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Staci07's Journal
Apr 2007
4:32 PM CDT
Hey yall! how u been latley? i hope its good, cause i'm gonna bring u down. Its so stupid how we get in those little fight with friends, like massi, or just justine but every1 gets through it rite? Well not me I no its stupid but i no dat we ain't gonna be alright. I no u think dat i sound ike a cheesy old tv cartoon, but im not gonna miss my girl. Its not kitkat, or melany, or cameron, just massie. She took my solo in the chorus, but she didn't care all she thinks about is herself! I no its rude but shes a b*****! she won't sit still and never stops braggin bout her voice.! i think im jeleous just a little bit but now i turned her away. Theres no gettin her back and dats how i like it! no 1 nos it but i can't think why she has to move! she sits next to me in band, and i don't want to git in trouble wit my teacher Mr. Oatts. I told her that i didn't wanna talk and she blew up in my face! wat am i supposed 2 do about that? Wel i g2g plz comment me! tell me wat to do?
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- 12:51 AM - 03/18/2009
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Gender / Age:
Female, 32
USA - Iowa
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About Me:
hey this is Staci, wats up!!! my fav. color is orange, my fav food is pickles! i could live off those things!! my fav animal is dolphins, i know its corny, but i luv dem. also, i LUV MONKEYS!!!! there soooooooooooo...........um....... ......aha....................cute! lol! I love my family. I have 3 bros, and 6 cats. i know its alot but u know, wat-eva! see-ya! PS: my names not really Staci- =P
soccer, BOYZ, swimming, BOYZ, money, and did i mention BOYZMyspace GraphicsMyspace Layouts
Favorite Music:
ne-thing on Kiss-FM 107.5
Favorite Movies:
ne-thing funny, or not scary. I HATE THE SCARY!
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Favorite Books:
the cluiqe novels
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