abbydoobers's Journal

Jul 2007
11:06 AM A

i went to ithaca today. i cant believe it! i went swmming in james state park! then i went to Butter milk! it was awesome!
1 comment(s) - 03:13 PM - 07/12/2007

abbydoobers's Profile

  • Username: abbydoobers
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
    ABBYDOOBERS's Interests:

    About Me: im 4" 1' and three quarters. and i love basketball. even though im a girl, it doesnt mean that i cant be a tom boy and love sports!

    Interests: i like sports.

    Favorite Music: none! except hip hop and rap!

    Favorite Movies: ratatouie, harry potter, nanny mcphee, and i cant remember any others but i know i love more. oh now i remember! just married! that is an awesome movie!

    Favorite Television: grace anantony,grace anantony,grace anantony,grace anantony,grace anantony,grace anantony,grace anantony,grace anantony,etc. etc.

    Favorite Books: charlie bone, harry potter, secret language of girls, if i have a wicked step mother wheres my prince.

    ABBYDOOBERS's Friends: