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Will's Daily Thoughts and Happenings
Sep 2008
7:40 AM CET
Purchased HP #21& # 22 Ink Cartridges -"one Pak" for $29 @ WalMart on Calumet St.,in Appleton,Wi. Maggie had "low-sugar"attack and headache-in afternoon/evening;went to bed earlier. Wayne(Son)picked up his Wife's Birthday Gift after 4 pm;he had been to Business meeting in Green Bay,Wi.
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Apr 2007
9:03 AM CET
Terrible Tragedy of Killing/Shooting of 32 persons(Students/Staff) at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg,Virginia.Killer was a Student at V.T.and a Citizen of S.Korea.At least 15-20 others were wounded by Shooter. This turns out to be the worst Shooting incident in the History of the United States. May Our Heavenly Father be with all those affected by this tragedy-wherever they may be,and how they are affected. My Prayers are for all affected(however affected),and that all be aware of H.F.'s Love is with them,and his Comforting Arms are reaching out to all,to help them deal with this tragedy,and event,that only God can know the reason for. Blessings to All Will
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Feb 2007
5:56 AM CET
Wed.Feb.14th,2007:HAPPY VALENTINES DAY-all you wonderful Journalers,out there.May all of you have many Blessings,starting with knowing how much your Heavenly Father Loves You-and how much he desires all of our Love as well. Next-follow his Commandments,one of which is:"Love thy Neighbor"-this can start with your Spouses,Parents,Children,all your Family members,and good friends. This 'ol Granpa Will07-saying have a wonderful day.
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Jan 2007
4:30 AM CET
The 'ol man is back for another happy day!It's cold here.Had some Sun in the morning-then it clouded up in the afternoon n evening.We should be getting a little snow-later in the evening around 9 pm. Worked on Personal Health program for myself in the morning-at the "Revolution Health Site".Enabled me to set goals,planning for weight loss,better diet control and a personal fitness program-Great! Hah!-now to just keep up with it on a daily basis.We'll See? Bye now
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Jan 2007
12:37 PM CET
Hi Folks-Hope everyone is well and happy.This is the 'Ol Man checking in from Germany.We're getting kind of cold here-perhaps some snow,where I live tomorrow night.With Snow forecasts-I never put too much stalk in them-till I actually see the white stuff.I learned that,while living in good 'ol Wisconsin. It's been a good day for working on our Family History-and finding out more about our Ancestors. Had a nice family from our Church come over and visit us,this afternoon.We had a nice snack,talked and watched a DVD-called: "In Concert with Andre Rieu".I'll guess that there is hardly anyone,if anyone?-who knows who "Andre Rieu"is.You won't find his name,or his Strauss Waltz Orchestra listed on any of the "so-called music charts"that the "youngins(10-45)pay attention to,or listen to the music listen to from those charts.It''s not "rap",heavy metal",or "rock n roll"-however -at times his Orchestra and the music they play-sure moves along. His Orchestra plays Classical,Pop,Jazz,Polkas,Marches,Waltzes-and occacasional Country Western-and maybe some "light rock n roll". He and his Orchestra are very famous and well known in Europe-and is somewhat known in So.America and some parts of Asia-along with a few in the U.S.He has given Concerts in the U.S.-primarily in the larger Cities,like N.Y.,Chicago,S.F,Boston-and perhaps a few other places. He is at times seen on the PBS TV Stations in the U.S. For those of you who like "Good Music"-watch for him-he and his Orchestra give a great Concert-and they are a lot of fun-getting their Audiences to interact with their Concerts,by singing and dancing. Ya All Have a Good Day-"Cheers."
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Jan 2007
4:56 AM CET
Hi-My first day with this Journal program.This seems like an easy way to record a few thoughts each day;will be interesting to see if I am able to keep up with my Journal writing every day? Reading other Member's Journal entries-is interesting,but also reminds me that I am far away the Senior Journaler-old enough to be most of the other member's Father or Granfather-but that 's Ok-perhaps we can learn something from each other. For the rest of you-I am retired,living in Germany with my new Wife of 15 months.We both went to Dorsey High School in Los Angeles,Ca.-graduating S'53. Next time-as another "older fella"says-"now for the rest of the Story." Friends-"keep tuned." :) (Anyone out there-old enought to know who I'm referring to ,with that "famous sayiing,on the radio?"If so,leave a comment for me-would be interesting to know if there is anyone out there,who knows who I'm referring to.-----Cheers.
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WCIBJ10's Profile
Gender / Age:
Male, 85
USA - Wisconsin
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WCIBJ10's Interests:
About Me:
Married,Retired,Active Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;Conservative Socially and Politically.
Living My Life According to God's Commandments and Covenants;Serving others and my Church;Reading Biographies,Documentaries,History and Science;Surfing the Internet;Meeting People and Making New Friends;Spending Time with My Family;Researching and Recording Family History/Geneaology;Writing-Biographies,Fiction,Childrens Stories.
Favorite Music:
Waltzes,Polkas,Pop 40's-60's Songs;Easy Listening;Soundtracks from some movies;Light Opera music.
Favorite Movies:
100's of Movies;those with a good story(preferably non-violent);Biographies,Documentaries,Musicals,Adventure;Historical.
Favorite Television:
Many of the old sitcoms(mostly comedy),TCM movies,National Geographic,Discovery Channel, Fox News Channel,Sports(College Football and Basketball);occasionally Pro-football.
Favorite Books:
Book of Mormon,King James Bible,Biographies, Documentaries,History,Science,Good Fiction Stories,Readers Digest.