nothingleft's Journal

Mar 2008
4:32 PM EST

All alone 2

This weekend I had my friend over and thinking that I wouldn't feel like shit and still I do. This really sucks and I don't know how to get me out of this mess. My heart breaks more and more. I cut my wriste to help with some of the pain that is my heart because I admitte it I fucked up. Everything is my fault I try being nice and calem and it just back fires in my face. I want Joshua Noel Martinez from Yonkers, New York. I just want him I don't care how I get him. I can change for him anything I have to do.

I will even kill myself if he doesn't come back since I am about 7 months with his kid and he know.

Tags: all alone
1 comment(s) - 08:38 PM - 04/06/2008

Jun 2007
5:13 AM EST

there nothing more than just feeling sad or depressed. I try to be nice and it back fires in my face and there is really nothing I can do . I really just want people to like me and treat me with respect why is it so hard to understand. I don't have any friends and i don't know why people don't like me.
Tags: all alone
3 comment(s) - 11:37 PM - 03/04/2008

nothingleft's Profile

  • Username: nothingleft
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - New York
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