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    nurseha  36, Female, Singapore - 1,928 views
Mar 2007
4:03 PM EDT

Dear friends,
i'm sick and tired debating with my husband...i don't understand why we should quarel..i want to talkwith him nicely and setle the problem but he always choose not to talk..i juz don't noe why..and i think it's better for him to talk with me first rather then i come to him if he choose not to talk..the reason why he don't want to talk with me becoz ichat with my sister at msn..maybe he don't like me playing the msn so thati will not chat with other guys or he don't like my sister..i try to save our relationship we juz married not even 1 year and i don't want him to divorce me one day...please give me some advise..
2 comment(s) - 09:08 AM - 03/16/2007

    TrueToMe  41, Female, Michigan, USA - 4,496 views
Mar 2007
7:32 AM EST

Wow. What an interesting topic to bring up....LOVE. My best friend and I were just talking about that. Learning to love yourself. How important is that!! I never have to ask myself that question. I LOVE ME! I heard this guy say the other day he loved himself so much he wanted to kiss himself. That's REAL self-love. And it has nothing to do with being conceited or arrogant, because neither of those words mean to "love" oneself. Most arrogant people are stuck on themselves, but that doesn't mean they love who they are. They're boasting to cover-up something they lack, which would undoubtedly be...SELF-LOVE. I had to learn how to love myself and appreciate my body. Accepting every flaw, mole, scar, and abnormalty as apart of my beauty. The dark shades of my body, the light shades, and even the bumps on my feet. Yea, I ain't ashamed to tell ya, lol! But what I've learned is that if you love your body, and I mean you think your body is the SHIT! you'll find what other people think of you doesn't even matter! That is no lie. So stop worrying about others. How they look and how they think you look, Because dammit, you will find somebody who will love you for you! But only if you FIRST love yourself!

    a person no1 understands  33, Female, Arizona, USA - 6,607 views
Apr 2007
5:15 PM EDT

i hate my life. absolutely no one likes me at school, cuz im "different" and my parents are a bunch of jackasses who dont care about me. i absolutley hate it. i know i have so many options (religion) and i take them all, but nothing seems to be working. i just dont know what to do anymore. i hate my life!! absolutely hate it!! by the time i go to bed im in tears. yeah, i know i have it off a lot better than most people in the world, but that doesn't mean i'm enjoying it. sure i have a lot of fancy stuff, but i dont want it! its useless if you dont have the right morale behind it. usually my parents get me stuff to shut me up. i cant wait till i get out of this hell hole. id gladly trade my world for one of those poeple in africa who really deserve this kind of life (the luxeries, not the people in it). i dont think its fair that i have this "luxurious" life while they're in kenya suffering. i'm not even grateful for my "wonderful" life. i am greatful for the stuff, but not for the people, id trade it all away if i could. if i could just get out of these walls. this prison cell. i hate it. i might as well kill myself, besides, im thinking of going goth, then my parents would kill me for me. ugh! just make all the pain and suffering go away in the world, then work on my problem! UGH!!! i dont know what to do anymore. my parents are making me do all this stuff i dont want to do and they dont care. typical. i wonder why im surprised. JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY!! i absolutely hate this! but i feel guilty feeling bad for myself because there are people way worse than i. AAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! i want to just run away, just run away and keep running. i hate everyone in my life. i have no friends, no loving family, just a whole bunch of stuff i didnt even want. i wonder why im so upset. i guess its because i have no love in my life, just an endless closet with prep clothes, (NOT A PREP!!) toys for todlers that my parents wont let me give away to a family that actually deserves it, and all this other shit that i dont deserve or want. i just want it all to go away, the people, the things,this life, just for it all to suddenly dissapear. I WISH I COULD DRIVE!!! then i go far away from here. so very far away. *sigh* i hate my parents and the people at my school and every one around me. they never did anything for me, yet they expect me to do stuff for them like they were my best friends in the whole wide world. just make it go away. JUST MAKE IT ALL GO AWAY!!!! im sorry i droned on like this, i really shouldnt be feeling sorry for myself like this. its not worth anyones time, just like me.
3 comment(s) - 06:36 AM - 04/25/2007

    claudia  33, Female, Florida, USA - 1,348 views
Apr 2009
3:26 PM EDT

    earthangel  71, Male, Canada - 9,894 views
Jun 2007
11:40 AM PST

It was a pretty exciting Saturday night for me I was asked to co host an internet radio show with a couple of young guys out of Dallas Texas and it was allot of fun to do. Between the three of us we all had a different idea on life's values and you could really hear it through out the show, which made it off the wall and kind of risque you may say. Some may not appreciate it because like I said my co host have thier own views and right off the bat they tell every one they have been drinking which adds for adventure. hahaha We talked USA and Canadian politics and we even interviewed Avin from the states and had some fun as we went along which made for a fun show. We got of track but we were soon back on track and I am looking forward to doing another show with them for sure. Now just have to work out a cost with my telephone provider for the show times. Anyways the shows tae place on Blog Radio and it's the 'Power Hour Guys' You can go listen to the shows because each show is an mp3 to listen to after wards.

    CoffinRose  36, Female, Canada - 1,550 views
Mar 2007
12:01 PM EST

So today I went to the bank. I had to cash a cheque that I'd been holding for like a month. It was so beautiful! From the bus stop I had to walk a couple of blocks to the bank. I listened to the entire "Green Day: American Idiot" CD on my adventure. I was on the last song when I got back to my room in Residence at my University. I'm feeling quite content, money in my wallet, and plans to party this weekend! Later- Coffin Rose

    byrd  36, Male, Texas, USA - 1,770 views
Mar 2007
8:36 PM EDT

my experience with life has changed my mind dearly i feel like there is no one to trust or be with
1 comment(s) - 07:16 PM - 05/11/2007

    cutiepie2cute14  31, Female, Tennessee, USA - 2,405 views
Mar 2007
8:04 AM EDT

Wassup da b5queen is in da house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mintybynature  52, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 1,534 views
Mar 2007
4:49 AM CST

I'm new to inbox journal, but I like what I see so far. Interesting place to post issues or just get it out of your system. so far my day sucks, and its only bound to get worse.

    wendy36301  46, Female, Alabama, USA - 3,745 views
Jun 2008
1:42 PM EDT

I am confused

HI,ok,today is my birthday,yesterday a friend of mine name Mike came to see me to tell me happy b day an to give me a gift,he told me he loves me an then he left,he knows about David in prison an tells me every day that he thinks I am crazy for waiting,so am I?I mean Mike is a great guy who is alot like me,we both like the same movies,we both have 3 kids an both just went threw with a divorce,Mike has a great job making lots of money,but he is still afraid of opening up to me,I mean for real afraid,we talk alot about things that effect us an he calls to check on me every day,I like him a lot but I have made it my passion to stay faithful to David,rather its because I want to,or because I really love him,something tells me to wait on him,am I losing sight of who I am?
1 comment(s) - 09:38 PM - 06/23/2008

    cutie101  49, Female, California, USA - 1,526 views
Mar 2007
12:21 PM EDT


my name is BRIana!!!!!!!you guys rock whoever invented this


baby b

    babygirl1  31, Male, California, USA - 1,670 views
Mar 2007
12:32 PM EDT


    yukcindy  58, Female, Spain - 1,486 views
Mar 2007
6:04 AM EEDT

good morning baby new house from you ....

    silence  39, Female, China - 1,848 views
Mar 2007
6:49 PM AST


1 comment(s) - 08:05 AM - 03/19/2007

    ekj  49, Male, California, USA - 2,847 views
Mar 2007
9:58 AM PST

Mood: Good Mood / Happy / Little Worn Out

Weather: Sunny Spring Day

Time 515 pm

Relationship Ranking: 5

Entry 2

I knew last night Chris and I was going to have blows. Chris much like me is stubborn, can be very mean with his words, and at some point in the fight enough is enough. We hit the enough is enough point about 1 ½ after I got home last night. I admit I was pissed about Chris online sex account. He confirmed that he did hook up with dude (someone he has wanted to hook up for ever with), like that fucking matters. What I was more pissed about and I told Chris is last Thursday night he was suppose to be at home with me. The reason why, because the night before last Wednesday we had plans and Chris totally blew me off. For the same thing he does every time – to go to Thomas’s house. I told Chris that I thought he cruzed on Thomas’s computer and I was on to him. He said who cares and blamed me for fucking around 1st with other guys and brings it into our relationship. Which is true, I did get caught 1st, but I think he was doing the same and I am not trying to minimize the blame. Who knows, I think we both fuck around on each other the same amount. Long story short, last Thursday was suppose to be me and him, not some dude he spent an hour with, and came home because he felt guilty because of me. I said he feels guilty because I called and bugged him so much while he was trying to enjoy himself. And that I hoped he did not enjoy the experience. At that point he grabbed me hugged me, and we laid on the back bed room couch together. Last night was all about the make up sex. And we did plenty of making up. I apologized for being such a bitch, and if he communicated with me a little more I would not feel so left in the dark. I mean shit how my guys do you know that are going to be cool with their BF gone all night partying with his crazy friends

    Tikasiamese  59, Male, New York, USA - 12,789 views
Jul 2007
3:27 PM EDT

Its been awhile since I got on here, sorry. I just got back watching my cousin Debbies house. Her two cats are so cute. I really enjoyed myself. I was feeling alittle under the weather this week. I still had to check on Tika to make sure he was ok. I took him over to see the two boys and it was quite interesting. I kept Tika in his cage but Charlie had an attitude and ran off pouting. Henry just looked at Tika, tormenting his presence. About 20 minutes later, Tika was whinning and hissing so I knew that the visit came to an end. Thank god I decided to keep him in the cage.

Debbie came home on Wednesday night. I thought she said she would keep away. I think from now on I won't be telling her my intentions next year. She must have done some laundry because I saw the laundry basket in the living room. Apparently I also left the sliding glass door open in error. What can I say, it was a mistake on my part.

    greathambino  43, Male, Kansas, USA - 2,005 views
Mar 2007
1:08 PM CST

I am a youth pastor. I hesitate to say anything because right now I feel like the furthest thing from it. It is not what I thought it was going to be like. Matter of fact life is not like I thought it was going to be like. I work two jobs to pay my bills and they barely get me by. The other job is printing tshirts. Not a bad job if that was all you had to do. But I leave there and come home to another job that is just leaving me with a ton of guilt, frustration, and I think I'm getting an ulcer. There are so many expectations on me right now. People watching my every move and yet I am on the verge of failing at all that incompasses being a youth pastor. I am sick.
2 comment(s) - 10:42 PM - 05/15/2007

    chanthenoodle  33, Female, New York, USA - 1,996 views
Mar 2007
5:30 PM EDT

The Dreyfus Affair

Jackie Kunz

Captain Alfred Dreyfus had his second court conviction annulled July 12, 1906, after over a decade of claiming his innocence. His court case had been reopened in 1899 but the result was a ten year reconviction. Dreyfus was originated from a prosperous Jewish family that originated in Alsace, Germany. His family moved to France after the defeat of the French army in 1871. He graduated from École Polytechnique and became a high ranked officer in the French army.

In 1894 a handwritten note was found in a waste paper basket in the German

Military attaché in the office of Major Max von Schwartzkoppen by a cleaning women under the employment of a French counter-intelligence. This note has now come to be known as Bordereau. The contents included government secrets and information concerning new fields of artillery pieces.

The note was delivered to French War Minister, General Auguste Mercier. The note’s contents implied that it was written by an artillery officer. Seeing as Dreyfus had artillery training and a German background, he fell under suspicion. The handwriting was incorrectly interpreted as Dreyfus’s handwriting. In October 1894, Dreyfus was arrested and charged with espionage and convicted of treason by a military tribunal in December. General Mercier insisted that he have an early trial and conviction. He was given a life sentence of solitary confinement on Devil’s Island, off the coast of French Guyana in South America. He was stripped of his rank marks and buttons and his sabre was broken.

Dreyfus’s case was reopened in 1899 because he had been denied the due process. The conviction was quashed by the Court of Cassation and he was reconvicted for ten more years.

Drefus was pardoned on July 12, 1906 by President Émile Loubert. He has been readmitted into the army and made a knight in the Légion d’Honneur. He has since served in WWI as a Lietenant Colonel.

This case resulted in the division of France. Due to his Jewish faith, Drefus was more apt to be convicted with the amount of anti-Semitism present. Even though Jews in France are treated better than most of those in Europe. They are allowed to participate in government and in the military. Jews are considered to be without a homeland and with no loyalty and this idea played into effect during Drefus’s trials. Theodor Herzl, a Jewish journalist from Vienna, said that assimilation is no protection against anti-Semitism.

Recently it has been discovered that the true culprit was Major Esterhazy. Drefus’s name has been completely cleared.

1 comment(s) - 09:33 PM - 03/05/2007

    liailian  32, Female, China - 13,885 views
Nov 2007
9:43 PM HAY


who knows
simon's rock???

    clintloner21  34, Female, Texas, USA - 5,413 views
May 2008
7:04 AM EDT

I'm so excitied this is my last day of school graduation is in a couple of day as well may 28 2008!!!!!!!

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