Rants of a Raven

Jun 2008
4:36 AM CST


I had an MRI of my knee this morning in an attempt to diagnose what has been wrong with it ever since it buckled on me while I was in pursuit of my son a month ago.� Being claustrophobic, it was a less than pleasurable 40 minutes, and I can only hope that it does indeed reveal something is wrong with my knee.

Of course, I do not like the prospect of needing any surgery to repair what damage I may have caused, especially with the looming visit to the orthopedic surgeon about my hips.

All of these leg problems before our approaching trips to Chicago in July and Walt Disney World in September could not have come at a worse moment.� The worst that could come to pass is that I may require a wheelchair to get around on both vacations, and at my age, I do not like this idea very much.� It certainly does not sit well with my ego, who still believes me to be around the young and tender age of 20 (and in reasonably good health).

Alas, all that I can do now is wait and see.

Tags: musings

Apr 2008
4:59 AM CST

The A$$hole Driver

1) So you are driving down the road, minding your own business, when you look in your rear-view mirror and notice that the car/truck behind you is riding more than a bit too close in an attempt to "push" you.� You look down at your speedometer and see that not only are you going the speed limit, but you are going over it.� You want the guy off your tail, so you decide to decelerate by letting off the gas petal.

2) So you are driving down the road, minding your own business, when you look in your rear-view mirror and notice that the car/truck behind you is riding more than a bit too close in an attempt to "push" you.� You look down at your speedometer and see that you are not going the speed limit, and are going a bit slower than it.� You want the guy off of your tail, so you decide to decelerate by letting off the gas petal.

These are two scenarios, both pretty similar, but the a$$hole driver in each scenario is different.� In 1, the guy trying to "push" you when you are already going over the speed limit is the a$$hole, and he deserves every bit of frustration and outrage you can create by slowing down.� I actually like to slow down to just at the speed limit, and if he still won't back off, then slow down more.� There is absolutely no reason to "push" a car that is already going over the speed limit -- that car is already keeping traffic flowing faster than normal.� Back off, a$$hole.

In 2, the driver who slows down when he/she is already going slower than the speed limit becomes the a$$hole driver.� Sorry, but you are already impeding traffic by going slower than the speed limit, causing a nuisance.� Slowing down even further only makes you more of an a$$hole than you were in the first place by not driving the speed limit.� There are laws in some states making it a ticketable offense for driving at a rate of speed that impedes the flow of traffic.� There is absolutely no reason to drive slower than the speed limit.� Get off your phone, put out your cigarette, and speed up, a$$hole.

Road rage is a terrible thing (something I suffer from), and having a$$holes on the road only makes it worse.

Tags: rants
1 comment(s) - 12:12 AM - 04/24/2008

Apr 2008
4:21 AM CST

For Granted

It is amazing how much we take for granted until something bad happens to us, and all of a sudden the reality of how fragile we are comes crashing down all around us like the collapse of a large building with us in the middle of the debris.� It is the simplest things we never stop to be thankful for.� Maybe that is for the best, for it would make living more difficult if we were always worried about all of those little things that should just work.

Take the sense of touch, for example.� Does anyone ever stop and say, "Wow, this is a truly amazing sensation, and I am so thankful for it."� Does anyone really think about the difficulties one would face if that sense was taken away?� Obsessing over all the little things is not what I suggest, but maybe a simple reflection on how wonderous our complicated bodies are would do people some good.

I know what the loss is like.� I have lost a lot over the last few years that I may never get back.� The weight of that loss threatens to overwhelm me daily, and I look back on my short life now and wish I had been a little more thankful for what I had, before I lost it.� If I had done that, perhaps I would not be as frozen as I am today.

Tags: musings

Mar 2008
6:57 AM CST


Wishing does nothing but interfere with one's direction in life.

Mar 2008
8:08 AM CST

Customer Service

I have never been one for Customer Service -- it just is not in my blood. I do not have the patience to deal with other people, especially when they are not smart. Those who believe they actually know a thing or two are even worse, for they will give you the most trouble and believe that you should concentrate solely on their problems -- no one else exists to them.

There is something else about the so called "power user" needing help -- no matter what the position or pay grade, they believe they are better than you. It is as if they need your help, but only because they do not have the time to investigate and figure it out themselves.

I know I am in a position where I must help other people sometimes. The key word is "sometimes". My job makes it so I must spend most of my time fixing, tinkering, researching, etc. to support the wider, firm-wide issues. Do IT managers really need to focus on individual users all the time? I hope not, or I have made a horrible career mistake.

Being honest with myself, I absolutely loath dealing with other people and having to hear their problems, or worse, having to actually help them. Why can't they all just be like me and figure it out. How hard is that?

Tags: rants

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  • Username: corvinus3
  • Gender / Age: Male, 49
  • Location: USA - Illinois
    CORVINUS3's Interests:

    About Me: I am the Director of Information Technology for a St. Louis law firm.

    Interests: My interests include computers (Web development especially), reading, writing, my family, art, history, Mathematics, physics, space...

    Favorite Music: My favorite music is classical music, though I do not like the more modern classical with all of its dissonance. My favorite composer is Beethoven...

    Favorite Movies: My favorite movies are very tough to pin down, but all of the Harry Potter movies (but OotP most of all), Where Eagles Dare, Munich, The Bourne Trilogy, Remains of the Day, Notorious, North by Northwest, To Catch a Thief...

    Favorite Television: I would rather not watch much TV, but Numb3rs would be my favorite, followed by House...

    Favorite Books: I like so many books, reading being something I enjoy more than almost anything, so...Harry Potter (obviously), The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, (guess those should go under movies as well), The Chronicles of Narnia, The Ender Saga, Dracula, The Historian...