Journal4Jackson's Journal

May 2007
5:55 AM PST

5/23/07-Woke up at normal time. Ate all meals well, two time outs (one for not getting in his carseat and one for not following directions). Highlights of the day included a trip to the nursery to look at plants (smelled them, touched and felt differences in leaves, picked out a tomato to take home and plant). Then went to the duck pond and fed ducks (apprehensive at first, but then really enjoyed it and tried to throw bread as far as he could) and then took a small walk around the duck pond. Followed by going to the park to play and have a picnic. Played with sister or by himself at first, but after lunch some other kids came and he played and tried to interact with them. He dug in sand with a sand crane, climbed ladders/stepping stones (all by himself!), slides, played with a piano and also walked half the distance of a 6 ft long balance beam all by himself!

Earnedreward stickers for following directions at the nursery and the duck pond. When it was time to leave the park he ran away from me and told me no when I called him, so he didn't get a sticker and had to go in a time out when we got home. Had his rest time, and then we freeplayed and did some painting (foam brushes with water on aquadoodle mat). Also did some compression activities and he also did some heavy work at the duck pond (pushed sister in the stroller). Had a bath, played with squishy foam and had water play/bubbles. Went on a ride with Dad after dinner and was put in a time out when he got home for not following directions and getting in his carseat. Bedtime at normal time, fell asleep within 5 minutes.

Journal4Jackson's Profile

  • Username: Journal4Jackson
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - California