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    asherkabasher  40, Male, Florida, USA - 2,164 views
Jan 2007
10:05 AM EDT

Work related... I would say that right now I am a bit frustrated as far as the professional aspect of this internship goes... I would like to think of myself as a little more then a secretary, not that there is anything wrong with being a secretary, however I would like to maybe have a little more then the copies for the Wednesday night temp who leads worship. I do not mean to some across harsh, I am quite grateful for this oppurtunity, yet I am a bit frustrated as to why I am doing something that she is just as capable of doing for herself.

    halybaly7  29, Female, North Carolina, USA - 3,143 views
Jan 2007
2:17 PM EDT

Hello, This is Hallie's advice for all of you listeners out there, any questions or in need of advice contact me at

    beckyleigh  33, Female, Florida, USA - 6,307 views
Feb 2007
7:38 PM EDT

o yea... i haven't been on in a while now but i have resently found out that my best friend cuts herself...i don't know what to do...she got therapy for it but she is still cutting and she does not want to go to a hospital...she doesn't understand that she is hurting herself!! is getting rediculas...i wish i could help her...but i don't know how to....later*
2 comment(s) - 06:31 PM - 07/19/2007

    frompluto166  35, Female, Canada - 1,454 views
Feb 2007
8:12 PM PDT

The singer from "the audition" is the hottest boy I've ever seen, and I want him I want him I want him.

    AnthonyKorculanic  58, Male, Florida, USA - 1,722 views
Jan 2007
8:04 AM EDT

Anthony Korculanic Anthony Korculanic

    dani  50, Female, New Jersey, USA - 1,761 views
Jan 2007
1:30 PM EDT

Ihad a great day today Ispent the day with my lovley daughter.We went out to lunch and shopped. She had mid-terms so she got home early. I love her so much ,just to see her smile made my day. She really does not talk about much but I do tell her that I am here for her to talk to. My day was a good one because I was very busy. Ihave to stay occupied in order to keep things off my mind. Ialso, picked up my books for school and had a shot of espresso to keep me going for the rest of the day.I need to get back in the gym. I am thinking faster than I type.So much to say in every direction.

    maureen  61, Female, Ohio, USA - 7,256 views
Feb 2007
8:13 PM EDT

we are starting couples counseling saturday.Im not sure what I expect to happen, but am glad we are trying. She has been telling me how much me being disabled is a financial burden to her. I have been fighting for my disabilty for over 2 years. I wish I could make it happen faster, I just have no control over the social security time table. She is so stressed about money. I know we dont have alot. Our bills are always late. But somehow I cant make her see how much we DO have. There are many people who have much less.I feel like the universe gives you back what you give to it. She is giving off so much negativity, that negative seems to falling in her lap every moment of the day, and unfortuneately what comes into her life is also in my life. I just feel like maybe we are on different paths spiritually. I am grateful for what I have, and most of the time I dont complain about what I dont have. I know what hard times are (grew up in a family of 13), and our life is not as hard as it could be.

    bamss083101  37, Male, North Carolina, USA - 2,366 views
Jan 2007
9:03 PM EDT

Its 11:54pm and i'm just sitting here bored listening to music. I stayed up till 7:30am and I didn't get up till 5:00pm. I need to get up off my butt and get a job but Michael says I don't have to work but I need to. All I do is eat, sleep, watch tv and movies and get fat. Im not fat, at least Not yet. 125 and going up. I did go to the tanning bed if that counts. But when you get there you just lay down and when I get back home I sit down. Anyway, my life is pretty boring right now. I need to go back to school to. I went from wanting to do early childhood to nursing (which was way too hard) and now I have no clue what I want to do. I don't want to waste the money for school if I don't know what I want to do. Pshychology is fun I took that class and it was fun. I have no clue. Anyway, Michael has been gone like and hour and a half. 7 more hours to go. I might try to go to bed early so I can get up earlier. I missed my favorite soap, Guiding Light, but thank God my soon to be mother- in-law is here to tell me what it was about. Yeah we live with his parents. My mama can't stand him. She has problems. The year me and MNichael split up I done the worst things ever and now that I am back with him I don't do that stuff. She thinks he is the worst person in the world. But he is far from it. Well im gonna get off here so I can go watch my 2 Marilyn Monroe movies. Brittany Ann McCready (Sanders)

    trinlay  61, Female, Wisconsin, USA - 1,671 views
Jan 2007
4:18 AM CST

Working on making ratties and "Mr.Pooh" s for Etsy shop. Apparently people like them. I'm newly on Gaia, and still figuring out how to do stuff. This is almost an experimental entry.

    ressa525  59, Female, Illinois, USA - 1,811 views
Jan 2007
4:59 PM CST

This is my first time making an entry for others to read. I hope to heal and grow from my entries about whatever I experience in my life. One week ago today I heard from my ex-boyfried. He had called me to say he received my correspondence I had mailed to where he is living now. My correspondence detailed my stamp that I will survive him and my friends support me. That I believed him and that I am amazed that he has not responded to me when notified that I had two deaths in my family 1 month apart. Finally that he needs to pay me back the money he owes me. When he called me he sounded not happy because his now WIFE has suspicions and she wants to know information. To my surprise, he said to me she does not know who I am. He told her I am someone that worked with him (which is not true) and that he had paid my boyfriend back. Another lie. I was so upset I could not think, all I could do was sound hysterical and blurt out questions angrily. 1st question, what is going on? He called me last month, ask about my family and tells me what he is doing. He says he thinks about me everyday and that he loves me. I reply the same. What the hell!!! That does not mean go marry your baby mama, that I know you are not in love with. He now tells me this is not the time to talk and says I will have to call you back in front of her. I am shouting you cannot tell me you love me and you really don't. He says he does love me and his life, no one understands how chaotic things have become. That still does not mean to go marry someone you are not in love with. And to think you have been lying to me all this time and lying to his now WIFE. There is much more, but I will stop. I have cried, my stomach became upset and to add insult to injury, had laryngitis, which I have never had before. I am sad and angry at the same time. I want to burst his bubble of lies. I loved him, cared for him. And to think he is an ordained minister.
1 comment(s) - 11:46 AM - 12/12/2008

    dragen3222  46, Male, Rhode Island, USA - 2,193 views
Feb 2007
2:51 PM EDT

i love food

    Jadeus19  38, Female, United Kingdom - 2,479 views
Jan 2007
9:38 AM EDT

What a shit fucking day I had yesterday. All excited that Lee was coming home and all we did was bloody argue. I thought at first the night was going to be great. I dressed up in sexy underwaer, dimmed the lights, put music on and lay on the bed waitin for his arrival. When he came in we made pasionate sex telling each other how much we missed each other. he bought me perfume and it was great. then things took a turn for the worse. All his mates have been taking e's all over christmas and making a joke I said I know you hav been taking them one of your friends has told me (lying) well I just fell into it. He just said so what's a half here and there. I hit the roof! I really didn't think he was taking them he has always said he hates them. I was so disappointed in him. First for lying to me when I've asked him befor if he had had any(you may find through my entries he lies alot.) Second because he has been easily pursuaded by his friends and because I know if I was taking them behined his back he wouldn't like it and wouldn't want to be with me. Then we went out to the pub and had a good time until we went back to our friends house and his ex was their. Every where he went she was following him around I wanted to knock her out! We got home at 6 in the morn and I had to be up at 9 so I told him I'm not having sex with you tonight. I have never seen him be so nasty in his life. Now we are hardly talking and I don't know why we are together. Maybe it's my fault for building hopes up for a great weekend and now it's just shit!!!!

    jazzsoulp  39, Female, Rhode Island, USA - 25,840 views
Oct 2007
6:10 PM EST

...Wow...A lot has gone down since my birthday. I quit my wonderful job because I got admission into graduate school. I am more in Love with Babe than I have ever been...It's wierd...Like I Like Him more everyday. He's abroad now, and I'm nervous because He's so much closer even though we are still far apart. School is kicking. I'lll be getting my midterm grades tomorrow, so hopefully they are good ; )

I lost my God-father 3 Sundays ago. I miss Him and I hate knowing I wont be able to talk to Him ever again.
I really pray that my 4 girlfriends find true Love mehn...It's eating at my soul that they are lonely and unsure, but I'll keep praying for them. They have just got to experience this high...It's unexplainable.

Live in Love and Peace in the World...Much Love,...Me

    marilyn385  73, Female, California, USA - 6,038 views
Apr 2008
7:28 AM PST

The Rubber Stamp

The Rubber Stamp
I routinely stamp the invoices with�“date entered”.�I enjoy this task, the clicking sound of the self –inking stamp, the repetition, the neat uniform size of the letters and numbers.
I remember as a child wishing for a rubber stamp.�I used to cut shapes out of pieces of potatoes and use food color to press images on my books.
This fascination began with trips to our neighborhood library.�Back then libraries were still quiet.�No one ate or chewed gum in the library.�If we were even whispering we would get a “Shhh” from the librarian.�She seemed to know off the top of her head where all of the books were and could answer any of our childish questions. She would patiently explain to me time and again how the Dewy Decimal System worked.
The librarian wore a dress and I remember her bracelets that tinkled as she stamped the books.�I was mesmerized by this motion and sound of the repetition of the stamp, her bracelets and the scent of her perfume mixed with the smell of the paper and ink.
In my bedroom I was the librarian, checking books out with my potato stamp, wearing my mothers bracelets.
Today I have a “real” stamp and I get to use it as part of my job on a daily basis.�Most times it is just a mundane task but today I recall the Librarian and realize I now have what I always wished for, a rubber stamp.
1 comment(s) - 11:09 AM - 06/24/2008

    katherine1769  49, Female, New York, USA - 8,838 views
Feb 2007
2:26 PM EDT

okay so today i was soo excited it is a snow day!! and valentine's day i still didn't get a change to tell him i like him but i defently wanna do that soon. but i had 2 do a few chores but that's okay. because i had funn doing other stuff to. and there is only four more days untill the cruise!!! i went shopping before and got a pair of roll up pants 2 pairs of flip flops pink and brown a tang top and a totally cute head band from foreva 21 but anyways sry the last few days i didn't write anything i was just sooo busy. with school and etc. homework and everything tomorrow i have 4 tests and one mid term!! ughhh defently not my fav. but its okay its in math and everyone said tha it is really hjardx os i kinda dont wanna do it. hah, but anyways yeah i have nothing to do and lately this girl rachel has really been bugging the heck out of me so im kinda mad at her. i just didn't tell her yet.okh yeah and kate going to KB she had a really bad injury and she is not in school for this WHOLE week hah. and im talking to DUMB BAILEY right now she is very very so totally annoying hah. but i just can't stop thinking about my cruise it will be off the hook!1 and hot yo! hehe i am so dumb for the cruise grace is going to colorado and we are both getting each other something like a gift or that. hah but i am just so excited i can't wait to eat swim shoping candy coffee shop tons tons tons tons tons tons tons more including gold bingo club rokclcimbing wall spa and totally toms more. k well im gonna go look on the website for my cruise i will tell u if i got anything

    MsCeeGee  48, Female, Florida, USA - 2,067 views
Mar 2007
10:48 AM EDT

I am trying my best to use my brain instead of my heart to deal with the "critics" in my life. Through struggles is how I change my heart and mind about people and the world. I did the best thing I have ever done for myself today. I stood up to someone that tried to degrade me with sarcasm and wit rather than anger and foul words. I realized she was using me and I was going to allow her to just so she could love me. I was trying to buy her love. I was going down the same old pattern of low self-esteem again. I was running from true and real feelings of insecurity about myself that I was unwilling to deal with. I am so happy for my knee. If it were not for my knee having a torn ligament, I would have never wanted to get healthy. Therefore,I would have never wanted to get into exercising. Through exercising, it has led me to feel good about myself and realize what I do and do not have to put up with in this world and from people. I deserve someone to love me with or without short hair. I deserve someone to love me with extra weight nor not. I THANK GOD for allowing me to see the errors in people and not allowing them to chart my course to self-destruction.

    Mrsceegee  44, Female, Florida, USA - 1,664 views
Jan 2007
4:37 AM EDT

The rain falls today same as the day I met her, who would imagine the joy I feel.Ill write more later today.
1 comment(s) - 10:07 AM - 01/28/2007

    whersmafreaks  33, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,653 views
Feb 2007
5:28 PM EDT

so i my bro buddy and i was talking today and he tolle me that he is moveing out soon.

so idk what 2 do. i am sad. i am not tlaking 2 have any one 2 talk to now :(

will i am off now may do one soon love you all

    Carlie  50, Female, Louisiana, USA - 3,774 views
Mar 2007
9:44 AM EST

Yesterday was my birthday !!! Part of my birthday weekend,we had a few friends over yesterday. Today we are having a BBQ and going bowling. Tommorrow we are going to do paintball with some friends. I am so happy!!!!!

    koren1  32, Female, Indiana, USA - 1,884 views
Jan 2007
4:40 PM EDT

Hey its me !! My grandma KAy was intown and still is !! she is coming to my Academic meet this Friday I am so nervous I have to play the piano and SING !! A SOLO AND SONGIN a ANSOMEBLE AND CHHIOr !! even though I love to sing !!i am still nervouse !! ya no wat I mean ! But school is so rough I got a D+ on my last spelling test oh and the other great thing was that I aloso lost my GLASSES !! yaho for me !! but I am so bored !! this weekend !! was rough !! I cant wait till tomorrow I got this new shirt and i am so xcited to where !! it !! wWELL since i go to a Christian school !! i have to where a skirt EVERYDAY !! except this week WE get to were pants !! 1 day !! whopdeday ! well got to go !! bye !

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