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    babyc  31, Female, Oklahoma, USA - 1,604 views
Mar 2007
5:15 PM EDT

Ya so me and my boyfriend were at the movies and a couple of guy i know came up to me and huged me you know like a brother hugs there unger sister so anyway my bf alex goes crzy and threatens to kick there ass.He tells me he loves me som times he scares me with his constant checking up on me to make sure i am not with a nother guy.i love him but he is overbearing and when ever i try to talk to him he changes the subject.what should i do this is starting to get scary

    vinny2926  32, Male, New York, USA - 1,652 views
Mar 2007
5:56 PM EDT


    bayrox101  28, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 3,948 views
Mar 2007
6:21 PM EDT

Gonna leave for tonight!


    bayrox61560567  28, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 2,559 views
Mar 2007
7:13 AM EDT

Hey guys leavin' for now peace.

    hockeygirl  29, Female, Minnesota, USA - 3,859 views
Mar 2007
1:13 PM EDT

Hey sorry for not writing in a long time. Its just I never have time in my busy life. Your probobly woundering how my hockey seasonis going, well its over for this year and next year I'll be on the 12u finally. So in the summer I play Soccer. In fact I just signed up. I can't wait! Today went great I'm not felling alone.

    kiasophia  38, Female, Louisiana, USA - 1,708 views
Mar 2007
9:52 PM EDT

"Through the use of books,I had tghe whole world at my feet,Could travel anywhere , meet anyone, or do anything"
You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.

You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.

Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.

    Supporter  64, Male, North Carolina, USA - 1,555 views
Mar 2007
10:17 PM EDT


I know that we are all tired of reading this kind of email and articles but this one needs to be read.
Read this all the way to the end and if this doesn't get your attention - Delete It - There isn't much anyone can do to help you!
Otherwise - PassIt On!
I wanted to share an article my son Eddie sent me from Iraq . I was not going to send it out through the usual means; I'm looking to have this published somehow. I just felt after reading it again this morning that I wanted people to begin reading it and begin/continue to pray for our brave men and women in uniform.
I'm not sure how many letters or articles you've ever read from the genre of "News from the Front," but this is one of the best I've ever read, including all of America 's wars. As I was reading this, I forgot that it was my son who had written it. My emotions range from great pride to great sorrow, knowing that my little boy (22 years old) has become this man.
He is my hero. Thank all of you for your prayers for him; he needs them now more than ever. God bless.
David Jeffers
Hope Rides Alone
By Eddie Jeffers
I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble, and I look at the frightened faces that watch me pass down the streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly rest; my hands are steady on a device that has been given to me from my government for the purpose of taking the lives of others.
I sweat, and I am tired. My back aches from the loads I carry. Young American boys look to me to direct them in a manner that will someday allow them to see their families again...and yet, I too, am just a age not but a few years more than that of the ones I lead. I am stressed, I am scared, and I am paranoid...because death is everywhere. It waits for me, it calls to me from around street corners and windows, and it is always there.
There are the demons that follow me, and tempt me into thoughts and actions that are not my own...but that are necessary for survival. I've made compromises with my humanity. And I am not alone in this. Miles from me are my brethren in this world, who walk in the same streets...who feel the same things, whether they admit to it or not.
And to think, I volunteered for this...
And I am ignorant to the rest of the world...or so I thought.
But even thousands of miles away, in Ramadi , Iraq , the cries and screams and complaints of the ungrateful reach me. In a year, I will be thrust back into society from a life and mentality that doesn't fit your average man. And then, I will be alone. And then, I will walk down the streets of America , and see the yellow ribbon stickers on the cars of the same people who compare our President to Hitler.
I will watch the television and watch the Cindy Sheehans, and the Al Frankens, and the rest of the ignorant sheep of America spout off their mouths about a subject they know nothing about. It is their right, however, and it is a right that is defended by hundreds of thousands of boys and girls scattered across the world, far from home. I use the word boys and girls, because that's what they are. In the Army, the average age of the infantryman is nineteen years old. The average rank of soldiers killed in action is Private First Class.
People like Cindy Sheehan are ignorant. Not just to this war, but to the results of their idiotic ramblings, or at least I hope they are. They don't realize its effects on this war. In this war, there are no Geneva Conventions, no cease fires. Medics and Chaplains are not spared from the enemy's brutality because it's against the rules. I can only imagine the horrors a military Chaplain would experience at the hands of the enemy. The enemy slinks in the shadows and fights a coward's war against us. It is effective though, as many men and women have died since the start of this war. And the memory of their service to America is tainted by the inconsiderate remarks on our nation's news outlets. And every day, the enemy changes...only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it. But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society...and they are becoming our enemy.
Democrats and peace activists like to toss the word "quagmire" around and compare this war to Vietnam . In a way they are right, this war is becoming like Vietnam . Not the actual war, but in the isolation of country and military. America is not a nation at war; they are a nation with its military at war. Like it or not, we are here, some of us for our second, or third times; some even for their fourth and so on. Americans are so concerned now with politics, that it is interfering with our war.
Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the internet...and there is no outrage, but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed...for doing their job.
It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this. Why are we so obsessed with the bad news? Why will people stop at nothing to be against this war, no matter how much evidence of the good we've done is thrown in their face? When is the last time CNN or MSNBC or CBS reported the opening of schools and hospitals in Iraq ? Or the leaders of terror cells being detained or killed? It's all happening, but people will not let up their hatred of Bush. They will ignore the good news, because it just might show people that Bush was right.
America has lost its will to fight. It has lost its will to defend what is right and just in the world. The crazy thing of it all is that the American people have not even been asked to sacrifice a single thing. It's not like World War Two, where people rationed food, and turned in cars to be made into metal for tanks. The American people have not been asked to sacrifice anything. Unless you are in the military or the family member of a service member, its life as usual...the war doesn't affect you.
But it affects us. And when it is over, and the troops come home, and they try to piece together what's left of them after their service...where will the detractors be then? Where will the Cindy Sheehans be to comfort and talk to soldiers and help them sort out the last couple years of their lives, most of which have been spent dodging death and wading through the deaths of their friends? They will be where they always are, somewhere far away, where the horrors of the world can't touch them. Somewhere where they can complain about things they will never experience in their lifetime; things that the young men and women of America have willingly taken upon their shoulders.
We are the hope of the Iraqi people. They want what everyone else wants in life: safety, security, somewhere to call home. They want a country that is safe to raise their children in. Not a place where their children will be abducted, raped, and murdered if they do not comply with the terrorists demands. They want to live on, rebuild and prosper. And America has given them the opportunity, but only if we stay true to the cause, and see it to its end. But the country must unite in this endeavor...we cannot place the burden on our military alone. We must all stand up and fight, whether in uniform or not. And supporting us is more than sticking yellow ribbon stickers on your cars. It's supporting our President, our troops and our cause.
Right now, the burden is all on the American soldiers. Right now, hope rides alone. But it can change, it must change. Because there is only failure and darkness ahead for us as a country, as a people, if it doesn't.
Let's stop all the political nonsense, let's stop all the bickering, let's stop all the bad news, and let's stand and fight!
Isn't that what America is about anyway?

    manik1233  49, Female, DC, Washington, USA - 1,461 views
Sep 2007
5:48 AM EDT


    daredevil8  33, Male, Illinois, USA - 15,436 views
Dec 2007
12:54 PM CDT

nah, I as said by a wise man, I am what I am, and I do what I do, thats
what I stand what abotu u?

    suman  49, Male, India - 3,259 views
Apr 2007
5:53 AM I

The love I dedicate to your lordship is without end; whereof
this pamphlet, without beginning, is but a superfluous moiety.
The warrant I have of your honourable disposition, not the worth
of my untutored lines, makes it assured of acceptance. What I
have done is yours; what I have to do is yours; being part in
all I have, devoted yours. Were my worth greater, my duty would
show greater; meantime, as it is, it is bound to your lordship,
to whom I wish long life, still lengthened with all happiness.

2 comment(s) - 07:43 PM - 07/09/2007

    Kittywitch  51, Female, United Kingdom - 1,996 views
Mar 2007
5:57 PM GMT

Just started this blog thing so that I can write interesting things when they happen to me..which isn't very often;P
We changed desks in the office this week, and my new view allows me to see a patch of rather attractive grass adjacent to a few parking spaces. Nature really does takeover the smallest space though, there are squirrels, blossom filled trees ( too early alas and the blossoms are flying everywhere) and a pair of Magpies who are obvioulsy mated and hopping around collecting nest building materials. It's quite lovely watching them hopping around together and I can't wait to follow their progress:)
1 comment(s) - 04:36 PM - 03/09/2007

    Wallflower  41, Female, Virginia, USA - 2,000 views
Mar 2007
11:07 AM EST

Okay, well this is my first entry in my journal. I don't
have much to say at the moment except I've been feeling
different. I don't really have anyone to talk to. My
husband is ther for me but doesn't seem to be. I feel like
my feeling are a bother to him as well as to my sister and
mother. I know they all love me but I can't tell them how
I feel sometimes. TO ME it seem like i'm bothering me or
they just not listening to me. I've been very moody this
past week mostly to my husband and I don't really know
why. I don't know hopefully I'll figure something out.
1 comment(s) - 02:42 PM - 03/16/2007

    xobrit2012xo  31, Female, West Virginia, USA - 2,224 views
Mar 2007
6:26 AM EDT

I lot of good things happened yesterday-
wow-where do I start
there were about twelve hot black guys at the mall and when me and my sister were in line for icecream they came and talked to us.
they got our number and said they'll call.
that was the first good thing that happened.
the secong good thing that happened was I got to go shopping for dresses for my mom's wedding.
And the third thing is I got to get icecream because I was really craving for it.
well if you got something to say then comment or message me.

    vman9374  45, Male, New York, USA - 1,749 views
Mar 2007
4:19 PM EDT

Im soooo bored. add me if you wanna

    adgjmp9374  42, Male, New York, USA - 4,478 views
Mar 2007
11:58 AM EDT

My friend is mad at me cause the teacher caught him telling lies about me he soes not got any rite! i dont care he does no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate him i dont no if i should be friends with him what do you think?
2 comment(s) - 09:09 PM - 03/31/2007

    azngurlpride06  25, Female, Canada - 1,568 views
Mar 2007
5:26 PM EDT

HAHA i love gaia even tho i don't kno wut to do lol

    SeeWhy  58, Female, West Virginia, USA - 37,172 views
Jul 2007
4:44 PM EDT

Just a quick catch up. I havent been to the therapist in two weeks. I am scheduled for next week. I have stopped taking the dealer classes. Couldnt juggle them and work. I have been working alot of hours. Husband is still in the house. An ex boyfriend found me online and told me alot of wonderful things, things I have always wanted to hear. It felt soo good to find out that someone was looking for me and had been looking for me since we broke up. I feel hook line and sinker...simple woman. He disappeared for weeks without calling or anything. Before anyone thinks bad of me.... I told him I was married. He is seperated. Then...long story short...he dropped me like a bad habit. He lives far from me. I am glad he does but...I miss his words...what is the key to healing a broken heart anyone???

    alyssa14  31, Female, New York, USA - 1,435 views
Mar 2007
6:41 PM EDT

three good things that happend today are that the guy i like asked me out, i finally got to go to the mall with the rest of my cheer squad and me and my new boyfriend are going to the mall together!!

    ROXY  34, Female, Arkansas, USA - 2,899 views
Jan 2008
3:52 PM EDT



well i'm in high school now it's good to be in high school it's fun and enjoyable and some people might think that there work is to hard or your teachers and to mean but to be honest your high school teachers just wont you to pass so give them a break all they wont you to do is pass so you can have a good future and .................for the kids that are going to be starting high school next year and are like really scared don't be because all you should think about is that your going to make it and your going to have friends and i promise you that and if you find yourself not making friends then all you have to do is join aclub see when i was first starting i thought that i was never going to make any friends because i was like the loser at my old school but theni saw that i knew some peoplein my class from my other school then i think about a moth ago i was hanging around at lunch time and the wrestling coach came up to me and said would you like to try out for the team and i thought well it's weird and dumb but then i thought and then i said to myself well it's somthing new and somthing i might enjoy and i went and know i have lots of friends all you have to do is believe and put yourself out there so high school will be fun just don't drop out and don't start doing anything bad and go on the wrong path because it's not even worth it

well bye....jill

    charliechalk12  32, Male, United Kingdom - 2,141 views
Apr 2007
10:14 AM EDT

im afraid of heights. i dont even no why but i guess ts not even the height of things that scaresme its the fear of knowing i can fall and i think thats what scares me the most. also all creepy crawlies like spiders they're all furry and you can see their small but deadly fags hanging from their mouths like a lion staring at ts pray and drooling from mouth to floor...scary huh?
3 comment(s) - 11:22 AM - 07/29/2009

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