giovani74's Journal

Jul 2007
3:09 PM EDT

The wedding has been postponed due to financial issue. The bank approved us but Dani and I didn't want to be overwhelmed. I guess I can continue writing til our wedding date is met.
Tags: ...

Jul 2007
5:48 PM EDT

Okay!!! I'm nervous and I'm avIoiding the bank. I think the lady is getting hip to my game. She called the bank and made an appointment so I'll be giving a full update tomorrow. Lucky me. I am really warming up to eloping, day by day.

Jul 2007
3:06 PM EDT

We did not make it to the Bank today. Heck, i'm nervous but I am going there tomorrow. Let wrap this wedding business up.
Tags: Nothing

Jul 2007
4:38 PM EDT

No wedding info today but I did tell my mom that our wedding maybe postponed. Danielle was with me when I broke the news to mom and mom understood where we were coming from... I accidenatally got some chewing gum in Danielles car and she acted like it was a crisis. Its here first car so I can understand her emotional attachment but it's not like I'm not gonna get the gum out. Oh well, wedding update tomorrow, we are going to the bank for a load. Wish us well.

Jul 2007
4:37 PM EDT

No wedding info today but I did tell my mom that our wedding maybe postponed. Danielle was with me when I broke the news to mom and mom understood where we were coming from... I accidenatally got some chewing gum in Danielles car and she acted like it was a crisis. Its here first car so I can understand her emotional attachment but it's not like I'm not gonna get the gum out. Oh well, wedding update tomorrow, we are going to the bank for a load. Wish us well.
2 comment(s) - 07:29 PM - 07/23/2007

Jul 2007
2:45 PM EDT

We didn't even discuss wedding issues today. I've been sick the entire day, maybe it's stress. I awoke at 8:30am this morning,watched "Dark Passage" and then went back to bed @11:15. I awoke again at 4pm and "boom" most of my day is over. I suffer from sleep apnea so ,my breathing was interrupted a lot lastnight. This may of contributed to my sickness. Either way, I still confused about what to do about our wedding. Gut check time is coming and whether we are going thru with it in December,push it back to May or elope. Eloping is less stressful and economical,having a Dec wedding is practical but expensive and May gives us more time to plan. Fact is we were suppose to be planning this wedding since Jan 01 2007 yet we've done a marvelous job so far. Who knows how this will end but stay tuned cause it bound to get more intricate.

Jul 2007
4:08 PM EDT

Here's how I feel. This wedding is terrifying me...only because of the cost. I DO NOT want to go in debt over this wedding. I want to accumalate money not spend it so much. I will be able to pay off most of bill but because of the wedding I'm gonna add a few thousand dollars. Not to mention I need a car and I want to get my MS degree. I am also scared Danielle will stick me with the debt subconsciencely. I can save money and she is terrible at it. I have to spend 1600 of my saved money as a deposit at Mafolies. Danielle wasn't able to save much at all. If I go in the bank and request a loan, the loan will be in my name and I don't want that. This wedding is something I want but the debt scares me not marrying Danielle. As I write this journal I realize that OUR wedding is something I want and I am willing to pay for it; even though it's not the smartest decision I have ever made. I do want this moment to be memorable so I guess I'll do what I have to do. Hopefully God will send us some blessing (monetarily) so we can afford this wedding and so I will feel better. Eloping seem like a good idea.

Jul 2007
4:13 PM EDT

Danielle agreed to the 2 loan acct. So I guess the wedding is still on and all is well. I'm gonna put a down payment on Mafolies soon and wrap up this long charade. Hopefully Danielle and I will sleep better and we can get to more wedding activities. It's a lot of work to be done like coordinating hotels,flights & wedding party. This won't be a grand scale wedding but it will be NICE. Danielle is a Bridezilla in-waiting with out a doubt. I'm sure i'll be writing about her behavior in later journal entries.. Stay tune as the saga continues. -- On another note, this is Danielle's birthday and we had a good day today. Since we have been together for 6 years we really don't spend overwhelming amount of dollars on ones birthday but we do enjoy ourselves. We had a nice linner (lunch and dinner) and she got a massage and I bought a delicious cake and a few presents. All in all it was a great day.

Jul 2007
7:47 PM EDT

My mother had surgery yesterday and Danielle and I visited her. Mom is feeling a lot better and i am so relieved. I wish the best for my mother and I know she will have a happy and healthy life.-- On another note, on the way back home Danielle and I talked about the wedding. SHe said she felt cheated because it seems like our wedding won't be a grand as she liked. i want a grand wedding too but I refuse to be in debt. I need to buy a new car and a 10g loan will really hurt me. I was thinking maybe Danielle and I should take separate5 thousand dollar loan. So we both take a brunt of the blow. Debt is real and I want to do so much before I spend 10grand on my wedding. What hard decisions lie ahead.

Jul 2007
3:58 PM EDT

Here's where we are now. I broke the news to Danielle that we should use Fantasia wedding. Fantasia weddings is an initmate session w/o the glitz and glamour.Danielle seemed a bit disappointed but she still considered it. Truth be told I would be happy with Danielle and me doing something small and having a great honeymoon. Selfishly, I do want a bachelors party and I want Danielle to have a bachelorette party. Hopefully we can still make it work. I guess money is the main issue. I want a new car since my car was totalled and don't want to be stuck with 23g for a car and 12g for a wedding and reception. Maybe it is selfish but I don't want to go into our marriage in debt.

Jul 2007
2:35 PM EDT

I thought we would have something more today because the lady from (Fantasia Weddings) told Danielle that she could get a price for about $68 per person. Now thats my kind of price. I don't believe it and if true i'm looking for a gotcha, somewhere down the line. Eloping is still an option though I have never seen myself eloping and neither has Danielle. This wedding stuff is hard and tiresome. For everyone reading this blog, please get plan properly and have a backup. Getting married is big business in the US and everyone in the industry knows it.

Jul 2007
3:22 PM EDT

Danielle's Mother likes Mafolies now. I guess Mafolies is back on the radar when it comes to our reception. I have noticed I am out of the loop. I thought we were getting married in a church now I discover Danielle is trying to do an all in 1. Whoopee!!! I think. To be honest I really don't care anymore. Whether it's St Peters Great House,Villa Botanical,Church or Mafolies I am just ready to get it done. I don't know if weddings are this hard or are we making it harder than it really is(I can't end this sentence with is) when money is an object.

Jul 2007
7:47 PM EDT

Okay we have another place now. It seems as though the facility Danielle called has a wedding planner who claim she can get us a good price. Do I believe it , NO but have to play the game. Danielle has all but given up on a wedding in St Thomas. It's really sad that our wedding may not happen because of money grabbing retailers. More and more it looks as though we are gonna get married by ourselves. Everything else is too expensive and we are tired.

Jul 2007
12:20 PM EDT

IT's insane planning for a wedding. Danielle still hasn't narrowed down a recepion area. We have until the 28th of Dec but time is ticking.

Jul 2007
12:18 PM EDT

I don't know if family helps or hurt during wedding time. All I know is that I expected to be further along than I am now. I want to get married in St Thomas and I know Danielle does too but it's very expensive. It seems like none of Danielle's friends have really stepped up and Danielle is freaking out. As the days keep coming and going I feel more and more like eloping. My friends Khal & Ward do keep in going with words of encouragement.

Jul 2007
12:32 PM EDT

One of my bestfriend's wife is driving me crazy with insane question. I keep my cool but it feels like the Spanish Inquisition. Though this person seems to be paranoid on many occassions I feel my friend will keep her in check. -- Side note-- I proposed to Danielle December 31 2006 and it was one of the outstanding moments of my life. Watching her lose control like that in pure joy was worth it.

Jan 2007
3:40 PM EDT

Now it's time to plan for the wedding. We have a long time. Let hope things go as we hope. I want to get married on my mother and fathers weddinig day DEC 31st but who knows.

giovani74's Profile

  • Username: giovani74
  • Gender / Age: Male, 50
  • Location: USA - North Carolina
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