monkstigeress's Journal

Mar 2007
4:30 PM EDT

This is freaky. Last year my 2 friends got these heart shaped charms with their crushes name on it and they got 1 for me as a joke. first, cassie lost hers in a downstairs gym at a dance at the boys and girls club. Julia found it upstairs. then Caitlin watched me throw mine out. It turned up under my bed. Caitlins dissapeared and turned up again soon after i found mine. I also had one with my name on it on my charm bracelt and it went missing. I found it right after if found my other one. So then Caitlin hid hers and i lost mine again when i forgot to take it out of my pants pocket before going to bed. I found it the other day in my backpack. I want to throw it out the window or somthing, but I feel drawn to it. The only one thats not acting weird is Cassies, and she dosn't like the person whos name is on it anymore. I'm scared.

monkstigeress's Profile

  • Username: monkstigeress
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - New York
    MONKSTIGERESS's Interests:

    Favorite Music: ROCK!!