Gwenni's Journal

Jul 2007
2:03 PM CST

Woot! Today was my last day of work until next Sunday!!!!

Jun 2007
3:06 PM CST

You know you had a lousy day when all you did was go to work and then come home. Jason had to work once again tonight, so i got to spend the evening alone. Normally i really wouldnt mind, but that seems like all I have been doing lately. We get to see each other for like a little under an hour much for living with each other. We thought that by moving in together, we would see each other more...but that really hasnt been the case. By the time he gets home from work, i'm heading to bed. He normally doesnt get home until 10:30 and i normally either have to work or go to class in the morning. So that means i normally have to get up anywhere between 7 and 8am. So life really isnt that exciting right now...more disappointing and exhausting than anything. signing out for now. Gwenni <3

Jun 2007
12:50 PM CST

Unfortunately I had to say home from class today because I was up all night sick. I'll save you all of the good details, and just say that I could only lay in bed for about 15 minutes at a time before getting sick again and again. So, instead I just slept in this morning with Jason until about 12. He had to get up for work at 1:30, so I went ahead and got up with him. I relaxed for most of the day, then cleaned the living room; which by the way looks amazing! Joe helped out a little bit towards the end. So besides the Code Red stains on my carpet, everything looks great. I even cleaned the carpet with carpet cleaner, so it smells really good too. And of course, right when I finished, Riley thought that it would be an excellent idea to pee and shit on my nicely cleaned carpet. So, right now Riley and I are butting heads because shes a butthead. Well, I'm signing out for tonight. Hocus Pocus is on and it deserves my full attention ; ). Gwenni <3

Jun 2007
4:58 AM CST

Welcome back to my life! Lol. Right now Jason and I are watching Emergency Vets on Animal Planet. Gotta love that channel! Unfortunately, Jason has to work today at 1:30 so I have to spend the evening alone. Well, not exactly alone, I'll be with Riley and Garf (Woot! Not really). Right now we are just waiting on some chinese food to get here. I ordered some Lo Mein and Hot and Spicy Shredded Beef. I havent had the beef before, so I'm excited to see if I like it or not. But anyways, I guess since I have to be here alone tonight, I might as well clean up. So, if it starts getting to be a mess again, I'm going to have someone's head! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr....*evil eye*. Signing out for now. Gwenni <3

Jun 2007
2:04 PM CST

P.S.- I love Jason more than anything in the world!
1 comment(s) - 09:49 PM - 06/19/2007

Jun 2007
1:57 PM CST

Welcome once again to one of my blogs. None of my other ones have seemed to work out for me so far, so I decided to give this one a try. I'm not sure yet about this one, because so far I haven’t received my confirmation email for joining. So, we will see about this one. Right now Jason and I are sitting on the couch watching CSI. There is a marathon or something on tonight because we have been watching it since I got home tonight around 5ish. Its now almost 8, so yea, we've been here for awhile. I've had a killer headache for a couple of hours, so Jason is sitting here rubbing the back of my head while I type. Such a sweetie! Anyway, I have tomorrow and Thursday off work. Woot! But then again, I always get Tuesday through Thursday off now because of school and my emotional sanity. Some days, I really feel like I'm going to lose it. Like, I just want to sit in a corner and tear all of my hair out; and the worst part is, the littlest thing can set me off. I get pissed off and then I'm mad for the rest of the day. I have no idea why. I feel horrible about it too, which doesn't help the situation, because I can be really mean to the people I live with (Jason and Joe.) I just get so aggravated when the apartment is an absolute mess. I mean, sometimes I feel like I am the only person who gives a crap about what this apartment looks like. I get so embarrassed when people stop by uninvited, and there’s old food and trash lying all over the apartment. The worst room is the living room, since everyone spends most of their time there. And that makes it worse because that’s were we entertain our guests, so as soon as they walk in, they get the impression that we are absolutely nasty. I just get so tired of being the only one picking things up. I know that the apartment will never be perfect because I do live with 2 guys, I just want it to be presentable. But sometimes, I guess that's too much to ask. We started up a little EBAY business, and we are doing pretty good for what we are selling. We have made about $100 in 2 weeks, but the shipping gets us. It takes a lot of research to be able to sell things like that and make a profit. Don't get me wrong, we have made a profit, but its been a small one. The $100 includes the money that they paid for shipping, and well sometimes the shipping that we request when we sell the item isn't enough to cover the actual shipping. So the profit then cuts into the price of the DVD/book. Well, this headache is only getting worse by looking at this computer screen constantly, so I think that I might just finish watching CSI until the marathon is off. Who knows when that will be, but once again, I don't work tomorrow. Woot! Signing out for the night, Gwenni <3

Gwenni's Profile

  • Username: Gwenni
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Missouri
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