Cindy 2008

Mar 2008
10:48 AM CST

Who AM I?

Why can't I be happy alone? Why do I think I have to have a man in my life to be happy? I want to learn how to live happily alone. I am tired of thinking that I need a man in my life all the time. I want to know how people who live alone and are happy do it. I am tired of feeling lonely. I want to feel complete without having someone in my life. I want to feel that way all by myself. How do I get there? Somedays I get so depressed, I reach out to people that I know aren't good for me, because it's better than being alone. How do I get past that? How can I get to the point that I can be alone and be perfectly happy with it?

3 comment(s) - 01:45 PM - 09/29/2008

cindypurk's Profile

  • Username: cindypurk
  • Gender / Age: Female, 62
  • Location: USA - Illinois
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