Antwan96's Journal

Apr 2007
5:11 PM EDT

Ok there is this boy named antwan he goes to my school and I like him alot and he knows that I like him but I dont think he knows how much I like him (I am talkin to him on the phone right now) to tell you the truth I think I love hom but i cant tell him that. cant I ????? he is all that cute but I like him any wayz...........I asked him if he likes me he said I dont know how can you not no if you like somebody...........I am at my daddys house right know so I cant write every thing I want to write in here cuz my dad likes to come check up on me and see if I am on a chat line................I like Antwan so much it aint even funny that is why I think I love him..................we kissed the onther day even though we dont go out yet............I know he lie me too that is why he sayed he doesnt know if he like me or not......I will write more later bye

♥ Antwan96♥
1 comment(s) - 07:18 PM - 04/04/2007

Antwan96's Profile

  • Username: Antwan96
  • Gender / Age: Male, 36
  • Location: USA - Michigan