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KeshiaLovesCJ's Journal
Jul 2007
7:58 AM EDT
"Am I not destroying my enemies when make friends of them?" -Abraham Lincoln
I think that you are destroying your enemies because you are killing them with kindness... whenever someone hates me and when they give me dirty looks or something i just smile back cuz im not going to let them get to me.... I love being a BITCH!!!
i know wrote in a few days but i had to babysit and i have to babysit at my sisters almost all next week so yea.... its going to be wonderful lol... im going to go see my boyfriend today! yay! he is great! i Love him so much! well ill write later if i dont forget lol
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- 07:33 PM - 12/29/2007
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Jul 2007
8:19 AM EDT
"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon
Live your life to the fullest! dont forget that life goes by real FAST!!!
*Change of Subject*
i am so tired but i dont want to sleep all day. plus, i still have to exercise.... i just started exercising everyday so yea i am getting into the routine and trying to get used to it lol but i feel really good when i exercise.......
Today me and my boyfriend have been dating for 15months (1yr and 3mths) YAY!!!!!! I Love him so much... i get my license in Nov. so ill get to se him everyday without my mom being a bitch about it..... or maybe he will get his truck fixed soon but idk cuz he is in a little bit of trouble with the law but he didnt do anything bad some guy blamed it on him so yea... im worried but anyways.....
I am so bored...... i cant wait until i go on vaca..... but ill ttyl and ill write later.....
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Jul 2007
8:28 AM EDT
"The Heart that loves is always young!" -Greek Proverb
This is my favorite quote ever!!! if you are filled with love and joy you are still young in your heart.....
*Change of Subject*
What would i do with my life today if you werent afraid of failure?
Im not really afraid at failure but at some things i am like something i really want to do then yea im scared of it..... but i would do everything in the world to become successful in life and i would never give it up...
Tomorrow is mine and my boyfriends 15month (1yr and 3mths) Anniversary but i am going to be with him all day wednesday so yea lol... im so excited cuz he just bought me a new ring but i dont know when im going to get it... but its really pretty and he is also buying me a new digital camera lol he spoils me but i love it.... well im done writing i have to wake my mom up cuz she has things to do or thats what she told me!!!! well ttyl
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- 01:21 AM - 07/03/2007
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Jul 2007
6:13 PM EDT
hey whats going on? oh nothing much here... just sitting here being bored cuz i have nothing to do... i didnt do much today... i went to my brothers and picked some stuff out of our garden that we have.... which was really boring... i did make it home in time to talk to my boyfriend before he got home so i was happy about that.... i asked my mom if i could get a tatoo on my foot and she is actually thinking about it thank god!!!! i want 2cherries..... i love cherries but i wont eat them cuz they are disgusting but i am going to stop writing cuz i am just rambling on lol well ttyl
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Jul 2007
6:06 PM EDT
Hey! I cant believe the 4th of July is almost here... this will be mine and CJ's 2nd one together!!! yay!!! i love watching the fireworks its kinda romantic lol... anyways.... *change of subject*
"Love is not finding the perfect person, but finding the imperfect person perfect." -Unknown
This is so very true because no one is perfect but when you love somebody you look at them as being the perfect one for you and in your eyes you see them a being so perfect and their not.... i hope that mad since... it made since to me lol ...
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- 08:16 AM - 07/02/2007
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Jun 2007
10:32 AM EDT
Hey! whats going on? oh nothing much here just sitting here being bored and tryin to decide if i want to go to the cookout my dad is having today i mean i want to go but you know i dont want to stay the night and thats what my dad wants me to do but i dont want to lol but im really tired my boyfriend woke me up this morning at like 9:30 or maybe earlier lol but im going to stop writing now so ill write later most likely....
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- 10:59 AM - 07/01/2007
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Jun 2007
4:49 AM EDT
Think of 3 good things that happened today and analyze why they occurred.
Hey! Well since its so early i have 3 but i will write on this subject later also...... My 3 good things are that i woke up, my boyfriend called, and i ate... the last one is pretty stupid but i couldnt think of anything else... lol The reason why i woke up was because God didnt want me to die and my boyfriend called..... My boyfriend called me because i told him so and he always calls me when he gets in from work... So when he called i got up and ate because i was hungry and my stomach was growling.... lol
Yesterday i didnt go driving cuz my dad was supposively sick but im going today maybe...... im really tired and i really dont want to drive but hey i have to get my hours in so i can get my licenses... yay i cant wait because theni dont have to wait or ask my parents well mymom to take me anywhere.... lol but im going to stop writing now... i have nothing else to say!!!
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- 11:43 PM - 07/14/2007
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Jun 2007
9:10 AM EDT
hey! whats going on? oh nothing here just waiting for my dad to come get me so i can go driving yay! not really cuz i am really tired and i am cramping really bad! but anyways! I may be getting a new digital camera soon yay! i cant wait it is awesome!!!! lol so i have a question who thinks that when you're best friend says that you guys are going to be friends forever that its true? i dont think it is because your so called best friend could possibly screw up pretty severely or you could or whatever but i dont think so.... but i dont know im going to get off here and get ready so i can go driving!!!!
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- 06:23 PM - 06/28/2007
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Jun 2007
9:56 PM EDT
hey! sorry i havent wrote in awhile but i have been busy!!!! i have been driving well practicing but you know.... everything is going well with me and my boyfriend yay almost 15 months now but yea..... he is the love of my life and heis WONDERFUL!!! the SWEETEST guy ever!!!!! well i have to go cuz i am very tired and im going to bed now well i promise it wont take me that long to write again lol
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- 05:51 PM - 06/27/2007
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May 2007
10:53 AM EDT
hey!!! my day has been ok i guess.... i woke up at 7am when i got a call from CJs mom telling me that one of my friends dad had passed away this morning... welli tried to go back to sleep and then Lindsey called and told me.... i feel really bad for her.... She is really torn up about it which i could understand... ill try to be there for her but its kinda her hard for me to do that because she told my boyfriend something that i never did and he thinks that i lied to him about it.... she was suppose to be my best friend and she told him something that never happened but all i can do now is to help her through this like a good friend would but idk.... well i write later on cuz i am going to spend time with CJ!!!! YAY!!!! well ttyl
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May 2007
7:09 AM EDT
Hey!!! well todayi stayed home from school..... i am so bored and i have nothing to do....i have to clean my room cuz thats why i told my mom i wanted to stay home!!! lol my room is a mess but i dont feel like cleaning it but im going to lol i have to do laundry too, YUCK!!!!!! i hate cleaning.... so i miss my boyfriend very much and my stupid cell phone is shut off because cingular is STUPID and lie to their customers...GRRRRR!!!! Well thats all i have to say right now.... ill be on later.... i guess
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KeshiaLovesCJ's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 34
USA - Kentucky
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About Me:
Hi! My Name is LaKeshia!!! I am 16years old... I have been dating this guy name CJ for 15months and He is an AWESOME GUY!!! I LOVE HIM SO VERY MUCH!!! I like to hang out with my family and friends including my boyfriend! To find out more info read on!!!Pimp My Profile Pink Hawaiin Flowers myspace layout ' I <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJI <3 CJPimp My Profile
Cheerleading, Softball, and singing!!!
Favorite Music:
Country and some Rock
Favorite Movies:
The notebook and Dirty Dancing
Favorite Television:
Brothers and Sisters
Favorite Books:
The notebook, Tears of a Tiger, and The Face on the Milk Carton