Staci07's Journal

Jun 2007
9:44 AM CDT

hey yall i know that i havent posted i like forever!!! but u know, its summer baby!!!! i gotta do watta i gotta do!!! so swimmin is the most fun part, i can't get through a day without swimmin well i g2g swim!! lol!! luv ya!!!

May 2007
1:41 PM CDT

during PE today we had 2 run da mile sooooooooo, i waz tired!!!!!! Also kitkat blew up on me and Massi, and i dont know why?, she said we were always picking on her or sum stupid reaso, i just told her dat she stole a line from THATS SO RAVEN, and she got mad!! watevs, i dont care.

Apr 2007
1:12 PM CDT

hey yall!!! i just had my show choir concert! i waz awsome!!!

Apr 2007
5:38 PM CDT

hey i'v been on b-4 dis but haven't had time 2 leave a entry, sooooo, ya. Me'n Massie r fine now, but i still tink she tinks i lied bout, the phone messages!! WHICH I DID NOT! well ne- way im soo bor-ed! kit kat is really ticken me off lately, but i think she thinks im mad @ her bout somthin. but im not so i also think shes just mad @ me and just wont bring it up eva! thats wat she does, gets mad, won't talk 2 u 4 a cuple of days and then "thinks" about forgiving u. Its a week long process but if u sit qietly u will go undeteced in kit kats mind 4 a couple days den she'll forget why she was mad @ u in the 1st place, so she'll make up a stupid reason, then take a day 2 forget all about it. that process only takes about a week 2 so either 1 gets the job done! lol!!!, well i g2g! SEE-YA!!

Apr 2007
4:32 PM CDT

Hey yall! how u been latley? i hope its good, cause i'm gonna bring u down. Its so stupid how we get in those little fight with friends, like massi, or just justine but every1 gets through it rite? Well not me I no its stupid but i no dat we ain't gonna be alright. I no u think dat i sound ike a cheesy old tv cartoon, but im not gonna miss my girl. Its not kitkat, or melany, or cameron, just massie. She took my solo in the chorus, but she didn't care all she thinks about is herself! I no its rude but shes a b*****! she won't sit still and never stops braggin bout her voice.! i think im jeleous just a little bit but now i turned her away. Theres no gettin her back and dats how i like it! no 1 nos it but i can't think why she has to move! she sits next to me in band, and i don't want to git in trouble wit my teacher Mr. Oatts. I told her that i didn't wanna talk and she blew up in my face! wat am i supposed 2 do about that? Wel i g2g plz comment me! tell me wat to do?
4 comment(s) - 12:51 AM - 03/18/2009

Apr 2007
5:34 AM CDT

Hey yall!! i know i havent talked in ahwile, but wateva right? so i just got home from massies house and kitkat waz there 2! It was soooo, fun, and omg, melany as mad b-cause we didn't invite her! well on hursday she went home with cameron and she didn't invite, me, so why should i be sorry? Cameron hasn't even talked to me all weekend! im usually like the first person, that she calls, ever! but i can't spend ne-money to go ne- wgere, and they were goin 2 the moooovies!, but the reason i cant spend y money is that im saving up for my birthday party and every1, is talking bout it. were gonna have my party, on a friday, then 5, girls, are gonna, spend the night and we ar gonna go to the mall!, Jordan Creek!!!!! so its pretty much gonna be awsome!, but i still have to figure out who is comin to my party thou. Well, i g2g!! see-ya

Apr 2007
5:35 PM CDT

i love my my-space. i know i spellt it wrong, so ya. my URL is u can also reach me @: e-mail-

Apr 2007
9:20 AM CDT

HAPPY EASTER!!! wats up? My nefew is sooooooooo cute!!! His name is Jamie, and no, hes a boy!!! my cousin is always, her name is maddie, well ne- way, Maddie always gives me presants on small holidays, and 2day i got her like a presant 2. & the 1 time i get her a small presant, like she always does, she got me tickets to a concert and we r goin to, Kelly Clarkson!!!!!!! so now i feel like a dumbass!!! this is awsome, but i still feel bad!!!!! kitkat soooooooo better leave me a comment now!!!

Apr 2007
9:48 AM CDT

2-MARROW IS EASTER!!!! idk why, but i LOVE easter. I mean im 2 old 4 the egg thing, but i just love that i get 2 watch my nefews get the eggs & stuff!! Acually my fav part is eating the candy thats left over from th eggs, but u know dats just me!! O i have Somethin Importaunt 2 tell u!! I have a mac, computer so thats y i never have eny color on my words, apparently it doesn't work 4 mac's entrys r colorless.`~*TEAR*~` lol

Apr 2007
11:02 AM CDT

Hey yall, wats up? everything went fine 2day. i had a lunch detention though. i only had it because i spilt water, or somthin stupid like that. Well 2day waz good friday & i have 2 fast till 6:00. it started yesterday @ 7:00 but now my stomach hurts lik really bad. well i g2g!

Apr 2007
11:33 AM CDT

Hey dis is me again. So, 2day kitkat accidentally hit me. And we had just kearned about jellyfish in Science, so I said, "U r like a jellyfish" then I like put my hand on her arm and went "buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt" then she said , " oooooooooooo! Im a jellyfish!! Buzzzzzzzzzt" Then she was walkin around sayin "I have Tenticles" but this boi named Jason thought she said, "I have testicles" so, " he said kitkat has testicles!!!" It waz hilarious!! Well I g2g by!

Apr 2007
3:18 PM CDT

my mom is sooooo evil!! like she just stopped driking & now shes smoking! i mean i love her 2death but she just keeps getting addicted to stuff. nthing like drugs or ne-thing, but smoking, and alcohol. Not that shes this weird old c***tail waitress or ne-thing. shes a doctor, that makes quite a bit of money, but she has such a good life, a husband, 4 kids, and she just needs nicotine. i dont get it-Staci
1 comment(s) - 09:06 PM - 04/04/2007

Apr 2007
1:19 PM CDT

Hello my name is Staci. I am one of 5 girls who are besest friends ever. There names are KitKat, Melany, Massi, Reese, and of course me! O, and theres this other girl named Cameron who THINKS shes my friend but shes not. She lies bout everything & she even told us that she was dating a 10th grader!! were in 7th grade so i think thats impossible!! But enough about her, I have some serious dish 2 tell, and i cant get it off my mind!!! Its totally killing me!! Well Its i like this bioy but i cant tell my friends. and if ny friends are reading this , no its not tyler, but its Phil. and my friends dont know who that is b-cause im using fake names. sorry bout that but, ya. So ne-way, ill tell u what my frinds look like but i wont tell there names. Cameron- blonde blue-eyed, a little overweight Massi- burrnette brown-eyed (i think) beuatiful singer Melany- Blondish-brownish hair blue- eyed, and is the smartest of us all KitKat- burrnette brown-eyed beauty she is the most funny person i know Reese- blonde brown-eyed flexible dancer ME- Burrnette blue-eyed swimmer, who loves to dance for fun Well thats pretty much it for now, exept for this thing about cameron. She might ove to, a different school district, and i dont know what to feel. Should i feel happy that shes gonna be out of my life or should i be sad that shes gone?? I really dont know. Well i g2g so SEE-YA!! LYLAS- 2 my friends

Staci07's Profile

  • Username: Staci07
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Iowa
    Photo Album

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    STACI07's Interests:

    About Me: hey this is Staci, wats up!!! my fav. color is orange, my fav food is pickles! i could live off those things!! my fav animal is dolphins, i know its corny, but i luv dem. also, i LUV MONKEYS!!!! there ......aha....................cute! lol! I love my family. I have 3 bros, and 6 cats. i know its alot but u know, wat-eva! see-ya! PS: my names not really Staci- =P

    Interests: soccer, BOYZ, swimming, BOYZ, money, and did i mention BOYZMyspace GraphicsMyspace Layouts

    Favorite Music: ne-thing on Kiss-FM 107.5

    Favorite Movies: ne-thing funny, or not scary. I HATE THE SCARY!

    Favorite Television: MTV BABY!! LOL

    Favorite Books: the cluiqe novels

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