x3ncroyle1236x3's Journal

May 2007
6:48 AM EDT

so i am in English right now... sitting next to 3 amazing friends, Gabby, Britny, and Nefertiti


i lovve those 3
2 comment(s) - 10:28 AM - 05/09/2007

May 2007
9:40 AM EDT

i love computer classes... cuz i sit next to K.M.

May 2007
9:39 AM EDT

#17 = love

May 2007
9:38 AM EDT

Happy belated by 2 days birthday Nicholas.
: )

May 2007
9:38 AM EDT

That Gabby girl is sitting like 3 people down from me, and she needs to log onto here, so i can "talk" to her. lol

i love my random journals

May 2007
9:29 AM EDT

Computer class love

Apr 2007
10:50 AM EDT

Jen, and Kim need to DIE! LIKE RIGHT NOWWWW

Apr 2007
10:50 AM EDT

Jen, and Kim need to DIE! LIKE RIGHT NOWWWW

Mar 2007
6:51 PM EDT

well.... as stated yesterday in homeroom..... well... life sucks... my best friend turned out to be a fake... pretending to be someone that she is not.... apprently i am to good for her now.... so screw her.... my other girls are awesome, but some fucking slut is going around and talking shit about them, and i am about to just fucking punch her.... well... i would, but, she is afraid to fight.... she says she can beat you up, but when it comes down to it, she just runs away, and hides from you... haha.... and yes she is a skank.

Mar 2007
9:44 AM EDT


Mar 2007
9:44 AM EDT

they are so gay

Mar 2007
9:44 AM EDT

die bitches

Mar 2007
11:47 AM EDT


Mar 2007
11:43 AM EDT

ok. so. ur best friend comes up to you and asks you if there is a problem with her going out with your crush. wtf? she knows there is and continues to NOT CARE. grr....

Anyone know how to make someone realize they are recieveing the seilent treatment? cuz my friends and i have been doing it for like try 14 YEARS, and she still has not caught on that we hate her. she does not leave us alone. grr... DRIVE ME CRAZY.

well. i am pretty preoccupied on friends, to even bother with my own life. life is pretty awesome right now... except for when friends decide to ruin it.

Feb 2007
7:08 PM EDT

ok.. so i had Mountain Confrence wrestling Friday and Saturday. i met A LOT of hott guys<3 but i also spent those days with my ex-b/f's little brother.... : ) he is awesome... and one of my friend FINALLY got a b/f.... though he lives like 40 minutes away..... : ( he is kinda cute thoguh. lol.... i had an amazing time... and WEstmont wrestling : ( lost their 1st match at states, so came back home from Hershey already... : ( but anyways... about talking to ex's little brother.... haha.... we had some GREAT convos.... i <3 him... is that ok? or is something wrong with that?

Feb 2007
3:44 PM EDT

ok.. so here is a pic of my bff.... he is in the 2nd row... the 3rd one from the left. (#31) my best friend is in the front row [[#2]] (he thinks he is cool with his knee high socks) hehe and my "bro" [[well not really, but he is like one]] is in the front row. [[#45]] and the coach in the last row, all the way to the right... he is my science teacher... [blah] the other kid in the front row #55. he is AWESOME! Poppa Pride right there<3 [[[its a township thing]]] so yea. these are awesome peoples # 31 - Matt 2 - Nate 45 - Seth 55 - Poppa [[Mike]]

Feb 2007
12:53 PM EDT

all is well with brother, and mom...! FINALLY! my life is starting to be normal again.... ; ) my bff [[[best friend forever... not my boy friend forever]]] is acting all weird, and idk what to do.... like he will IM me and ask me all these weird questions... and like at school he acts like we are going out.... which i don't mind him acting like we are, cuz i sort of like him.... but when people start asking me.... are you going out with so an so.... well then it bugs me..... idk what to do. cuz i don't want to "confront" him, cuz he is not the kind of person to take that stuff with out getting mad. so i don't want to say anything..... idk what i am gonna do.... HELP!

Feb 2007
6:41 PM EDT

wow... i have not been on here for like ages. well dougs surgery went well... he did have to go back in the OR on Friday, but that was minor. so.... and my mom was in the hospital last week : ( but all is well with her. she just was having trouble breathing. and as for the winter formal<3 all went GREAT! me and my lovely gown! and my AMAZING boyfriend! : ) wow.... i am uploading photos still : ( so once i get them all uploaded i will send more. Super Bowl Sunday = Commercials : ) Plus GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 2007
11:51 AM EDT

Heck yes... we get out in 2 minutes....

Jan 2007
11:49 AM EDT

heck yes... well i am at school, and really ticked off... so w/e

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x3ncroyle1236x3's Profile

  • Username: x3ncroyle1236x3
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Pennsylvania
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    X3NCROYLE1236X3's Interests:

    About Me: um.. my name is Nikki. i am 13, to be 14 on dec 29. i live on a farm. i have 2 older brothers. umm.. i am in 8th grade. and i go to Conemaugh Township High School. my s/n is x3ncroyle1236x3

    Interests: matmaiding, softball, flute, movies, friends, meeting new people, running, school, baseball, football, and wrestling

    Favorite Music: country and rap

    Favorite Movies: anything

    Favorite Television: MTV, CMT, drake and Josh, days, passions, deal or no deal, NFL, ESPN, ESPN 2, Espen news, all the HBO

    Favorite Books: books.... are you dumb? i don't read

    X3NCROYLE1236X3's Friends: