Tigruten27's Journal
Mar 2007
3:33 PM EDT
ok so its fucking nice as fuck outside!! I left work at 5 and missed the express so I took the next bus which drops me off about 20 min down from my apartment and since it was nice I didnt mind the walk other than the fact i had a bookbag with a book that weighs 35lbs. Anyways got home and roomate who is jobless but seems to be ok with it cooked meatballs and spegetti and it was really good. I am a freak when it comes to meatballs since i come from an italian family and my moms meatballs are the best and i can def. say that roomate did an awsome job. Anyways i got stuck into the american idol show this year since everyone and there mother watches it. Gonna go pick up some beer across the street and cigs and then watch tv and relax till I hit my nice sexy bed.' Anyways allmost 8.. gonna smokey and then jet. *all the windows in the apartment are open and i got shorts and a wife beater on. it doesnt get much better than that.
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- 08:16 PM - 03/27/2007
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Male, 46
USA - New Jersey
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