wickedlvr10's Journal

Aug 2009
4:06 PM EDT

Hard Work

I fully understand the concept of hardwork. Especially in school. I have been working on my English essay for over 2 hours!! I'm writing about my summer vacation and I think it's pretty well written! I need to close it though so I guess I'll write in here later!

Aug 2009
2:13 PM EDT

I know what I have to do so quit telling me!.

Today started off really well.. The beginning of this year has peen wonderful in fact. Maybe it's because I'm a senior and I know I'm supposed to enjoy this year. Whatever the fact may be it really working.. But after I left school my mom pissed me off so bad!! She was all over my case about going to a senior meeting and I would've went it was just the fact that she hassled me about it when i already know what I'm expected to do. I was extremely frustrated but I realized that there are going to be a lot of times when I get upset but I have to know how to control my emotions without letting them or anything else stress me out. So I simply stopped listening for a minute and breathed. That helped me more than anyone can know. Sometimes it seems like everything is weighing down on you at one time but once you step back and put things into perspective it isnt so bad.

Aug 2009
5:27 PM EDT

If he's dumb enough to walk away, I'll be smart enough to let him go.

I can't believe how good things can seem but all of a sudden it just goes away. We had amazing times together and I never wanted us to be apart. When I was with him I felt so special. We held hands and it was a spark there that could be seen and felt. We kissed and it was like the earth shook. But he let it go..for good this time. The hard part for me is knowing that he's not mine. I think about him constantly and it's been other guys after him, but I haven't felt anything close to what I felt with him. But sometimes the hardest part of it all is letting go. I'm gonna let him go for once and for all. I'm tired of clinging to something that isn't even there. I'll never forget what we had together, but I will move on and find something that makes me even happier. When God removes things and people from your lives it's for a reason. He's making room for bigger and better things to come in.

Apr 2007
6:24 PM EDT

Has anyone noticed those quotes at the top of the screen when you're writing a message?...I love those!...Okay today was a really good day. I mean nothing out of the ordinary happened but still it was good. It was calm today. I love it when I'm able to feel calm, cool, and collected. I know this is really dorky, but I LOVE to read and I got new book today so i'm happy! This is really random and of subject but I hate days when I feel like nothing is going right and then I get in this depressed mood that makes me want to hate everything...II absolutely hate those times! But I guess everyone goes through them...right?
1 comment(s) - 03:00 PM - 07/03/2007

Apr 2007
4:55 PM EDT

I love all my friends to freakin death! They help me get through every single day! They know when to cheer me when I'm sad and when to make me laugh even more when I'm happy. They are awesome!

Apr 2007
4:14 AM EDT

Here we go again...another drama-filled but boring day at school....you just have to love it right?.....HA! I can't wait til I graduate and head off to NYU! Bye buy by Mississippi!
1 comment(s) - 11:56 AM - 04/02/2007

Apr 2007
6:52 AM EDT

Hey you guys!
2 comment(s) - 12:00 PM - 04/01/2007

Apr 2007
6:21 PM EDT

Today I had skate practice and it was a good practice...Well me and my friends were a little loud today and sort of got in trouble but oh well lol....anywayz to more important matters....its this guy there and i've known him since i was little since we've been in skate show together but we haven't really talked until like last year i think and now he like stays right by myside whenever i'm at practice and all my friends are like yeah he likes you but i'm like no...cuz he is like a....i don't know...man slut....i guess thats what u could call it...but anyway i don't know what i should do cuz i dont think i like him but then again i think i do...gah! i need help!
1 comment(s) - 02:37 PM - 06/28/2007

Apr 2007
9:29 AM EDT

I am really glad i found this site! It helps...I think I already made a few friends off of here. With everything going on around here I think I needed this journal and some new friends i can talk to...

4 comment(s) - 06:35 PM - 08/18/2009

wickedlvr10's Profile

  • Username: wickedlvr10
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Mississippi
    WICKEDLVR10's Interests:

    About Me: I'm a caring person and I don't like to see anyone hurt. I'm passionate about whatever I do and I always like to achieve what I do. I love to think and read.

    Interests: Music, dancing, skating, reading, meeting new people, learning, Broadway, hot guys

    Favorite Music: EVERYTHING

    Favorite Movies: Moulin Rouge, A Chorus Line, Titanic, High School Musical, Rent, She's the Man, Step Up, Take the Lead, Dreamgirls, Stomp the Yard, Tristan+Isolde, Something New, All You've Got, The Perfect Man, The Princess Bride, Guess Who, 8 Below, A walk in the Clouds, and many more

    Favorite Television: MTV, VH1, Disney, Fuse

    Favorite Books: This Lullaby, Chasing Vemeer, The Notebook, JAne Eyre, Before & Again, Just Jane, Green Eyes, Gathering Blue, Summer of my German Soldier, Where the Lillies Bloom, Two Summers in the Sky, Oy Joy, From this Day, Up a Road Slowly, Timeless Love, The Skin I'm In, Nicola and the Viscount, Victoria and the Rouge, Scribler of Dreams, Tourist Trap, Speed Dating, Carribean Crusing, Good Girls, Major Crush, Wicked, Tune in Anytime, Romiette and Julio, The Little Princess, Confessions of a Not It Girls, Seventeenth Summer, Where I'd Like to be, Holes, Esperanza Rising, Ruby Hollar, and many many many many more!

    WICKEDLVR10's Friends: