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    vikinggaijin  43, Male, Japan - 3,291 views
Feb 2007
5:39 PM CST

OOOOk, here's another point to ponder. There is obvious "team grouping" theories on the National Coach's plate. Check out the numbers of players that are on the NT right now...kinda pathetic.

Reds: 6

JEF: 4

Gamba: 3

Frontale: 3

Sanfreece: 2

Ryutsu Keizai Univ.: 1...whaaaaa???


FC Tokyo: 1


S-Pulse: 1

Trinita: 1

Albirex: 1

Jubilo: 1

Granted that those teams are good teams, but do they all necessarily have good players? Can these guys get together and get along like the Brazilian NT? I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't think so. This guy from friggin whosajiggawha university is relatively unheard of. Osim should've taken a look at all the players in Japan and not just those who hail from Kanto and kinda Kansai. Seems like a real shortsighted man to me. Eh.

    CEXIxGANGSTAxCHIC  31, Female, Hawaii, USA - 6,079 views
Mar 2007
12:42 AM EDT

very early in the morning. today i go to camp. wish me luck all u bloggers! im dead with mosqutos in just a term of 24 hours! HELP!

    kittenwok  34, Female, Canada - 1,678 views
Feb 2007
1:10 PM EDT

hey this me! I am a girl and is very nice.I like to play lots of things like soccer,hip-hop,and lots more.I have lot's of friends. I make friends very fast.

    Listenwiththeheart  34, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 1,467 views
Feb 2007
10:12 AM EDT

������ Somtimes there is too much to say in one day on one topic that you have to brake it down in to many days.� And sometimes you dont know if you are going on for ever or that is just the song in your head.� Yes, my messeges will most likely be on music and in the�end�be put into a book; but they will be peiced together day by day. In a way�that people out there can hear what I have to say but at the same time they will listen to the music, yes music around them so that they can further understand why it was put there in the first place.�

    gaia  34, Female, Tennessee, USA - 1,671 views
Feb 2007
11:13 AM EST

What it do, you wide world you!!! I'm new but I'll be around for a while...

    Shorty  32, Female, Indiana, USA - 2,316 views
Feb 2007
5:04 PM EST

Has anyone ever been to or live in Orlando, Flordia?
I'm going down there in 6 weeks
would love it if someone could tell me something fun to do or great tourist places to check out while in town. Also, what is weather usually like down there in late March early April?

    chattabox  33, Male, California, USA - 1,681 views
Feb 2007
8:09 PM EDT

i luv bernie hefner!!HES HOT

    carodancer4ever  48, Female, New York, USA - 2,110 views
Apr 2007
4:43 PM EDT

    JK0228  45, Female, Maryland, USA - 2,204 views
Feb 2007
7:15 PM EDT

I cannot change my past but I can change the presentand thefuture. I can see my past as a way to make me stronger for thefuture.

I cannot change the way people have treated me in the past. I can realize how much it hurt and decide never to treat others that way.

I cannot change the people that I have hurt. I can say I'm sorry, ask for forgiveness and admit that I am only human.

I cannot change the ways I have hurt myself.I can take care of myself in the future and realize I am a person worthy of God's love.

I cannot change the mistakes I have made. I can just learn from them and realize that I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't make them.

    Tedybearbtch4u  39, Female, Pennsylvania, USA - 2,018 views
Feb 2007
3:56 PM EDT

Tomorrow is a new beginning But Tomorrow could be the end of a new beginning so why not Live today?!... Please tell me or explain to me why we call this Country Freedom?! Why can't weed be Legal?!

2 comment(s) - 01:45 PM - 02/24/2007

    caseygeorgge  35, Female, Canada - 4,120 views
Apr 2007
4:14 PM EDT

I turn to you.
When I'm lost in the rain,
In your eyes I know I'll find the light
To light my way.
And when I'm scared,
And losing ground,
When my world is going crazy,
You can turn it all around.
And when I'm down you're there
- pushing me to the top.
You're always there,
giving me all you've got.
1 comment(s) - 01:04 PM - 03/19/2008

    alicia  60, Female, Kansas, USA - 1,676 views
Feb 2007
2:44 AM CDT

I have in the past to be pretend to be something I was not. Maybe even in my current life I pretend to be something I am not. However, in my past, it was intentional to do so. For fantasy reasons. I was trying to "find" myself. I was bored with my life, and wanted to created some sort of character that I felt was exciting and fun. (my character was a blast). I picked a time in my life where I had felt it was perfect. So I created an on line person to relive that.

In the present, I feel that I am trapped into to something I am not happy about. But, I try my best to be happy or at least act happy as to not make any waves. I have a lot to be grateful for, however, sometimes it is very difficult to pretend to be happy, when my soul is hurting as much as it is.

    angel9901  32, Female, Florida, USA - 1,757 views
Feb 2007
2:45 PM EDT

1 comment(s) - 08:09 PM - 03/01/2007

    carots  36, Female, Canada - 3,452 views
Jun 2009
6:12 PM EDT

Michael Jackson died today. He was fifty years old. Its hard to know how to feel. When someone dies that you have never met, it only seems like�a dream, or like a fictional character from a film. I feel empty and without closure. There is something so childish and innocent about the man that I have grown to love and admire. People joke about his eccentricities and other accusations but I really dont want to judge. Even if I have conjured up a false notion of who he is (which I likely have) I'm somehow okay with that. He has impacted my life and the lives of so many, not only with his music but with who he was. The romantic in me feels a connection to him and his Neverland ranch. The�concept of eternal youth, eternal childhood, eternal innocence, is a beautiful one. His childhood was not typical and so his 'strangeness' stems from yearning to be back there. Dont we all sometimes, some of us often, want to return to childhood. Not necessarily to do it all over again but to be apart of that innocent, naive, curious, fantastic, fresh world. I have been mesmerized by this idea, and Michael Jacksons efforts to recapture it. I am grateful for his legacy and the connection I have always felt with him.

    Lululand123  32, Female, Illinois, USA - 4,609 views
Mar 2008
4:17 PM EDT

i got over my crush...sort of!

    queenlvs  31, Female, California, USA - 1,484 views
Feb 2007
3:31 PM CST

ok, i like this guy but he is dating a other girl so, and i am sick as a dog so byby

    martytx07  36, Male, Texas, USA - 59,016 views
Feb 2014
10:18 AM CDT

Just an update

Wow...I didn't know it had been so long since I last updated! Well I think a lot has happened since my last entry. I am now working at the Mesquite center. I actually like it a lot. I am the CSA...I'm not even sure what my position was during my last entry. Dang I need to start typing in this thing more. I think it's amazing to just go back and read what you wrote before. Well anyways, let's see...I am working in Mesquite as the CSA...I have been the CSA for a while now actually but just transferred to Mesquite on the 27th of January I believe. I like it a's so much nicer and the employees there are so much more well behaved....well most of them. I'm sure there's going to be a couple that are going to deviate from the proper procedure but we just need to nip it in the butt to be honest. My sister had her baby in August. She's adorable. Little fat thing. Turtle just got a promotion so I'm proud of him for that. It's gonna be good that he makes more money now that he has a daughter he will have to provide for. Well I won't say much more here because I'm starving and need to get ready so I can go great breakfast with my sister and the baby probably.

    kelseyluvpirates  31, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,502 views
Feb 2007
12:56 PM EDT

    unknown  34, Female, Canada - 3,343 views
Mar 2007
5:33 PM EST

well for starts ive been really sick lately, i jus found out on friday that i have ripped muscles in my stomach, today sum1 that i REALLY like and they said they liked me to told me that now they aint ready for a relationship cuz they like sum1 else now as well, one of my bestfriends got pissed of at me for sum reason unknown, my grades are all slipping, and i am either failing or EXTREMLY close to failing all my classes this semester, since my stomach muscles are ripped i cant do hardly anything so that means no more rugby, and no more work... oh yea and my mom jus told me like an hour ago that if i dont find a way for me to work then she is taking my phone away until i pay of my cell bill.... and thats jus briefly sayin wuts wrong

    lifesux07  34, Female, New York, USA - 2,338 views
Feb 2007
10:04 PM EDT

Hey...its me again....the guy that i was with for two yrs called me thursday night...we got into a huge fight....i really dont think were every gonna get back together...but then again, i've said that 11 times already...whats wrong with me...i know hes just gonna wind up hurting me again so why to i keep goin sucks

I had mad fun yesterday with this that i used to talk to but stoped taling to cause my ex wanted me and the guy had a 2 hr long snowball fight with his little sisters...eventually it wound up being just me and was one of the funnest days of my life...but today he totally ignored me...i hate when guys are like that...

My body is so sore from yesterday it feels like i have bruises all over...thank god i dont...tonight i went with a friend of mine and her boyfriend rollerskating....i hate being the third wheel.....

Well thats enough for nephews crying

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