juliannd's Journal
Mar 2007
12:53 PM EDT
hey im julie!
right now i hate my life.
i feel like cutting my self but i retain myself
my stepdad is a jerk
i never see my mom cause she comes back from work at 7
i never see my dad cause my parents are divorced i only see him every other weekend.
there is five kids in this house and im the youngest
i get bad grades i try to bring them up but nuthing ever works
i hate school everyone there are stuck up bitches
everyone ther is so dramatic
i want to be homeschooled so bad
my sister and my brother smoke but got caught and i almost started but i never did
the only reason im mdoing this is cause i need to let all my anger out and i need advice...
so comment and help me.='[
always crying; julie
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- 11:23 PM - 03/26/2007
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juliannd's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 31
USA - Florida
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