surrender's Journal

Aug 2007
6:28 PM EDT

Well, it's 10:30 and still no call from Master. Guess His love for me wasn't as He thought and i'm no where near as important as i had thought. Really hurts being played a damn fool. i was told by alot of people He was a player, course that was after we had had a fight and He went running back to His previouis submissive. Now He is with her, the new one, all yesterday and this AM telling me how i have His heart etc. but not 1 call all day. Guess He's having way too much fun to bother.
i can't and won't go thru this again, there isn't any excuse or reason. i'm just damn glad i didn't lose my life as i knew it no matter how unfufilling it is. At least it's honest and secure. i took a huge risk not just byallowing myself to love Him with everything in me but also in my security here in my home and not just mine but my kid and animals as well...dear god please make the hurt stop soon.

surrender's Profile

  • Username: surrender
  • Gender / Age: Female, 68
  • Location: USA - Michigan
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