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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    pedropanorama  58, Male, Brazil - 1,723 views
Jan 2007
1:56 AM GMT

Confiram os sites do Jornal Panorama Regional que circula semanalmente no interior do Rio de Janeiro, nas cidades de Miguel Pereira, Paty do Alferes, Mendes, Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, Vassouras, Valen�a e Barra do Pirai.

    candy  52, Female, Florida, USA - 1,630 views
Jan 2007
7:55 PM EDT


    chelsealynn15  33, Female, Maine, USA - 4,485 views
Feb 2007
2:06 PM EDT

so yea i broke up with my boyfriend before valentines day. yea i know. mean, but he was an ass to me. IDK if you read the entry when i said that i was going to get my hair done, but i did and it's two toned. well he pretty much told me that it looked like shit and i should NEVER do it again. he was always dissin' me and i was done with everything. My friend is more rapped up into her boyfriend know and i no longer exist. O and i found out that she lied about a lie that she told me haha figures. what a great friend right?! w.e i guess; i am totally pissed

    XxOctoberxX  36, Female, Kansas, USA - 5,865 views
Jul 2007
2:58 PM MST

my life totally suck...god y did i have to love him of all that it has been awhile, i kinda hate him for it. But how can i regret something that once made me happy? man i want to be best friends brother set me on a blind date... i dont know if i should...forgive me all of u that love me, my life is miserable, i need someone real, and here. i do love you back, i really do, but im so alone. i hate it and every thing i do and every thing i dont do. i ask myself oh god, why me?

    SamJane27  39, Female, Australia - 1,505 views
Feb 2007
4:21 AM AEST

31/1/07 It's my day off, I've done nothing constructive except start this journal. It's dads birthday i'll call him later and wish him well. Im dreading going to work tomorrow, I love my job to a degree but I've been doing it for so long it's becoming mundane, I need to know if Im staying manager or moving up to area manager, Im looking for something new and if I can travel around the state my boredom will be relieved. I'm thankful that I got into school, but Im nervous about it, it's been such a long time since I've done any type of study. I can only hope I cope. Moving on, hopefully I go out for dinner tonight, sit in sun have a glass of wine, bliss. And a huge boredom reliever. Im waiting to hear from Luke as to whether of not he can join me, it would be for a us to catch up.

    Perdyxox  35, Female, New Jersey, USA - 1,480 views
Aug 2007
12:18 PM EDT


- i ClEANEd -HAdd fUNN -dANCEd -AtE A WHOlE lOt
dAt REAllY HURtS tO fiNd OUt dAt SHE WAS tAlkiNG SHit
BUt itS OKii... WEll SHE CAllEd tO dAY WEll lOUiSA did && i HUNG UP ONN HER =]] i KNOW i AM MAdd HARSH

    xxwolfxrosexx  33, Female, Hawaii, USA - 2,006 views
Feb 2007
1:19 PM EDT

hey everyone who reads this plz add me to ur friends list cuz im new here and need frineds.=) xxwolfxrosexx
1 comment(s) - 08:35 PM - 02/01/2007

    Casey  55, Male, Colorado, USA - 1,877 views
Jan 2007
5:59 PM EDT

is this working?

    helloxBeautiful  33, Female, Connecticut, USA - 1,823 views
Feb 2007
5:03 AM EDT

Why do things end up the way they do;
Yes, there is a reason why everything happens.
I just want to know why things fell apart.

    elfeganmegan  41, Female, Minnesota, USA - 2,000 views
Feb 2007
1:37 AM CST

So... its the first day of my diet. So far, I have taken 2 diet pills... yay for me, I'm off to a pretty ok start. I felt kinda queasy after the first one, probably because my body wasn't so used to it. So I ate something small and I felt better. At lunch I had a slice... ONLY ONE... of left over pizza from yesterday. Tasty! I have yet to take the last and final pill for today, and its 630 pm. Great! Oh well, I shouldn't be too hyped up tonight.. I feel pretty mellow so things should be alright! I don't have a scale so I don't know my starting weight. I could go for pants size though... how about 15/16. There, now my goal is 7/8 so I have a ways to go! Alright well its time for me to leave my work and go home to work out! yippee!

    shirleyxu  54, Female, China - 404,463 views
Feb 2013
9:50 PM CST






    travelcityman  61, Male, California, USA - 3,168 views
Feb 2007
1:40 AM PST

Feb 3, 2007 - Moving Out. Have just been asked to move my clothes out of the bedroom into the guest room. Done.

    Lek  39, Female, Ohio, USA - 1,727 views
Feb 2007
9:47 AM EDT

Dear Journal, Today is Sunday, Febuary 11th, 2007. It is still sort of snowing outside, but not nearly as bad as it has been.

    nonstop  28, Male, China - 11,830 views
Apr 2008
9:47 AM EST

i have observed and discovered�a series of movements that cats use to express their feelings.�when�my cat�wants to eat,�he will�let out a series of meows. normally there will be one especially long meow. after�he eat he will meow a single satisfied meow. when we scold him for breaking things, he will �meow a short, stout meow.

    mylife  52, Female, Japan - 1,567 views
Feb 2007
11:34 PM I

I just joined Inbox Journal today. It's nice because I can choose public or private posts here for free. Thanks to Inbox Journal and nice to know you all. Regards, My life.

    rockingal24  32, Female, Philippines - 1,649 views
May 2007
7:18 AM EDT

Hey!!!!!whoever is reading this i am suggesting that you shouldn't try to find your hairstyle for tommorrow before you sleep...cuz it never works!!! i've tried that many times, but when i wake up and try that hairstyle again, it is never going to look the way you did it last night, you end up having a ponytail instead...

    bigbadp0thead  44, Male, Canada - 2,649 views
Feb 2007
11:02 PM EDT

puff puff pass 420 Allday&Night Thats the High Life
1 comment(s) - 02:13 PM - 02/08/2007

    AngelzPower  32, Female, New York, USA - 2,128 views
Feb 2007
2:32 PM EST

I can't believe i accually have a journal or something i can keep my things in! i did not like any of those other blogs i had exept for REDBLOGS. but for sosme reason i cant go to that web site anymore. I have been looking through these site to get a blog! 1. 2. blogging 4. yahoo 5.etc etc etc! well now i hope this kind of journal is enjoyable since it took me a long time to get iT! 1.AOL REDblogs (which are now shut down) 2.Xanga ( dunno where the box is to write a journal) 3. Myspace ( dangurous) 4. Blogstream (dunno how to function it!) 5. Journalspace ( not very interesting to me): ) 6. well.......I guess those are the blogs I got! i dont even like them theres always something wrong with it! well ttyl!
1 comment(s) - 06:37 PM - 02/07/2007

    rocksmysocks  49, Female, Colorado, USA - 1,697 views
Feb 2007
4:47 PM EDT

Hay all you people ou there whats up i have just got home from shopping so I am very played out i was chating latter online

    morjeff  55, Male, New York, USA - 1,573 views
Nov 2007
5:05 PM EDT

cold , storm coming snow squalls 1/2 inch 30 degress

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