keily's Journal

Sep 2007
11:25 AM WST

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 98%

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is Very High

You've spent a lot of time introspecting, and it's really paid off.
You are comfortable with who you are, and you have a life philosophy that you are happy to live by.
And you're always re-evaluating what you believe. Because you learn something new about yourself each day!

Dec 2006
10:15 AM WST

今日は 初めね。。 たくさん 書きたいですけど 今とても眠い。  でも 私は これ穂 あとで思い出します。 私のメーモをしたい。  さあ。。これで 終わりです。もう 寝たいよ。お休み。

keily's Profile

  • Username: keily
  • Gender / Age: Male, 50
  • Location: Japan