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    Covergirl71828  32, Female, New York, USA - 3,300 views
Sep 2007
2:41 PM EDT

luv is painful i thought dis boy liked me but he played me like a toy

    ihateyao  37, Male, China - 1,604 views
Mar 2007
4:29 AM EDT

I have a friend who greets people he hasn't seen for awhile by asking, "How are things? Are you happy?" It never fails to throw people off. Most of us don't stop to consider whether or not we'rehappy on a day-to-day basis.
You'd pass with flying color.

    burdick10  33, Female, Kansas, USA - 1,385 views
Mar 2007
5:09 AM EDT

hey hey hey...ok i am realy bored sittin at skool..yesterday my dad was trippin cuz he got a call 4rm my skool and they said that i was a bad kid and that he needs to cme n 4 a meting to find out how we can fix was super gay but now i am on point like seems that i get caught for every thing at the time the things i do seem flippin hillarios but the consiquinces arnt worth makin my friends laugh a little...but i got to go back to class...

    Missycolson  57, Female, Georgia, USA - 2,174 views
Mar 2007
11:45 AM EDT

This spring weather is wonderful. yesterday Karmen and I planted flowers. I really enjoyed helping her making a little flower garden. Today my Mom and I cleaned out my closets.That was a job.Now I have to go to work.

    MissMonet  35, Female, California, USA - 4,260 views
Mar 2007
7:51 AM PDT

Me parents think we're not gonna last cuz we met when we were 15.. and both of their first marriages were with someone they met before 18 and they were both treated dirty... so theyre scared my babys gonna treat me oh so wrong... but how would they know.. they dont feel what we feel, when im with him its like nothing else matters im focused souly on him my family gets mad... but i dont care... i need to love outside the family.. we are not hillbillies!
somedays i wonder though how long will we last... til he moves... while hes in arkansas, when he comes back.. or is there even an end atall? ppl say absence makes the heart fonder... but is it possible for it to tear it apart also? i really dont know these days... its wierd.. i need to show how much i love him...

    leahstephens01  31, Female, United Kingdom - 8,292 views
Sep 2007
8:04 PM BST

So guess wat richard has aske ella out not nicky ut ela is nickys best mate .. i need to no tht richard isnt my type but i just cant bring myself to it.
why is it always the same story mwith me..
i love him but he likes her and she dosent like him or..
i go out my way to make myself look special and yet he still dosent notice me !
welll ill write to you soon
luff leah
atleast ive cheered up abt since my last entry

    Hailey  29, Female, Virginia, USA - 1,546 views
Mar 2007
12:35 PM EDT

oK, This is so far pretty cool!!!

    roy  25, Male, Louisiana, USA - 1,854 views
Mar 2007
6:16 AM HAY

I used to pee in my pants.

    Jessy5211  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 34,268 views
Sep 2007
5:50 PM EDT

wow its been a minute since i been on here...i think before summer..but yeah lots of shyt happened over the summer..all good tho nothing terrible happened this summer...i had fun fun fun...i got my car and all that good stuff and partied it up just about every single still havin my fun tho on the weekends [and school nites] lol but yeah...i've been lookin for a job and all that good stuff and currently am tryin to stop smokin cigs but i kno as soon as payday comes around i'll be stickin it up again lol...soo yeah there was some drama this summer also and damn i dont kno where to begin wit it all...i've met a lot of new friends which its about time [no offense judi and jess] but they enjoy havin eachothers company 24/7 but when you get to goin different places u have to have a different type of person there wit you if that makes any sense at yeah...i've been through fights with friends and family..been through about haha i aint even gonna say how many me and my partner in crime were repeatedly told we were "boy crazy" but they didnt kno half of it...matter of fact they didnt kno any of it lol..but yeah i dont kno what else to say soo just leave me some comments about anythinggggggggggggggggggg

2 comment(s) - 09:50 PM - 11/10/2007

    jjhope  47, Female, DC, Washington, USA - 19,097 views
Jul 2008
4:05 AM EDT

I am very grateful for a sound mind and the ability to discern harmful people and situations.

    bearcatnw  43, Male, Iowa, USA - 2,382 views
Apr 2007
10:28 AM CDT

Well today is monday the 23rd and its been a few days since Mom was in the car accident. She is doing pretty good. So far she has gone through 2 surgeries to fix her shattered ankle. She is supposed to have a 3rd one sometime this week and we are hoping it will be the last. She is going to get a new car!! I guess if you look at this whole situation in a positive note, that can be one. Well thats pretty much it for now. Peace out!!

    kittenlove2017  44, Female, Texas, USA - 1,638 views
Mar 2007
12:32 PM EDT

love is in the air for the myers familys

    Ashfone3  32, Female, Colorado, USA - 18,052 views
Apr 2007
9:52 AM MST

Wow lol its been a long time but whatever nothing exiting really has happened cuz my life is o so boring but i g2g get back laters beyes

    bellashorty  42, Female, Massachusetts, USA - 1,475 views
Mar 2007
1:03 PM EDT

JB, I love you and I was falling!! There is nothing more for me to say...I've said it all to you and much more! One day if ever, listen to "My love" by Ciara... she say's it perfectly.... If you only knew what I felt for you. You would have held on tighter,Fought a little harder, Been a little smarter,and Now you're gonna miss my love! One day soon you'll see. You'll reach out for me. You had a keeper but didn't know how to treat her; should have felt a little deeper and now you're gonna miss my love. Usted siempre sea en mi coraz�n... J

    pauljim  49, Male, China - 2,515 views
Mar 2007
7:52 AM EDT

hell.its nice writing things down..thank god for these blogs...

guess i want to write some more...china..sometimes things are not away from home...working..teaching...watching tv in chinese..thank god for the two english channels and the net..

david letterman..well..its all i got in the tv..hehe.but i like the show anyway..rupert too..

    babe21  31, Female, Texas, USA - 13,433 views
Jun 2007
6:26 PM EDT

hey everyone i no i havent been on in a while but i'm back soooo.... wats been goin on with everyone come on people tlk 2 me

    SilverWolve1  33, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,579 views
Mar 2007
2:33 PM EDT

Hey everyone this is SilverWolve saying my Friends Rock out when it comes to Nature

    aka  28, Female, Nigeria - 2,453 views
Mar 2007
5:37 PM EDT

today was like any other day babysit make money and watch movies all nigth.

    omfgxrachel  34, Female, New York, USA - 1,656 views
Mar 2007
8:10 AM EDT

heyy everyon ethis site is gay.

    shadow  63, Female, Washington, USA - 1,481 views
May 2007
3:53 AM EDT

Well, today is a nursing day, Rhino is sick and so it is a good oppertunity to test the charcoal and flax poultice for the cellulitis in his leg. I also got him to drink some vitamin water. For a man with an "EXCESSIVE" lifestyle this is progress. Went to see Pirates 3, pretty good movie. I haven't watched so many movies in all my life in such a short period of time. I think I'm in danger of "media overdose" because although the movie was good, I found myself getting very irritated with the repetious themes played out across yhe genre board. Watched "Deja Vu" and it was VERY interesting. Some very enlightening theories played out in that one. To excercise my prompt to take one photo a day, I think I'll upload one photo a day and start from there. My process may change as time goes on, but I'm confident that I will find the method that blends and flows most smoothly.

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