The Chronicles of a Sauls

Sep 2010
11:31 AM EST

‎"Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so." - John Stuart Mill

Be your own man....everything else will fall into place and the true friends and people that matter will respect and love you for it. I will always be myself...I will never conform to be a robot-like drone in a world deceit and obstacles. We are all unique for a reason!
Tags: life, self

Jan 2010
10:41 PM EDT

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin

My take on that quote is as follows......


���� As one reflects on their life there are many thought that can go through one's head.� In life you have to be willing to take chances...which requires courage.� If you gamble a little, you will win a little or lose a little.� If one is willing to take a huge chance, the possible reward will be huge!�� All of it goes back to having the COURAGE to take the chance.� I myself am sometimes unwilling to take chances....maybe I need to change that.�� This can be related to work, life and Love.� I think Love is the most important one to's the one I've been without the longest.� Of course I receive love from my family but I need love with a significant other.� Ive been trying to take more chances lately...hopefully it will pan out.�

Tags: life, venting

Mar 2009
8:39 AM EDT

The Next Chapter

���� Well, Its been awhile since my last entry.� The roomies are about to move out.� I just havent had the consistency that I�needed out of them...and I have had my fill of animals here lately.� they have a boxer that drives me crazy because it likes to piss all over my carpet.� Whenever they move out, they wont have to worry about my carpet...I WILL.� Even though I need the money that they DO�give me, I am ready to have my own house back!� So begins a new chapter...what I really need is a good woman who is responsible to live with.� NO MORE�CASUAL�ROOMMATES!

Tags: life

Nov 2008
5:16 AM EDT

Another morning at work

���� Well, another boring, rainy Thursday at work.� this is the first of 6 days in a row.� I hate it when I have to work the whole damn weekend.� Granted, having days off in the midle of the week are fun and relaxing, but this all weekend shit has GOT to go.� I have yet to get my first activation, but I have had some renewals.� what sucks though, is that it is almost halfway through the month!!� anyways, I hope things will turn out better.....Plus, it DOEs help that I have roomies now!


Tags: life
1 comment(s) - 08:56 AM - 11/13/2008

Jun 2008
4:30 AM EDT

"Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so." - John Stuart Mill

���� I see what Mr. Mill is saying in that quote, but I don't necessarily agree with the statement.� I think that he is saying that when you stop being happy to wonder if you are....then you are putting a pause on your happiness.�� Everyone now and again needs to take a look at themselves and evaluate....If no one ever evaluated themselves, we would always be "leaping before we jump."� Another way I could interpret this quote.....maybe he is saying that if you get caught up in evaluating yourself, then you can never move forward.�� I sometimes wonder if I have done this....probably so.� If you are always trying to fix and concentrate on your problems, it probably is harder to focus on the happiness in your life.� I think that when negative thoughts cloud your mind, it is like trying to run on fly paper.� Your stuck on the negative...and like a fly if you wiggle around too much on the fly paper (negativity) then it will lead to your demise.�� These are my morning thoughts for the day...Thanks random quote!

Tags: Life

Jun 2008
9:52 PM EDT

What advantages have I been given in life....?

���� Well for starters, I have been gifted with a brain that works.� Some people are just born without common sense....I sometimes wonder how some people can be so stupid.��Another advantage I have been given is that I was born in the US instead of some third-world country.���Random thought:� Why do they call them third world countries when earth and ALL of its countries are in the 3rd world from the sun?...weird.� Anyways, I am lucky to have 2 parents that love me and help support me when times are tough..and trust me there have been some tough times.�� I wasn't born with any defects or diseases, so I guess I'm lucky in that regard....� thats all the thoughts I have on that at the moment.�

Til next time............

Tags: life
2 comment(s) - 09:40 AM - 06/17/2008

May 2008
6:25 PM EDT

Thoughts on a random quote....

���� "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." - Thomas Jefferson


Basically I think it all ties back to the saying..."you reap what you sow"� or "luck is what you make of it."���

Tags: Quote

May 2008
10:07 PM EDT

Random Quote

"To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it." - GK Chesterton

���� No, they are not the same. Free Will and/or Freedom of choice is the first part....the second part is whether or not it is considered right or just. It is opinionated because of this also. What is right to one may not be for the another.

Tags: Quote

May 2008
4:42 AM EDT

Thoughts on a Random Quote

"Love is not finding the perfect person, but finding the imperfect person perfect." – Unknown

���� It all goes back to saying that Love is appreciating all of the imperfections in a person. It is those imperfections that make everyone different. No one is must appreciate the differences in each other. The word perfect is an opinionated word....perception is in the eye of the beholder. If everyone was perfect, it would mean that everyone was the same. Things that are qualities to one person, are flaws to another. To appreciate these differences, one must also realize that they have imperfections as well....these are my thoughts on that.

Mar 2007
7:45 AM EDT

Buying a New House is Stressful....

���� Well, the good news is that I have found a house. I was originally suppose to close in 2 days, but now they are delaying me another week. This sucks because I had to call my utilities, cable, etc.... back so they could postpone my transfer date another week. Im just ready to get in the new house...the anticipation is killing me. I just want to tell everyone that when you go to the loan company to get a loan, they will ask you for anything and everything you can think of. Im about burnt out.

Tags: Life, Venting

Dec 2006
12:04 AM EDT

Random Thoughts on Proffesional Atheletes..

I hate how professional athletes always bitch about their salary....SHUT THE HELL UP!! The minimum salary for a NFL Football player is 275,000 per year. That means that the least talented player in pro football makes more than enough to live and support a family. Terrell Owens and people who are also in his stereotype can suck it...... They make millions...they just want attention like the little babies that they are.

Tags: Sports

Dec 2006
11:58 PM EDT


I wish the general public wasn't so damn stupid. I work in the cellular industry and believe that if you are going to have a service agreement with a certain carrier, you should know how the whole process works and what you actually have in your plan. I also personally believe that people that own cell phones should also have teeth. Anyone in my position knows what I am talking about. I am filling in at another location today....inside a gas station...with a Krystals and taco bell next to a very redneck area. Days like today make me feel thankful for having a good amount of brain cells left.

Tags: People

Dec 2006
11:56 PM EDT

In the beginning....

Hello everyone, this is my new blog. I am thinking about deleting my Myspace account....I am beginning to feel that I am getting a little too old for it. It seems to be a haven for immaturity and sexual predators. I will be using this site to share my thought with whom I choose. I will eventually learn how to customize this site to exact detail as time goes on.....

csauls3378's Profile

  • Username: csauls3378
  • Gender / Age: Male, 47
  • Location: USA - Tennessee
    Photo Album

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    CSAULS3378's Interests:

    About Me: I'm laid back and like to have fun..anything other than that is probably stressful and a waste of my time. I am easygoing...I can be serious if I have to be though..I like heavy metal music and sports...especially football. I'm just on here to catch up with old friends and meet new well as pass time when I'm bored..I hate sour cream, watermelon, coconut, chocolate-mint and cucumbers...everything else as far as food goes is fair game.. I am a homeowner....and as far as the ladies go, I am a single man looking for something solid....I can hold a job and pay my bills...I am honest and straight-forward kids or back acne or black teeth...and oh yeah, i keep my rat-tail trimmed. I hate stupid, unnecessary drama and anyone who brings it along..take that shit somewhere else please. I'm just looking for my "partner in crime." I am loyal to my brotherhood. I will ride into the last battle with them. In the meantime I'm eatin cornbread and bein' cool.

    Interests: Football, Heavy Metal/Rock N'Roll Music, Loyalty, 80s Nostalgia, a cold pillow at night, A shot of Bourbon on the Rocks, Games, Ancient Egypt, Medieval Times, Science-Fiction, the outdoors and hanging with quality people who aren't shady.

    Favorite Music: The Metal mostly, but I appreciate any good music. I can either listen to Pantera or Classical Music.....lots of variety but substance is the key!

    Favorite Movies: Call me a nerd, but I love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I also like the Back to the Future Series, Braveheart, Spaceballs, Gladiator, Pet Semetary, Heat, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, Terminator 1-4, Stargate, Being John Malcovich, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Army of Darkness, Pulp Fiction, Full Metal Jacket, and many more.....

    Favorite Television: Law and Order SVU, Legend of the Seeker, Discovery Channel, Sportcenter, NFL network, My Name is Earl and the Office, WWE, Headbangers Ball, King of Queens, Cosby Show, Fresh Prince, Court TV, The Dead Zone, Quantum Leap, Family Guy, South Park.

    Favorite Books: Most of my reading is in Magazines or on the internet, therefore I do not read as much as I did in my youth. ...usually science-fiction books or something in the fantasy genre will hold my attention. Horror books are good too.