Jessy5211's Journal

Sep 2007
5:50 PM EDT

wow its been a minute since i been on here...i think before summer..but yeah lots of shyt happened over the summer..all good tho nothing terrible happened this summer...i had fun fun fun...i got my car and all that good stuff and partied it up just about every single still havin my fun tho on the weekends [and school nites] lol but yeah...i've been lookin for a job and all that good stuff and currently am tryin to stop smokin cigs but i kno as soon as payday comes around i'll be stickin it up again lol...soo yeah there was some drama this summer also and damn i dont kno where to begin wit it all...i've met a lot of new friends which its about time [no offense judi and jess] but they enjoy havin eachothers company 24/7 but when you get to goin different places u have to have a different type of person there wit you if that makes any sense at yeah...i've been through fights with friends and family..been through about haha i aint even gonna say how many me and my partner in crime were repeatedly told we were "boy crazy" but they didnt kno half of it...matter of fact they didnt kno any of it lol..but yeah i dont kno what else to say soo just leave me some comments about anythinggggggggggggggggggg

2 comment(s) - 09:50 PM - 11/10/2007
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Jessy5211's Profile

  • Username: Jessy5211
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Ohio
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    JESSY5211's Interests:

    About Me: Hey i'm Jess...I live in Youngstown, Ohio the greatest ...but its more like dramaville USA! but u kno how that goes...well anywayz i'm a junior in high school and i dont like it lol... i have this shytty ass job but it brings in my money so i dont care!

    Interests: ummm...i like to do all sorts of funn stuff :]]

    Favorite Music: RAP and ROCKK!

    Favorite Movies: Scarface , The Notebook, Step Up

    Favorite Television: Law and Order SVU absolute favorite

    Favorite Books: umm theres a bunch...i like to read and i'm proud to say it cuz i aint no nerd lol...