ZombiKid's Journal

Apr 2007
6:38 PM EDT

Boys Are Stupid.

...well... Most of them are anyway.
Always being soCompeitive..And
But most Stupid of all when they get

..Theres this one boy. who i completely
Adore. Because his my bestfriend.

Specimen number one:
Nicknames: Eddie, Edwardos, Edman.
Likes: Turtles. ChickenSalt. Metal Music.
Dislikes: Parents. HororFilms.
Bestfriends: Caleb. Myself/Samm. Corey?

This boy. is my life. but.
He's Jealous of the boy i am inlove with.

Specimen number two:
Nicknames: Corey?
Likes: Coffee. Hugs.
Dislikes: Seeing People Cry.
Bestfriends: Eddie. Myself. Marius.

...Sometimes is love worth it?
Stupid Boys.
Stupid love triangles.


Is it a crime to love them both?

♥ Sammm.
2 comment(s) - 03:54 AM - 04/29/2007
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ZombiKid's Profile

  • Username: ZombiKid
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: Australia
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    ZOMBIKID's Interests:

    About Me: ♥ My name is Samm. Aka. ZombiKid. I do Sport. I like my metal Heavy. I have a LipRing. Violence is Fun. Im inlove ♥ My bestfriends are everything when theyre not moody. but even still. Id give up everything for them. ♥ Theres more to life then sidefringes.

    Interests: Metal. Corey♥ Tkd.(taekwondo) Coke. Boys and Girls. ♥ ♥ ♥

    Favorite Music: Bullet for my Valentine. Converge. The Old MCR. Trivium. MARILYNMANSON. Aiden. ♥

    Favorite Movies: Interview With A Vampire. Jay and SilentBob strike back. CorpsBride. Nightmare Before Christmas. GardenState♥ Tmnt. Transformers.

    Favorite Television: Happy Tree Friends. Simpsons.

    Favorite Books: Harry Effing Potter.

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