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Listed below are the most viewed journals (total number of times viewed).
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    saya  74, Female, Japan - 1,735 views
Mar 2007
9:14 AM ACST


    sexiicupcake  35, Female, Ohio, USA - 40,530 views
Nov 2007
7:14 AM EDT

um lots of stuff i need to get out!!!!! Need Advice bad!!!

heyy everyone!!! I have alot of stuff i need to get out.. I need as much advice as i can get!! Okay so lets start by saying that I love rick to death. I would do anything for him. He means the world to me!! Lets start with um how he tells me beautiful even when i dont think i am. He told me i looked beautiful with my big black eye.. I was like awww.. He's the only guy that makes me smile without even trying.Which is a great thing.. Now ima tell you that we decided to "talk" exclusively. Well because i asked him. If im the only gurl your with and your the only guy im with that why cant we just date. and he told me we could "talk" for now and that maybe in a week or too we could start dating. I mean I honestly think i am in love with this boii. Everytime im with him i get this great feeling. I mean we are GREAT together. Its just sometimes wen we aren't together we get in quite a few fites and that we get mad at each other for a while. But i just need your advice on what I should do. I mean should i be with him..or what..gimme advice
2 comment(s) - 11:01 AM - 11/30/2011

    cutieemuffin  34, Female, Ohio, USA - 8,235 views
Aug 2007
3:31 PM EDT

Well today was the first day of school and i thionk it went ok its just i dont wanna graduate cause i have no idea what i wanna do after and i no if i take a break im prolly not gunna go back.... i just dunno everythings just so confusing... and lately ive just been so stressed..... see we were helping a friend move and i just got paid so i had all this money and this guy stole it but hes like denying it so i just dunno we called the cops but wehat are they gunna do about it ya no... it just bothers me cause i really need the money i have to pay for my school when i decide what i wanna do and i was planing on helping my mom with my school clothes cause she dont have a job anymore and then all this shit happens..... o well i just dunno and im having a really hard time dealing with everything

    drbones  53, Male, Massachusetts, USA - 2,217 views
Mar 2007
7:34 PM EDT

To day has been a crazy day. It seemed like that everybody was in a bad mood. I have to work the overnight shift her at the hospital. I don’t mind working the overnight because I can get Saturday off and the overtime can help me out since me and Lucy are trying to buy a house. God in heaven I hope and pray that we can get the house.

    RoXyGuRl2012  31, Female, Texas, USA - 7,071 views
Apr 2007
5:22 PM CST

hey yall
well yea my g-ma is not doing good &&she got to come home
but that dont mean she is doing
better.......but right now she is on hospice
&& we DO NOT knwo how long we have with her so
i was just wondering if yall could take a few
minutes of ur lyf&&pray for her && my
family!!!! well yea she is goign through tough
times and it is not goigng good so yea i would
just like id yall could pray for her......adn
if u only pray for her once than that is olkay
b/c 1 means alot !!!! well thanks for talking
ut imae and readint this well i hope yall have
a great day

1 comment(s) - 07:44 PM - 04/16/2007

    Tigruten27  45, Male, New Jersey, USA - 4,757 views
Mar 2007
3:33 PM EDT

ok so its fucking nice as fuck outside!! I left work at 5 and missed the express so I took the next bus which drops me off about 20 min down from my apartment and since it was nice I didnt mind the walk other than the fact i had a bookbag with a book that weighs 35lbs. Anyways got home and roomate who is jobless but seems to be ok with it cooked meatballs and spegetti and it was really good. I am a freak when it comes to meatballs since i come from an italian family and my moms meatballs are the best and i can def. say that roomate did an awsome job. Anyways i got stuck into the american idol show this year since everyone and there mother watches it. Gonna go pick up some beer across the street and cigs and then watch tv and relax till I hit my nice sexy bed.' Anyways allmost 8.. gonna smokey and then jet. *all the windows in the apartment are open and i got shorts and a wife beater on. it doesnt get much better than that.
1 comment(s) - 08:16 PM - 03/27/2007

    zerovsemerica  32, Female, Alabama, USA - 1,597 views
Mar 2007
1:11 PM EDT


    stincoolaid  49, Male, South Dakota, USA - 3,112 views
Mar 2007
11:32 AM CST

another picture

    lisababy  30, Female, Colorado, USA - 2,105 views
Mar 2007
12:34 PM MDT

hey so today we had a game of "jeopardy" at our school today and the amazing thing was i actually WON!

    anyyojacky  39, Male, New York, USA - 1,539 views
Mar 2007
2:44 PM EDT

Today I had a fight with Varun. At the end I jumped him after college. He f**** was me messin with me.

    Con  32, Female, South Carolina, USA - 1,767 views
Mar 2007
4:41 PM EDT

Goooosh!!!I have this huge crush on this guy!! but he is way tooo popular for my own goood!! My friends say that o my goodness u r just another one of those girls who like him!!! he just broke up with his ex!! but she cheated on him!! He keeps giving these mxed emotions!! now i have to say that i really want him but i want sumthin better!! i want a boyfriend!! wat do i do?? i really dont want sumthing beter i want just a bf!!! not sum1 i have liked 4 like a month or 2!! and he still has not gotten the luv hint that i like him!!

    Erikluver12  40, Female, Nebraska, USA - 1,903 views
Mar 2007
4:23 PM EDT

About two weeks ago a new student moved to Nebraska from New York. He is very nice and I wish he would ask me out. We both have the same intresets but, he doesn't really notice me. I don't know what I should do. I also have a teacher who insists on playing a ps3 in class. When doing my assignments it is hard to concentrate. Some other students crowd around and talk nonstop! What should I do about that?

1 comment(s) - 09:07 AM - 03/16/2007

    melissan80  45, Female, New Jersey, USA - 1,460 views
Mar 2007
6:45 PM EDT

Lord, I pray for my grandma and grandpa. I pray that my family comes to know who you are and what You've done for them. The kind of love that they can't comprehend, that nobody can. I pray for Pastor Ryan's mom. Please Lord, touch her with Your healing hand. Jesus You ARE the great physician, and so I pray for Your glory heal her. Minister to her and to Ryan and his family in this devastating time. I can't imagine what he's going through, and I thank You that You never give us anything more than we can handle in Your strength through us. Lord I pray for my sister and her fiance. You know the situation, I pray for Your PERFECT will to be done. I pray for tomorrow's girl's group. Go before us... Let everyone be there who You want to come. I pray that the weather this weekend isn't too bad that people can't come out and that You keep everyone safe.

    luisescobar11  35, Male, Texas, USA - 15,616 views
May 2007
8:57 AM CDT

it's okay...
2 comment(s) - 05:18 PM - 05/16/2007

    ZombiKid  34, Female, Australia - 5,219 views
Apr 2007
3:45 AM EDT


He loves me.
This mother doesnt like it.
Because i dress "Metal/Emo"...

Do i change because i love him?
Do i Leave because i love him?


Other then that.

School was good.
Home is fine.

No Scars.
Just Smiles.

And Fingers Down My Throat.


    felix31794  30, Male, Georgia, USA - 2,663 views
Mar 2007
5:27 AM EDT

Dear journal today is my Birthday nobody have told me happy birthday except two of my friends on myspace and reprsentative which is a music downloading site i know this is going to be a good birthday maybe the best all i got to do is leave it in God hands. I'm going to have a good birthday in Jesus name.
6 comment(s) - 08:00 PM - 05/28/2007

    Cinderella  31, Female, United Kingdom - 5,715 views
May 2007
5:29 PM WEDT

Ok, what do you do? My parents are practically forcing me to go to veterinary school when i want to be a writer and i like my best friend. i just wanna scream!

please! someone help me!
2 comment(s) - 05:48 AM - 07/19/2007

    millicent  64, Female, United Kingdom - 1,262 views
Sep 2011
3:50 AM

    Rei  36, Female, Philippines - 13,862 views
May 2007
2:21 AM WST

el nuevo dia le jour nouveau a new day

    tracy  54, Female, China - 64,675 views
Mar 2008
6:12 AM H






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