profile

  • Username: babykakes90
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Wisconsin
    Photo Album

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    BABYKAKES90's Interests:

    About Me: Im Marraaayy. Im a pretty cool person :] My life is okay. && i have a lot of friends who mean the world to me. im not one of those chicks who is a bitch to everyone! I'm in love with this one boy who happens to mean the world to me! but he doesnt kno it yet. MySpace Profile Photo Editor

    Interests: I la la la lovee swimming&&football. Its prettyy awesomee.

    Favorite Music: Rap. R&B. and Hip-Hop :]

    Favorite Movies: Scary movies. Cars.1408.Urban Legend.

    Favorite Books: Charlottes Web.