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    bkschicha  36, Female, New York, USA - 2,768 views
Feb 2007
3:06 PM EST

Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm. -Charles Caleb Colton

    monkstigeress  32, Female, New York, USA - 1,406 views
Mar 2007
4:30 PM EDT

This is freaky. Last year my 2 friends got these heart shaped charms with their crushes name on it and they got 1 for me as a joke. first, cassie lost hers in a downstairs gym at a dance at the boys and girls club. Julia found it upstairs. then Caitlin watched me throw mine out. It turned up under my bed. Caitlins dissapeared and turned up again soon after i found mine. I also had one with my name on it on my charm bracelt and it went missing. I found it right after if found my other one. So then Caitlin hid hers and i lost mine again when i forgot to take it out of my pants pocket before going to bed. I found it the other day in my backpack. I want to throw it out the window or somthing, but I feel drawn to it. The only one thats not acting weird is Cassies, and she dosn't like the person whos name is on it anymore. I'm scared.

    1flava  33, Female, Texas, USA - 2,841 views
Jan 2007
2:20 PM EDT

everyday i question myself bout wat i wanna be wen i grow up . since i was little i had alwayz wanted 2 be a model but telling my mom is wrost than wat i want for me ,my family iks christian and i'm very much of a christian myself and it kills me to kno that someone like my mother is gonna try to stand in my way of being wat i wanna be, i kno that being a model has to do with showing some parts of ur body but i still question myself if its very wrong for a child of god to do such things as modeling . first wen i was little wen me my family and my cuzins would watch the miss world pagents on tv because i was very skinny and tall for my age even though i'm still i'm they always saw me do my little walk like models do act like they're the audeince and everything but now that i have made up my mind for what i wanna be now my family turn back on me (mom) it feels bad but it makes her feel better wen i say i wanna be a docter also another choice of what i want to be wen i grow up its like having two jobs. but being christian also helped me believe that with god all things are possibly and to make ur dreams come true sometimes u have to break some rules so basicly i have to depend on god to help me get thei r and also help myself . yesterday after watching shes the man it helped me relalize how much i missed playing soccer wen i was in nigeria becuz ova their it weren't bout football or basketball but soccer which ova their they call it football i saw how much i missed playing soccer as a kid and i wanted to do it now that i'm in high skool becuz i feel dat i'm athletic but i don't sho it much so now i wanna play sports next year as a sophmore more than anything else

    Allison1995  31, Female, Michigan, USA - 3,283 views
Jan 2007
11:05 AM EDT

I got Home from my 1/2 day it was much exciting then i thought well At the end of the day we all got to listen to our IPODS and play with are cells At the end of the day ! NOW all i have to do is clean the hole house but i toltly don't wanna well i'v got go ( Sarinara ) BYE BYE!

    cyclonefan  51, Female, Iowa, USA - 5,853 views
Nov 2010
6:48 PM CDT


To those that are reading everyone's posts.�I am interested what folks think and feel.Especailly, in on here the inbox�It will be interesting how we all do journaling and having others reading and posting coments back. I am a writer and journalist. I been writing way back when I was still living here in Iowa. And moved to another new state away from my family.�it was the year of 1997.�I talked about my frustations, loneless at times, the good things that were going on. But it does not all come in perfect all the time. Its hard and difficult at first. Mistakes has�happen.�I started writing doing journaling right then that moment, when my parents drove off. It was hard to see them leave. And it was hard for them to�take off like that.
�When we talk about personal things, at times it is not right to share everything that goes on in our lives. For a while�I shared some things. And invited someone in it. I mean into my journal of thoughts and frustrations. Some lessons had been learned:
I learned that we keep things that are�prviate as private only.
I learned�some things can be shared.�And only share with others that understand.�It is so good to�journal and be able to share it with others.�If there are�any coments I would�like that. And thoughts�that we can improve our jounaling be better. Lets all work to improve journaling together.


    jaime  32, Female, Oregon, USA - 1,707 views
Jan 2007
7:44 PM EDT

Today we went on a field trip to the dump in Arlington, Oregon

    lholland123  33, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 3,639 views
Jan 2007
9:50 AM EDT

Ok so lemme tell you how i am going to the movies today with my baby and my wuzz and her boi and i am so excited to finally see him for the first time in like 4 weeks. and i got my cellphone back today so im happy about that but yo its wack cuz its turned off cuz the bill wasnt payed but they never sent it. so i have to pay 15 dollars to get it turned back on. thats balls. well yeah were going round 6 or so. 1 i need a pen. and 2 i need my boo then ill be ok. well yeah i got things to do before i go so peace . L&K3

    woody  33, Male, California, USA - 2,568 views
Jan 2007
3:58 PM PDT

WELL SENCE I ALREDY told you about my worst day.heres my best day or one of the best days of my life...was probly in september of 2006. there was alot of my friends and we humg out at school all day playing football doing alot of stuff we went on the roof and some kinda of tag with a bunch of different stuff.we hung out all day and the fun never really ended.there are many other good days and that was just one of them.

    freaks24  36, Male, California, USA - 1,695 views
Jan 2007
12:28 PM EDT

Thast in way true which you are loving somebody that you care about. So yeah you have a love in your life you shouldn't let it go away from you or it could hurt your feelings and it would take you a while for you to recover. There has been times where it has happened and it hurts you really bad in the mind and the body.

    LacrosseLover  29, Female, California, USA - 11,673 views
Apr 2007
12:15 PM PST

La La La. Today was boring that is what I did all day nada nothing.

    devilvsangel  34, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 1,656 views
Feb 2007
3:35 PM EDT

me too

    WCIBJ10  84, Male, Wisconsin, USA - 5,511 views
Sep 2008
7:40 AM CET

Purchased HP #21& # 22 Ink Cartridges -"one Pak" for $29 @ WalMart on Calumet St.,in Appleton,Wi. Maggie had "low-sugar"attack and headache-in afternoon/evening;went to bed earlier. Wayne(Son)picked up his Wife's Birthday Gift after 4 pm;he had been to Business meeting in Green Bay,Wi.

    sweet  26, Female, South Dakota, USA - 1,747 views
Feb 2008
6:26 PM EDT

I Love The weekend

    jimconvery  64, Male, Kentucky, USA - 1,747 views
Jan 2007
4:40 PM EDT

I am new to journaling. Recently divorced, I am trying to discover where I am and where I am in this journey of life. I look forward to your input and comments.

    cruelLittlemind  41, Female, Maine, USA - 4,929 views
Jan 2007
4:53 PM EDT

Looking out into this cruel world we call life i see a certain light one that burns like the fire of night one that should not be how do i get it to vanish? Or should i let it stay and replenish my cruel life?????????

    surrender  67, Female, Michigan, USA - 1,388 views
Aug 2007
6:28 PM EDT

Well, it's 10:30 and still no call from Master. Guess His love for me wasn't as He thought and i'm no where near as important as i had thought. Really hurts being played a damn fool. i was told by alot of people He was a player, course that was after we had had a fight and He went running back to His previouis submissive. Now He is with her, the new one, all yesterday and this AM telling me how i have His heart etc. but not 1 call all day. Guess He's having way too much fun to bother.
i can't and won't go thru this again, there isn't any excuse or reason. i'm just damn glad i didn't lose my life as i knew it no matter how unfufilling it is. At least it's honest and secure. i took a huge risk not just byallowing myself to love Him with everything in me but also in my security here in my home and not just mine but my kid and animals as well...dear god please make the hurt stop soon.

    sparklyfizzypink  37, Female, France - 2,319 views
Feb 2007
4:58 AM GMT

have a geog test on mon. i have nothing to do now.
2 comment(s) - 08:03 AM - 10/04/2009

    Daydreamer  36, Female, Australia - 35,159 views
Aug 2007
2:31 PM EDT

I am very sad today!! See almost a week ago {the week mark will be tom.} that I got up the nerve to call the guy that asked to meet me and we still havent meet. I understand that he is very shy but if he really wants me the way I hear he does then why does he act the way that he has been?? Why is he not calling me back is it because he is shy or is it because he doesnt want to really do this with me...the whole relationship thing?? I mean with him for the first time in like two years I was actually ready for a real realationship and now its just like before...the reasons why I never had realtionships for that long time....2 years....and its just like will I never actually be happy??Will anyone really ever love me or not...Am I like destined to be alone forever??Please help!!!!!
1 comment(s) - 08:58 AM - 04/19/2008

    questioningeverything  37, Female, California, USA - 15,269 views
Apr 2007
11:48 AM PST

What is terrorism?

Terrorism is not something we normally think about defining. It is thrown at us in a certain context. A context which we just accept. But what if we are asked to question it? No one approves of terrorism. Terrorism is defined by the people on the other side, say the US Administration. We are currently waging "A War on Terror." Terror defined by us. Defined and in so many ways created by the government. I just heard a quote which made me really think. It went something like this: Why should terrorism be defined by 9/11?

Terrorism has been happening all over the world for so long, but when 9/11 came it meant something, not because the US is superior but because we are the most powerful nation. The reality is that it has been happening around the world on much greater levels than it was performed in the US.

Now let's look at what defined terrorism as...


the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.


the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.


a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

I want to examine the second definition. "The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization." What does that mean? I was always told not to use the word in the definition.

Look at the third definition: "a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government." So that is to say that a government cannot be partake in terrorism. What about a dictatorship or an authoritarian regime--or say a democratic one? If the government of any state is able to define terrorism as something that is against them, then it would seem we have a problem. This is a problem because if you put the power into the hand of one person and they cannot be questioned in some way or another it becomes oppression. Oppression is never responded to well, and it shouldn't be.

In the US media we are told day after day they there are terrorists in Iraq and throughout the Middle East. It has become a scare tactic for this administration to get the country to follow. I am aware that there are bad people out there, but we are not living in a black and white world. We are living in a vibrant, colorful world where the definition of right and wrong is indefinable by just one nation or one group of people. It is a world where context is everything. Right now, we are occupying Iraq. Many will disagree and even call me Anti-American for saying such a thing. Anyway, the thing is that the so-called terrorists who are blowing up things and killing people are not necessarily completely different than then our soldiers. I know that I am unaware of what it is like to be living in an occupied state. I am unaware of why these people are fighting against us. I do not know how I would react if someone walked into my house and started trying to control me. Now I know comparing an American solider to what our government has defined as a terrorist is beyond what I should be doing. But they are each fighting for a cause which they think is right (and in some cases the Iraqis may have a better idea of what they are fighting for).

I want to mention something about the military for just a second. There is this idea throughout the United States that we are supposed to support the troops regardless of how we feel about war. Now let me say that I admire what the military in an ideal way is meant to be: A group of people who are willing to put their lives on the line for you or me. That is amazing thing, but I am not a fan of war. I don't think it is necessary 99.9% of the time. We learn as children that we are not supposed to fight, we are supposed to learn to use our words to fix our problems, yet militaries are still a needed thing for most countries. Works shouldn't have to fail. I am not only critiquing the United States but the world. I respect the military for what they are willing to give up, but I think that it is silly for them to do so. There is so much they can do with their lives and bringing honor to killing is just not the way to go. It is unacceptable to kill, unless an individual is about to kill you and there is no other way to injure them in a nicer way which would allow you to get away. I am one of those people.

I was not able to stay for whole documentary because I had leave for work but what I saw of Arabs and Terrorism brought up this question. It was really interesting and I hope to get a hold of a copy to watch the rest of it. This is such a difficult to discuss this topic because it is one that is not questioned for the most part. It is controversial and a touchy subject for so many. But that is what makes it so important. Not every Arab is a terrorist and Americans can be terrorists.

    jeremyk  39, Male, Oklahoma, USA - 1,594 views
Feb 2007
12:58 PM EDT


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