Journal4Jackson's Journal

May 2007
5:55 AM PST

5/23/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all meals well, two time outs (one for not getting in his carseat and one for not following directions). Highlights of the day included a trip to the nursery to look at plants (smelled them, touched and felt differences in leaves, picked out a tomato to take home and plant). Then went to the duck pond and fed ducks (apprehensive at first, but then really enjoyed it and tried to throw bread as far as he could) and then took a small walk around the duck pond. Followed by going to the park to play and have a picnic. Played with sister or by himself at first, but after lunch some other kids came and he played and tried to interact with them. He dug in sand with a sand crane, climbed ladders/stepping stones (all by himself!), slides, played with a piano and also walked half the distance of a 6 ft long balance beam all by himself!

Earnedreward stickers for following directions at the nursery and the duck pond. When it was time to leave the park he ran away from me and told me no when I called him, so he didn't get a sticker and had to go in a time out when we got home. Had his rest time, and then we freeplayed and did some painting (foam brushes with water on aquadoodle mat). Also did some compression activities and he also did some heavy work at the duck pond (pushed sister in the stroller). Had a bath, played with squishy foam and had water play/bubbles. Went on a ride with Dad after dinner and was put in a time out when he got home for not following directions and getting in his carseat. Bedtime at normal time, fell asleep within 5 minutes.

May 2007
12:28 PM PST

5/22/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all meals well. Played with his trains (set up a track completely by himself w/o any help) before breakfast. Played with a shape game after breakfast on the floor (tummy time laying on floor pillows) followed by doing a few puzzles. Jumped on trampoline afterwards for about 5 minutes. Watched Sesame Street and Caillou.

Then we went to a friends house for his first birthday party! He did SO well and really followed directions well. He played outside with the other kids (mostly parallel played or played with Peyton), rode in Cozy Coupe car, played at the sand/water table, jumped in an enclosed trampoline, participated in a pinata game (hit the target well several times!) and was a "helper" during gift opening time (handed gifts to birthday girl). Was overstimulated at times (running around, hiding in corners, overly loud when talking) but would listen to me when I called him or told him to do something. He had a great time!

Came home, rested and then had some freeplay time and played with a jump rope he got from his goodie bag from the party. After dinner we played out front for about a half hour (mowed the lawn with his lawnmower, sidewalk chalk, looked at bugs in his bug box, blew a few bubbles). Took a bath and then had clean-up time (he listened well and helped clean up with minimal fuss), then regular routine and off to bed. Asleep within 5 mintes. Had one time out for the day for repeatedly taking a toy away from his sister after rest time.

May 2007
12:20 PM PST

5/21/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all three meals well. Highlights included making a "necklace" with his wooden beads, strung 4-5 of them all by himself with no assistance at all (normally I have to help him get them through the beads). Went to the park with a friend, played for about an hour (swinging and also did tummy swinging, monkey bars, ladders, bouncing on a semi-trampoline type toy). We normally play afterwards at his friends house, but didn't today. He did really well and was dissapointed, but didn't have a meltdown or get overly upset (which he would normally do). Played in the front yard after rest (sidewalk chalk, played with the hose, watered plants). Used chewy tube several times today (was chewing/licking on his hands quite a bit otherwise). Had a bath (foam, bubble blowing), and had to go in one time out close to bedtime for not following directions. Bed at normal time, asleep within 5 minutes.

May 2007
12:04 PM PST

5/20/07-Went with me to the grocery story and was excellent! Helped with groceries, didn't get overly upset when he didn't get something he wanted and helped me push the cart (heavy work) back to the car. Stayed home from church, had a pretty low key day (Saturday was a hard day with several time outs for bad behavior, i.e. yelling back, running away, not following directions). Had BBQ for dinner and played outside for about an hour and a half, had a bath and then went to bed at normal time. Fell asleep within 5 minutes.

May 2007
11:57 AM PST

5/18/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all three meals well. Highlights included playing in body sock (pretended to be a catapillar turning into a butterfly), heavy work (helping me vacuum and carried heavy floor pillows around the house), and did some tummy time (puzzles). Had lunch outside and played for about an hour. Did some coloring for table time and played with legos (made a house, a train and a robot). Pretended to "shave' at bathtime. Bed at normal time, fell asleep within 5 minutes.

May 2007
11:48 AM PST

5/16/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all meals well. Highlights included blowing bubbles in bathtub, did some oral motor work with chewy tubes/straws/horns. Did some puzzles at table time, watched Sesame Street. Had lunch outside, played outside for an hour and a half. Painted after rest time, took a bath and played with shaving cream and blew more bubbles in tub. Bed at normal time, fell asleep within 10 minutes.

May 2007
11:45 AM PST

5/15/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate meals well w/o any problems. Higlights included going on walk/park with friend (swings, monkey bars, climbing ladders, etc). Did a race car track at home with masking tape and drove cars on it and practiced walking on it like a balance beam. Had lunch outside and played for about an hour (pool, sandbox, etc). Did some table time after rest and also did some therapy ball time as well (sat on it while doing ABC flashcards). Bedtime at normal time, fell asleep within 5 minutes.

May 2007
12:44 PM PST

5/14/07-Woke up at normal time (around 6:45ish). Had a pretty regular day. Hilights included building block city (getting much more elaborate), played in backyard for an hour and a half and had lunch outside, played a few games (about a half hour worth) at the kitchen table, followed directions well. Ate good meals, had crunchy snacks and used chewy tube a few times during the day. Wore his compression vest for about an hour total for the day. Bedtime at normal time, fell asleep within 5 minutes.

Mar 2007
12:12 PM PST

3/24/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate well, then played with sister and watched Saturday AM cartoons (a hr and a half). Then played in front yard, then helped do some housework. We got him a "big boy" bed today. He used it at naptime (we had to lay with him until he went to sleep, took about an 1/2 hr). Got up, pretty much played in room for the afternoon with his new bed and toys. Bed at normal time, we layed with him again until he fell asleep (about a 1/2 hr). Total TV for day: 1.5 hr. Total TO's for day: none. Brushed every 3 hours. No going potty on own.

Mar 2007
11:57 AM PST

3/22/07-Woke up at normal time. Followed routine (a bit of switching around) until time to leave for OT. Came home, rested for 45 minutes. Cranky after rest and didn't really follow directions well for the rest of the afternoon, did a modified routine and skippeda few things. Bedtime early (7:30 pm), fell asleep within 30 minutes. Total TV for day, 1 hr (in AM). Total TO's for day: none. Brushed every three hours. No going potty on own.

Mar 2007
11:55 AM PST

3/21/07-Woke up at normal time. Followed routine except went out in the morning (from about 10-11:30) for some errands. Resumed routine when home, skipped afternoon compression work. Still resistent to oral exercises but will do them. Rested for about an hour at naptime. Bed at normal time, fell asleep within an hour. Total TV for day: none. Total TO's for day: 1 (fighting with sister over toys). Brushed every 3 hours, went potty by himself once.

Mar 2007
11:52 AM PST

3/20/07-Woke up a bit late (about half an hour), followed routine for the most part during the day. Little resistent to oral exercises (did eee/ooo and blew bubbles) but cooperated after some coaxing. Went in a time out for fighting with sister over some toys. Slept at nap time for about an hour. Bed at normal time, fell asleep within 45 minutes. Total TV for day: 30 min (during freeplay in AM), total TO's for day: 1. Brushed every three hours, went potty by himself twice.

Mar 2007
11:49 AM PST

3/19/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate well, then got ready and went for a walk with a friend. Went to the park and played for about an hour (swings, monkey bars, slides, lots of climbing). Came home, then resumed daily schedule for the rest of the day. Brushed every three hours, total TV for day: none, no time outs. Went potty by himself once.

Mar 2007
11:45 AM PST

3/18/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate well, took a bath afterwards (bubble blowing and squishy foam). Pretty much followed "daily schedule" for the rest of the day with a few tweaks. He did well with it for the most part, a little resistent with transitioning between activities but for the most part was fine. Total TV for day: None. To's for day:1 (trouble transitioning), brushed every 3 hours. Went potty twice.

Mar 2007
11:40 AM PST

3/16/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed in living room until breakfast. Ate well, took a bath afterwards (bubbles, squishy foam). Got ready, did heavy work (vacuumed, made pillow fort w/floor pillows). Jumped on trampoline and then did table work (playdough). Played a game at the table, then got down and freeplayed in living room (blocks and cars). Then played out front until lunch, ate lunch well. Freeplayed after lunch and then played another game at table. Did some tummy work and then read stories, went down for nap. Rested for an hour and a half, got up and watched short video (1/2 hr). Then played with legos in living room and did some dress up. Freeplayed until dinner, ate well. Played with Daddy after dinner. Cleaned up, got ready for bed and storytime. Fell asleep within an hour. Total TV for day: 1/2 hr. Total To's for day: 1 (wouldn't follow directions about getting dressed, ran away from me). Brushed every 3 hours, went potty on his own 3 times.

Mar 2007
11:36 AM PST

3/15/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate breakfast well, took vitamins. Took a bubble bath (played with squishy foam and blew bubbles in tub). Got dressed and ready for day afterwards. Did arts/crafts at table (coloring, etc) and then played a few games. Had freeplay in living room and watched Sesame Street. Then had lunch and left for OT. Came home, read stories and nap time. SLEPT for a hour, then did heavy work in living room. Freeplayed until dinner, ate well. Played with Daddy after dinner. Cleaned up, got ready for bed, stories and went to bed. Fell asleep within an hour. Total TV for day: 1 hr. TO's: none. Brushed every 3 hours.

Mar 2007
11:22 AM PST

3/14/07-Woke up a little later than normal (around 7:20 or so). Freeplayed in living room until breakfast. Ate well, then cleaned up and got ready for the day. Played blocks in living room and then went out shopping (gone about 2 hrs). Fought having to sit in the cart at Costco and we had to have a TO in the car, but afterwards was fine. Came home, had lunch while we were out so he helped carry in groceries and then we played dodgeball in living room with a large balloon. Then we rocked and did squeeze hugs. Played with some toys together in the living room, then read stories and went down for nap. SLEPT for about an hour and a half, then got up and we played outside. We played cars, rode tricycle and pushed sister on trike as well (push bar). Came in, freeplayed until dinner. Ate dinner really well, then watched a video (about an hour) and played with Daddy in living room. Afterwards cleaned up (didn't want to at first, but then started helping), got ready for bed. Read stories, went to bed at normal time. Total TV for day: 1 hour. Total TO's for day: 1 Brushed every 3 hours (including right before bed).

Mar 2007
11:16 AM PST

3/13/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed in living room with sister for about 20 min. Had breakfast, ate well. Cleaned up, got ready for the day. Went to meet a friend and went for a walk (not in the stroller) and to the park. Had a small meltdown when we got there because he wanted to go inside and play, but calmed down fairly quickly. After we got back we played at friend's house for about 20 minutes. Set a timer, did pretty well when it went off and didn't make too big of a fuss when it was time to leave. Came home (gone about 2.5 hrs) and had a small snack, then went out to lunch with Grandma. Did really well in the restaurant, didn't act up much at all and followed directions well. Came home, played with trains and cars for about 30 minutes and then it was time for nap. Went down for nap, but didn't sleep. Had to wake up early, Mom had to go out unexpectedly (rested for about 30 minutes). Came home, played with Mom and Grandma in living room (cars, various games) for about an hour. Then had dinner, ate well. Watched short video (half hour) and then Daddy played with him until bedtime. Didn't clean up during cleanup time, went to bed w/o stories. Total TV time: 30 min. Total TO's: none Brushed every 3 hours w/o problems (including right before naptime and bedtime).

Mar 2007
12:03 PM PST

3/12/07-Woke up a little later than normal (around 7:30). Got up, freeplayed until breakfast. Dad watched Jackson for about an hour (ate b'fast, played and watched 15 min or so of TV). Afterwards we colored at the table for 20 min or so, followed by manipulatives (picking up small objects w/tweezers) for about 15 min or so. Freeplayed in living room for 20 minutes, then played in backyard for an hour (sandbox, water play, basketball, slide). Came inside, took a bubble bath (played w/squishy foam). Had lunch, ate well. Played with cars in living room and then helped vaccuum. Read stories and went down for nap, SLEPT for almost 2 hours. Got up, watched short Max & Ruby video (30 min) and then played with legos in living room for 20 minutes or so. Ate a "picnic" dinner in living room, ate all well. Then played with Daddy for 45 min., cleaned up. Stories, bedtime routine and went to bed. Total TV for the day: an hour. Total TO's: 1 (fighthing w/sister over a toy during freeplay). Brushed every 3 hours (including right before naptime and bedtime).

Feb 2007
6:40 AM PST

2/24/07-Woke up at normal time, freeplayed until breakfast. Ate breakfast well, cleaned up afterwards and then freeplayed with sister. Dad watched kids while Mom ran errands for about 2 hrs (had bath, played with squishy foam, played with blocks, watched 1/2hr video). Played with cars in living room for about 20 minutes. Had lunch, ate well. Looked at family pictures for about 20 minutes with Mom, then read stories and cleaned up living room. Had nap, didn't sleep but rested for an hour and a half. Got up, freeplayed and played with sister. Did some "cleaning" in the living room (dusted, picked up toys, etc). Had dinner, ate well. Cleaned up and then read stories, played with toys, etc until bedtime. Total TV for Day: 1/2hr. Total TO's for day: 2. Brushed every 3 hours w/o problems.

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Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - California