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woody's Journal
Jan 2007
3:58 PM PDT
WELL SENCE I ALREDY told you about my worst day.heres my best day or one of the best days of my life...was probly in september of 2006. there was alot of my friends and we humg out at school all day playing football doing alot of stuff we went on the roof and some kinda of tag with a bunch of different stuff.we hung out all day and the fun never really ended.there are many other good days and that was just one of them.
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Jan 2007
3:34 PM PDT
the worst thing that ever happened to me was...one day when i was about 10 or 11.it was a saterday evening and me jordan,robert and javie were hanging out in roberts garage.we were hanging out talking and playing catch.i was playing with something and not really paying any attention to jordan who was standing infrount of me.HIM BEING PRETTY DUMB decides to pick up a pipe and and start swing it like a baseball bat whille im not paying attention he says "when i say duck, duck ok"?so i yes ok whill im kinda zoned out.so he starts swing arould the top of my head and the he says "DUCK" but i never do then he pops my right in the forhead i emediatly grab my head and start screaming not knowing that my head is bleeding so once i pull my hands away from my head blood starts to drip from my forhead and hands.
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Gender / Age:
Male, 34
USA - California
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