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xcheerfreakx's Journal
Jun 2007
3:51 PM EDT
Dear journal,
today was very boring and i just couldnt stop shoving my face full of stale food because i dont eat right and depression does it to me because i think im so fat!!! so basically everyone even my dork thinks im anerexic but u kno what idk if i was being anerexic today. Because i usally am anerexic. But w/e!!! Thumper went home today and left me just hanging. I tlkd to my dorks mom linda because i always go over to his house with a couple of friends and she sat me down descussing my anerexic issue and how mad chris is at me for saying im fat when he and everybody else says im not even though i am. So thats proble why he doesnt tlk to me like he used to or look at me. g2g i have to eat dinner and its speggetii!!!!!!!!yyyyyuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY
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Jun 2007
6:44 PM EDT
Dear journal,
im finally home from thumpers house cuz it was really boring!!! i have cheer practice tommorow and i really dont want to go but i have to because if i want my tuck then i have to go. I have been really moody lately but i really dont kno why it could be because of scewl i used to go to my friends and tell them everything and even my darkest secrets wich i dont really do. But i guess u just really have to make sure u choose the right ppl to hang out with!!!!
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Jun 2007
7:07 AM EDT
Dear journal,
Today has been good so far. I text chris last night and he actully text back this time lol i kno im the dork now but w/e. Im hanging out over at thumpers house and its pretty boring cuz it usally isint. We are just about to leave and go over to my house lol and hang out iwth my dork!!! I asked him last night if he had a girlfriend and he does and she is much more older then he is and they never see each other so u kno its like then why would he wanna go out with her. G2g check my myspace brb l8tr!!!!
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Jun 2007
2:45 AM EDT
Dear journal,
Well about the whole brittany dillow thing yea well it might not of have bin her because chris could of done it and tried to blame it on somebody or he thinks im the slut and not brittany dillow because she supposalie called me a slut!!! But you know what im not a slut. But i think i know why he would think ima slut proble because of my pics on myspace. nT dat yesterdat was ok we were outside the damn day!!! I dont want to type right now i miss my DORK too much!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jun 2007
2:15 PM EDT
Dear journal,
MY day today was great well other then when i had gym class but anyway... Scott gave me his phone number and i have given him mine. I havent seen chris in like four days now and i really miss him so i just got done calling him and he said that he was about to go somewhere sp i had said ok i guess i will call ypu back l8tr. But i want to hang out and play with chris really bad i know he might have a girlfriend but i think i still love him. Tommarow at sewl we are tyding shirts and i cant wait so i can stop thinking about chris!! Britney dillow wants to fight me and chris is trying ti defend me but i dont need his help i can beat the shit out of her. just because im a cheerleader dont mean a damn thing. I take that back im a tomboy cheerleader fo r your information!!!!
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Jun 2007
1:31 PM EDT
Dear journal,
My day today was ok. Scott hugged me five times today how coolio is that!! Then we had had to do this retarded play and it was like really boring. I have cheer practice at 6:30 to 8:00 wich at first i dread it but im just gonna have to wait and see how it ends up being i hope i have fun and time needs to go a lil bit faster for the rest of the day because i just want it to end. I have to wake my mom up here in like 30 min. Kayla and tiffany say that chris is a dork and then i say yea wich is why i will never agian go back out with him and then they say well he is a big dork and you will to i betcha then i say fine then if he is a dork then he gets to be my dork!!! lol idk if there right or wrong because he did cheat on me befor and i went back out with him
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Jun 2007
2:24 PM EDT
Dear journal,
Today sucks my mom and john are pissing me the fuck off!!!! I'm listening to music so i dont have to listen to them be ignorent. I cant until school tommarow because i wont have to deal with them until school is fucking over. Earlier i was doing stuff to my scrap book then i got bored and called my friend and asked to see if i could over to her house and swim with her but she wasnt home. Then i tried texting chris and asking him to find out if he has a girlfriend because of stuff and he tolled his mom he had one and when i had asked the day befor he said no. so now im so over chris. Now i dont have someone to like this summer or play hide n seek in the dark or go swimming and play with well i do but not a hott boy like chris. I hope he doesnt see this. The last time i went out with him he cheated on me so you know what fuck this shit i dont need this im only thirteen and excperiencing stuff. I wish a really hot boy my age would move next beside my house and i go out with him and make chris jelouse. And i think i should move on now and never talk to him and makout with the new kid !!!!!
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Jun 2007
2:29 PM EDT
Dear journal,
Today was another normal day except we had sensitive issues class and it was pretty funny. Me and my bff Esperanza arent very good friends anymore becasue she is way more dramatic then me. Scott kept on poking me and he has a really dirty mind lol. Tonight me chris, tiffany, ben, corey, and corey Allen are playing hide n go seek its pretty fun in the dark. It was really hott outside today and i relly do want to go swimming but not with a pool full of horney boyz i dont think so!!! IM trying to get my standing tuck on the trampoling without falling on my ass , knees and face lol jk no im really seriouse. Im not so sure if i like chris or i just want him because every other girl does. But theres a couple of problems. 1. he cheated on me and i dont know when he has a girlfriend. 2. He is 13 3. im not pretty and skinny enough well he doesnt say that i just think im ugly and fat meaning obeast!!!
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- 05:37 PM - 06/11/2007
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Jun 2007
4:01 PM EDT
Dear journal,
Today at scewl was ok i guess. me and Scott were flirting i think idk and i really idc. i guess as you can already see im too dramatic but that is like tottaly normal for girls my age. Oh yea i forgot to tell you who i am. Hey im Brittany and i love to cheer ok now back to how my day was. Well me and my bff Esperanza we were like really embareced today for field day we did stuff that we tought would be really embaresing but its really not that bad. If you really think about it we got over our fears. And we did it a week befor the end of the school year. And this is going to be our last year in the fith grade together and it really sucks. Because we are both going to a diffrent middle school meaning we are going to be split up .
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xcheerfreakx's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 32
USA - Virginia
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