Alvin's Journal

May 2008
4:45 AM EDT


Exams are sure boring things.....

but dis few exams wit sum1 special...

it's another different story.....

lately..all kinds of cute stuff happened.....

juz bcoz of a special 1...

saw a question ..'How do you define love?'

A gud question...

To comes in various forms..

through ur partner....

i found a fren,family,religion and a partner...

i think it's all in 1...

almost perfect......

Now comes another question...

'How to�prolong your flower's beauty?'

This is my question.....

Still seeking for answers....


Luv u~^^

Happy Mothers Day for yesterday~

May 2008
6:24 AM EDT

An angel or a devil...


wat am i??

a�best fren or a�worst 1.....

i enjoy every moment wit u...


i think dat i'm too over....even pass the limits....

plz do remind me....

fren 4ever....

luv u~^^


hope u enjoy today...

1 comment(s) - 11:44 AM - 05/11/2008

May 2008
6:10 AM EDT

The Best Fren...^^

When a war begins........

No shall stay....

those dat stayed r the 1 that u can truly trust...

Frens are like air....u cant hold them....

But u nid them they will come to u....

Currently i oni hav the right to hav 2 close fren.... personal secretary...

the other special 1 would b a cute little girl.....

i cared�her as a�family member of mine...

hope dat i really can b close to her as long as i live...

i will always b there when either 1 of them need me...

trust me....hope u really do....

Today enjoyed a great time wit u 2....

always having new excitement wit u around...

trying new things....^^


u r indeed a fren i cant lose....

hope dat u wunt leave me 2....


Apr 2008
6:31 AM EDT

A Captain..

I as a captain in the team....

leaded them to a failure...

i'm sry....

The team had been dismissed....

Today the last day....the last training...

totally moodless....

Am i suitable to b any teams captain...leader....

Or rubbish....

Thank You coach...

i appreaciate for wat u did....

sry if i dissappointed u....

take care...


Thanks for wat u did...

Apr 2008
6:57 AM EDT


Win or Lose.....

sum says it isnt important....but actually it is...

War has�long�began in�our ancestors time...losing had never been an aim for them... win still important??

Competitions had never been fair....

but yet we nid to try our best.....

gud luck to all life challangers..


not surfing the net lately...

Apr 2008
4:12 AM EDT

The torch of Olympic....

A hot day under the sun....

The whole school were waiting for the torch of 2008...

In front of Merdeka Stadium (Malaysia)...

After 3 hours......The torch finally seem to appear....

A clear view....The fire passes from 1 to another....

Once in the life's totally unbeliveable....

In the's still a hot day.....


busy day...

Apr 2008
3:55 AM EDT

A Happier Day...^^

After tuition in the morning......

Went Midvalley Megamall�(a shopping complex in KL)..

Personal�secretary and little dear...

Went to Starbucks n started to on9....

A simple movie entertained us...

A light lunch with sweet desserts....

A box of sushi before we left....

Always hope for a simple n happy life.....

Without dreams...there will never be a dream come true....


I've learn a lot from u...tQ~

Apr 2008
7:52 AM EDT

A Better Relationship...

Went out�n came back wit her wit the same transport...(her driver)

quite a new experience for me....

Seems lik we had improve a lot.....

in a lot of ways.....

hope this would last 4ever...

i luv u^^


happy day.....

all the nest in our competition...

Apr 2008
6:32 AM EDT

Who am I??

A simple way lead a simple life...

dat's wat i always dreamed of...

but reality is is meant to be complicated....

at least i still hav u....u will noe who r�u when u read dis....

but who am i?? to every1....or even..myself.....

i hope sum1 will tell me...i'll b waitin....

a happy day begins with a simple smile....

^^readers....blogers....hav a nice day...


I am Alvin Siow....

1 comment(s) - 08:22 AM - 04/19/2008

Apr 2008
7:36 AM EDT

Mayb i m as normal as the others..

Memorable time do exist...lecturing time comes together...

and dat sucks lot...==

althought u said dat i m special....

but....i feel i hav no difference with others..

mayb....i really am as normal as others...

wad do i actually hav.....



gud frens...less...

i cant afford to lose u guys anymore...

i'm not qualified to....

accept the realitly....

alvin....u r a normal person...


emotions can b replaced by another.....

hope it will b a better 1.....

when u r happy, i'm..

Apr 2008
6:20 AM EDT

There's Nothing I Can Do..

There's sumthing arent dat easy...

a female close girl fren is hard to get...

but a same birthday close fren is harder...

mayb it's fate to leave me n her together...

juz mayb.....but i oso wan to b a part of ur life...

i really do...

there isn't anything i can do....

juz to let u choose ur own fren....

i respect u...born on the same day brings a lot of commons...

i actually liked it...n appreciate it..

hope u do the same...

all the best....i'll b here waiting for u...


anything u nid or wan...i willingly do it for u...^^ n oso for my dear little 23~

Apr 2008
4:52 AM EDT

Enjoy while it still last..^^

Seems liks it juz u n me....

Happened so much lately between..

happy moments r increasing..

i'm sry for being mad at u today...i was just worried...

hope dat u don blame me^^

stay happie o..


remember the time when we�were together...and hope for coming ones..

Apr 2008
6:37 AM EDT

A Simple Day...

A simple daily routine performed as usual...

from the daily 6am till 10pm...

damn tired...but for a normal life....

it's considered as a happie 1..


precious every moment~

Apr 2008
5:12 AM EDT

I Stand No Ground..

If any reader had been chasing my continously journal...

u should understand dat.....dis isnt the matter of 1...but 3...

Road seperated into 3...i had only 1 choice...n i belive i made the right 1...

the other 2 was�some unneccessary sacrifice...

the truth of world...u are unable to obtain something precious unless u sacrific

something having the same value of it.....

u could chose to stay at the 1st place....

but u seem to hav regreted now.....

it's too late to look back now....

juz keep walking....aim for ur dreams..


gud luck on your journey...

Apr 2008
4:23 AM EDT

THE END to the past~

Seems like it is the end of it...

isn't it?

hope u enjoy the journey wit us..^^

we r havin our own gud time...

tQ if u care.....but it isn't necessary anymore...


honestly..sumtimes...enjoyed wen u r gone..

Apr 2008
5:04 AM EDT

If it Had Been Easier..

During the last period..

u told me that u felt isolated....

i hope u r smarter den that...u r being...

after all the incidents happened..

u dunn even bother to care...or to know...

juz blame...blame...n yet...still blaming...

a job well done...for u...

think again for wat u did...

think again about the promises u made...

think about the friendship we once had... ur choice...finally its time to make ours...


we still luv u~

Apr 2008
4:40 AM EDT

True Words..From ur heart...

Seems like u really chose ur path..

we are not trying to stop u anymore...

but dun try to blame wat u did today...

it really sucks n hurts...

u hav ur way...we hav ours...

build a border by today n this very second...

for everything u did...

u better noe wat's best...

a miss is as gud a mile...

better think carefully before u try to voice out nex time...

Take Care..old fren~


I admit i still care...but this is too much...

I'm sorry..

Apr 2008
8:12 AM EDT

Who will be the 1st who fall into grief & sadness~

Who will be the 1st who fall into grief & sadness~

We tried a new way without her..

Honestly we felt great about it..mayb I m the 1 who is feeling better..

She tried to concern...but i felt fake in it..seems like unwillingly..

U once had the chance to get hold of this relationship..

i felt extremely disspointed...because i had a bad vision...

vision that doesnt lie..

is this the end?

i m sick of it...we r sick of it...

defitnitely sick of lies...

old�memories still exist...but new memories still comes..

we cant wait for the old to settle to begin the new..

we r sry to leave u behind...

all�we requested wasnt much...

but what u did was too much...

I am not blaming...juz lost....


hope u will return sumday...still hoping for dat day..


Apr 2008
6:43 AM EDT

2nd Day of The New Age

A friend indeed is a friend in need...

Is it as true as it seems?

We were waiting for the return of u....n yet..u chose to abandon us..

We tried to hold u back..instead of holding we hurted u...

We are sorry......I am sorry......

For wat we did....we din mean it..

I juz wan u back...

I still care....

Mayb u felt happier without being wit us...

Gratz that u had found ur own way of staying happy..

I once promise to b there whenever u need me...

If u ever had the chance to view this blog...

I bet u wouldn't even care to go deeper for the reason...

The cause isin't because of anyone...

Dun blame...Coz we didn't.

I am from Malaysia.


I wonder if any1 cares...I still do...

Still luvin~

Apr 2008
8:16 AM EDT

After getting worst day by The Starting Of A New Age..

Today is a hard day for three of us..All bcoz of sum ridiculous misunderstandin..
One of us chose to walk the other direction..we tried to hold..but it's still her choice..
I care as much as u both do...
I luv u both..The breaking of us, it could a beginning of a new age..
I am Alvin Siow.
hope dat our friendship will everlasting..i luv u both...

All we can do is hope dat we will remain as happy as the old days..

Alvin's Profile

  • Username: Alvin
  • Gender / Age: Male, 34
  • Location: Malaysia
    Photo Album

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    ALVIN's Interests:

    About Me: Born in Manhattan, currently studying in Malaysia.. Age 17.. A day dreamer..^^tQ for viewing...hav a nice

    Interests: a peaceful life~^